The Supreme Treasure Huang Zhongli

Seeing that Gu Xiangfei entered the small hill in one step, the immortal formation master hurried over and wanted to follow in.

With a sound of “Boom!”, he was bounced by the formation, “Void… void formation pattern?” The immortal formation master exclaimed while sitting on the ground.

It’s no wonder people look down on him. Who can draw the void pattern is not the ninth-level formation king. He is a little sixA super immortal formation master is nothing in the eyes of a ninth-level formation king.

As soon as Gu Xiangfei entered, he saw this small hill. There was only one fairy fruit tree with nine dark yellow fairy fruits hanging on it. “Huang Zhongli!” Gu Xiangfei exclaimed. One fruit is the innate dao fruit that can help realize supernatural powers and improve one’s own strength. These nine dao fruits can comprehend nine great supernatural powers.

Gu Xiangfei was pleasantly surprised, how could there be such an innate treasure here? Receive the star beads first and then slowly realize it yourself!

He took out the formation flag and set up a dragging formation. The entire hill, “Boom!”, was moved into the star bead. The natural formation of the hill shattered and fell out of a deep pit inside.

Gu Xiangfei stepped out of the place that turned into a big pit, and fled away.

After seeing Gu Xiangfei’s departure, the immortal formation master had disappeared the small hill, revealing a big hole, knowing that the things had been taken away by him, he didn’t feel jealous at all, but deeply admired the strength and ability of this formation king. You will always be admired by others.

Gu Xiangfei found a valley, dug a cave, and simply set up a defensive formation. After entering the cave, he came to the star bead and saw that the hill had disappeared, and Huang Zhongli had already taken root in the star bead. The little sapling was less than a hundred meters away from Huang Zhongli, and it seemed that Huang Zhongli was moving closer to the little sapling.

Gu Xiangfei was a little surprised. With Huang Zhongli and other innate treasures, he actually moved closer to the young sapling, as if bowing his head and bowing his head. It can be seen that this little sapling is of a higher level than Huang Zhongli. What kind of tree is this little sapling?

Gu Xiangfei checked a lot of allusions in the Holy Knife School. Among the various allusions collected by the Holy Knife School, there is no introduction about the little sapling. Even the introductions of many innate treasures are not consistent with the little sapling.

Gu Xiangfei thought to himself, since he doesn’t understand, let’s sort out the harvest first! He has never had time to sort out his harvest in Jiuyuan Taoist Palace, and now he just has time.


Mu Fengyang, the young patriarch of Haotianzong, was not angry after being shot by Gu Xiangfei. He grew up being flattered by disciples of the sect. No one dared to treat him like this. As soon as he announced his name, any monk would respectfully and courteously give him three points.

It was the first time someone slapped him flying today, but he was a little excited. Someone finally dared to slap him. If he was able to slap him, his cultivation must be higher than his. It might be the late stage of the Immortal King, or it might be the early stage of the Immortal King. With a high level of cultivation, can’t it be seen that he is wearing Haotianzong’s clothes? Are you afraid that Haotianzong will find him?

The more Mu Fengyang thinks about it, the more interesting he is. He has been in Haotianzong for so many years, and he doesn’t even have a real friend. Many monks and disciples fawn on him because of the resources in his hands. He feels that he is a failure in life, and he doesn’t have a true friend. , now he has a good impression of Gu Xiangfei, and wants to make friends with him, maybe he also likes to be abused, and he feels a little perverted.

The barren ancient plain is huge, and it was really not easy for Mu Fengyang to find Gu Xiangfei, so he thought of a stupid way, first changed into the Zongmen’s costume, so as not to be recognized by others, and waited for Gu Xiangfei to come out at the entrance, no matter how long he waited Years, he has to wait until him.

