Obtaining the Thunder Yuanzhu

“Boom boom…” The endless thunder arcs bombarded Gu Xiangfei and Taiyuan Sect Master. Gu Xiangfei’s Qianyuan body training formula was running crazily. Absorbed by his regular exercises.

“Not good!” Sect Master Taiyuan didn’t expect the lightning arcs inside to be so terrifying. Even when he crossed the Tribulation Immortal Emperor, he didn’t have so many lightning arcs. “Kaka!” A few gaps were opened, and he was so frightened that he was about to dodge and leave the hall when a blast of immortal essence with the aura of the Great Destruction Technique bombarded him.

“Boom!” There was a loud noise, “Crack! Boom!” The rule talisman on Taiyuan’s body was shattered, and the rules of heaven and earth fell instantly, directly crushing him, and Yuanshen was bombarded and killed by countless thunder arcs as soon as he escaped .

Gu Xiangfei put away his ring with a wave of his hand, “Fight with me, you’re far behind.” He said something arrogantly.


In the Jiuyuan Dao Palace in the God Realm, the cultivator guarding the soul jade tablet heard, “Crack!” With a crisp sound, a soul jade tablet shattered.

“Sovereign, the jade plaque of the soul of Lord Taiyuan is broken. I don’t know where he fell?” The cultivator guarding the Soul Hall hurriedly came to the main hall of the Sovereign to report.

“Hmm! It seems that he was suppressed by the rules of heaven and earth. I told him not to let him go to the lower realm. He was disobedient. Now he is healed. I didn’t save anyone and I wasted a World Breaker Talisman.” The suzerain waved his hand to indicate that he knew. , Let the guard go down, and this matter will pass.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t feel anything about the lightning arcs in the hall. These lightning arcs hit him like he was slapped by a baby a few times.

After smashing the rule talisman of Taiyuan Sect Master, he realized that the original rule talisman was used to adapt to the rules of heaven and earth here. Once the rule talisman was smashed, those who used the rule talisman would also be crushed by the rules of heaven and earth, just like the fairy world It’s like going to the world of comprehension as a monk. Where you don’t belong, you will definitely be restricted by the rules of heaven and earth, otherwise there will be chaos.

He looked up to see where the thunder arc fell from. There was a bead on the top of the hall, and this bead was emitting countless thunder arcs. “Lei Yuanzhu!” Gu Xiangfei exclaimed.

Flying to the side of Lei Yuanzhu, as if sensing the danger, Lei Yuanzhu sent out a thunder arc and blasted more violently, trying to smash him into pieces, Gu Xiangfei spewed out a mouthful of blood on the Lei Yuanzhu, and performed regular exercises to refine the Lei Yuanzhu.

The arc of lightning became less and less and thinner as he refined it, and finally disappeared. Lei Yuanzhu, “Swoosh!” flew into his purple mansion.

“In the future, you can use the Lei Yuanzhu to practice the Great Thunder Art. It is estimated that you will be able to cultivate to the level of Dacheng soon.” Gu Xiangfei said in a low voice.

The sound of the thunder arc in the hall disappeared instantly. Gu Xiangfei saw that there were a few black stones on the ground besides some debris. With a regular breath, “What a pure thunder-type ore.” Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and put away these stones.

The stone walls around the main hall also carry the regular atmosphere of the thunder system. After Gu Xiangfei inspected them, he did not try to tear down these stone walls. Although these stones contained the regular atmosphere of the thunder system, they were not as good as the few fist-sized ones he got. The stone is pure.

“Huh! There is no lightning arc here? What’s going on? The lightning arc has disappeared?” A voice approached from far away, and soon entered the hall.

When Gu Xiangfei saw this monk coming in, he ignored him, turned around and walked outside the hall.

“My dear friend, wait a minute, why is there no thunder arc here?” Seeing that Gu Xiangfei was about to leave, the cultivator hurriedly stopped him.

“I don’t know.” Gu Xiangfei walked out of the hall without stopping.

“Wait!” The monk saw Gu Xiangfei leaving the hall and hurried to catch up.

Gu Xiangfei ignored him and continued to walk forward. The cultivator flashed up to him and said, “Didn’t you hear me? Are you deaf?”

“You told me to wait, so I’ll just wait? You’re not my son. Get lost!” Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and slapped him away.

That cultivator didn’t expect him to be in the realm of the Immortal King, and he didn’t escape Gu Xiangfei’s slap, bang! He fell to the ground with a bang, rolled over a few times, and his clothes and hair were covered with mud.

The monk fell down and lay on the ground laughing loudly, thinking of him as the young master of the Haotian School, the number one sect of Taihaotian, when someone would dare to shoot him flying, and he would be covered in mud and embarrassed, he would laugh instead up.

“Idiot!” Gu Xiangfei didn’t expect this monk to be able to laugh out loud, he would have slapped him to death if he knew it.

Soon after leaving Lei Yuanzhu’s hall, since he came to the barren ancient plain, Gu Xiangfei decided to take a look inside, in case he could find any natural treasures.

There are many monks in the barren plain, and from time to time you can see monks flying away. Gu Xiangfei let go of his consciousness and swept over, and saw a group of monks bombarding a small hill. After a few breaths, the hill was shattered. , there were pieces of fifth and sixth-level fairy grass, and these monks rushed forward to snatch the fairy grass.

Gu Xiangfei was not interested in these low-level fairy grasses, but he guessed that there might be something good here, so he quickly flew over.

“Newcomer, if you want to join us, come and help. You can share some fairy grass at that time. If you don’t join, don’t snatch the fairy grass, otherwise so many people will treat you badly.” There are more than two hundred monks in this group. People, the person speaking is a monk in the realm of the fairy king, and the other monks are in the realm of Luoxian and Zhixian.

“You can do whatever you want, I’m just here to take a look, and I won’t snatch your fairy grass.” Gu Xiangfei saw that this person’s speech was normal, and he didn’t bully them just because of his high cultivation.

The monks in the Immortal King Realm didn’t say anything after hearing what he said. He couldn’t see Gu Xiangfei’s realm clearly, and didn’t want to cause trouble, so he turned around and went to bombard the hill with other monks.

Gu Xiangfei saw that there were many small hills here, almost all of which were covered by natural formations. He didn’t know how these monks discovered these natural formations.

Not all the cultivators here are bombarding the small hill. There are also cultivators like Gu Xiangfei, who may be masters of the immortal formation, studying the natural formation of the small hill alone.

Gu Xiangfei also found a small hill in the distance. After running the regular skills, he saw the nodes of this natural formation. Following the nodes, he saw that there were some intermediate-level fairy grass inside. He didn’t open this formation, and continued to find another A small hill view.

Looking at more than a dozen small hills in a row, Gu Xiangfei found the rules of this natural formation, and immediately came to a small hill. This small hill is much smaller than other small hills, so many monks did not go to bombard it, maybe because they think it is small, There isn’t much in it.

Gu Xiangfei’s actions aroused the suspicion of a monk. He saw Gu Xiangfei walking around the small hills. He didn’t stay on each small hill for a long time. Later, when he stopped on a small hill, he actually sat cross-legged on the ground, deducing this The natural formation of the hill, he knew that this monk must have discovered something.

“Xianyou, how about we work together? I’m a sixth-level fairy formation master.” The fairy formation master walked to Gu Xiangfei’s small hill and asked in a discussing tone.

“It’s not good? Only level six? It’s far behind.” Gu Xiangfei has already found the node of this small hill, so why should he cooperate with this immortal master.

“You…” This fairy formation master was stunned by Gu Xiangfei’s words, and he actually looked down on him. Could it be that he is the formation king?

Gu Xiangfei didn’t even take out the array flag, he directly carved the void array pattern, and then entered the small hill in a flash.

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