A month later, Gu Xiangfei came out of the cave, and this time he gained more than any other time. Thinking that there was another suzerain of Jiuyuan Dao Palace, he didn’t kill him. He wanted to kill this Immortal Emperor Taixuan, but he was afraid of meeting God again Realm cultivator, he now knows how powerful a cultivator from the divine realm is, with his current level of formation, he can’t even break the ring of that cultivator from the divine realm.

The prohibition of this ring, even if he uses regular skills, he can’t find a way to break the prohibition. The regular atmosphere of the prohibition is several times higher than that of the fairy world. It may be broken after he ascends to the God Realm and learns the formation of the God Realm. Open the prohibition of this ring.

After letting go of his spiritual sense and scanning, he found that there were too many things in the barren ancient plain, but too few good things. He got Huang Zhongli, and he couldn’t see other things anymore. Besides, the fairy grass in his ring was all eight. Those above the first level, the low-level fairy grasses and ores, have all been refined into pills and various fairy artifacts by him. He is going to go outside to the market to exchange for some rare items.

After the decision, Gu Xiangfei didn’t plan to go to Jiuyuan Taoist Palace anymore. Safety comes first, so he can live longer. Although he knows that there are many good things in the ring of Suzerain Immortal Emperor Taixuan, it is not as important as his own life.

Unlocking the escapism, he went all the way to the exit. After five consecutive days of escaping, Gu Xiangfei remembered that his escapism was too slow. Last time, the escapism of the cultivator in the God Realm was so fast. He ran for so many days, and he quickly disappeared. After catching up with him, he wants to have another escape method, and it is a very fast escape method. The current barren ancient plain is just suitable for him to practice escapism.

There are some escapism methods in his harvest, but he didn’t pay attention to them. Now that he decided to practice escapism, he found a small valley, sacrificed the fairy cave, took out a bunch of jade slips about escapism, and slowly Check it out.

Light feather escapism, five elements escapism, wind escapism, blood soul escapism, mysterious spirit escapism… After reading more than a dozen escapism jade slips, he felt that these escapisms were not very fast, especially It is the blood soul escape technique, which requires blood and soul to practice. Although the speed is very fast, it is running away with his life. He thinks it is not worth it. Although he ran away, his life is gone. It is better not to practice.

Thinking of the space escapism practiced in the realm of comprehension, it’s a joke. It’s not a space escapism at all, it’s a kind of space defense technique at best.

Now that there are so many escape techniques, none of them are suitable for my cultivation. Why don’t I deduce a suitable escape technique by myself. The more Gu Xiangfei thinks about it, the more he feels that this method is feasible.

Since I want to create aEscape technique, then use rules to create it, called rule escape technique, as long as there are rules, my escape technique can be used, and there is no need to worry about the place where there is a space-forbidden formation, which is much more powerful than those escape techniques.

Thinking of this, he immediately deduced all the escapism jade slips carefully, then entered the star bead, and began to practice the rule escapism he created.

A year later, Gu Xiang flew out of the cave, and in a flash, he was already thousands of miles away. He had assimilated the regular atmosphere of the barren ancient plain, and performing the regular escapism here was tantamount to being within his rules. As long as his immortal essence His strength can’t be exhausted, and his rule escapism can be displayed to the extreme.

Three months later, Gu Xiangfei was already thousands of miles away in a flash, and returned to the original place in a flash. The consumption of immortal energy in his body was negligible. Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed. After ten years of cultivation in the star beads, he finally cultivated into his own rules Escape technique, if he meets a cultivator from the God Realm in the future, he will also have a supernatural way to escape.

Raising his hand and putting away the cave, his figure flickered, and he came to the exit of the barren ancient plain. Outside the exit was a market spontaneously established by the monks. He was going to set up a stall there to sell some items.

“Friend Xian, wait, I’m finally waiting for you.” A slightly excited voice came.

“Well! It’s you, what are you doing?” Gu Xiangfei saw that the one who stopped him was the cultivator he had shot flying in the Lei Yuanzhu Hall, but he didn’t expect this guy to be so persistent that he was waiting for him here.

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