Large Space Technique

“It’s nothing, I want to ask Xianyou what’s your name? Get to know Xianyou, my name is Mu Fengyang.” Seeing Gu Xiangfei coming out, Mu Fengyang was a little excited, introduced himself quickly, and then looked at Gu Xiangfei with hopeful eyes. Looking at Gu Xiangfei, it seems that he really wants to get to know him.

“Oh! My name is Gu Xiangfei, casual cultivator.” Seeing this guy’s eyes were pure, Gu Xiangfei was not the kind of cunning villain. He really wanted to know him, so he told his name.

Mu Fengyang saw that Gu Xiangfei didn’t react when he heard his name, and he knew that Gu Xiangfei really didn’t know who he was, but he became happy instead. He was afraid that Gu Xiangfei would run away immediately after hearing his name, not because he was afraid He is mainly afraid of his sect.

“Brother Gu, where are you going? Can you take me with you? I want to see and see with you.” Mu Fengyang didn’t have much scheming, and said whatever came to mind.

Gu Xiangfei was taken aback for a moment, what does this guy mean? Just met him and wanted to follow him, isn’t he afraid that he is a bad person? Or is this guy up to something? But the look in his eyes is very innocent, as if he has never been out in the family, and now he has come out to practice.

“I’m going to set up a stall in Fangshi to sell things now, so come along if you want to!” Gu Xiangfei pointed to Fangshi in front of him, turned and walked over.

“Okay! I’ll follow you.” Seeing that Gu Xiangfei agreed to let him follow, Mu Fengyang immediately followed behind him and entered Fangshi.

Because this square city is spontaneous, there is no plan, there are caves everywhere, some commercial buildings and rest houses are also built in a chaotic manner, and the stalls set up by casual cultivators are also randomly placed, not gathered together. A group of five.

Gu Xiangfei found a place with few people, took out a piece of cloth, spread it on the ground, took out some pills and various fairy artifacts, and put restrictions on the surroundings, so as not to cause confusion. I don’t want to kill people for this.

When Mu Fengyang saw that the items Gu Xiangfei put out were all middle-level and low-level items, he knew that these were things he didn’t need. Although he was simple, he was not a fool, although sometimes he would act idiotically.

After the booth was set up, monks came to visit soon, “How much is this fairy crystal?” A monk picked up a long spear.

“Don’t sell it, just exchange it for something. You can exchange any rare item, as long as it’s something I haven’t seen before.” Gu Xiangfei sat on the futon and made gestures while watching the monk.

“Oh! Let’s see if I have any weird things.” The monk has also seen the business of not selling but exchanging, so he doesn’t think it’s unusual. Every monk has a different personality.

After searching for a long time, he took out a brown stone, handed it to Gu Xiangfei and said, “How about this? Can you change this gun?”

After scanning with his spiritual sense, Gu Xiangfei found that this stone contained a trace of spatial aura. After performing the regular exercises, he was overjoyed. Although the spatial aura contained in this stone is not very strong, it is still useful for arranging a teleportation array. He has some boundary stones , but several auxiliary materials are needed to arrange the teleportation array, and this stone is just one of the auxiliary materials.

“It can be exchanged, you can take it! Is there any other stone like this? I want to refine a long knife, and I just need this kind of ore.” Gu Xiangfei pretended to be nonchalant and told the monk about this kind of stone.

“No more. I got this a long time ago. I don’t even remember where I found it.” The monk picked up the spear and left happily.

With the first monk, there was a second monk, and soon another monk came over. Those who needed pills saw that his pills were all special grade pills, so they immediately took out some messy items for him to choose.

Gu Xiangfei kept finding what he needed among these items, and then exchanged them with the monks. Mu Fengyang watched from the side, and sometimes helped to check the various items of the monks. He knew that Gu Xiangfei wanted strange items, so he Select some rare items from the monks’ items, and then Gu Xiangfei decides whether to change them.

It was the first time for Mu Fengyang to do these things, and he found it very interesting. He was excited to pick and choose among the items of the monks, and he was very busy. He also saw a lot about some materials.With a wide range of knowledge, he can often pick out many rare items for Gu Xiangfei.

Especially for the ores for refining array flags with various attributes, some rare alchemy formulas, and some ancient jade slips, he can pick them out, like the shopkeeper of a commercial building, and like a pawnshop’s court offering, he understands it very thoroughly.

Every night, Gu Xiangfei sorts out the harvest of the day, sorts out some rare items exchanged by category, and then refines these things, various attribute formation flags, various defense formation disks, teleportation formation disks, trapping and killing formation disks ………

On the second day, he continued to set up a stall to exchange items, and continued to tidy up at night. Mu Fengyang followed him every day, like a little brother, obeying Gu Xiangfei’s words without any complaints.

After setting up a stall for half a month, Gu Xiangfei ran out of pills and various immortal artifacts. He decided that today is the last day and he will leave here tomorrow, planning to go to Yucheng to set up a stall to buy Soul Killing Grass.

“Friend Immortal, I want to exchange Gan Wang Pill. Do you have any? I can exchange these things.” A cultivator who completed Luo Xian finished speaking and took out a bunch of items for him to choose.

A piece of scale armor, a book, a piece of wood, an egg of a fairy beast, five plants of seventh-level fairy grass, and a piece of ore.

When Gu Xiangfei saw these things, he was overjoyed, and calmly took out a jade bottle and handed it to him, “It’s changed.” He raised his hand and put away those things.

The cultivator took the jade bottle, poured out a elixir, and exclaimed, “Special dry king pill!” As soon as he finished speaking, he felt uncomfortable, looked around, immediately put away the jade bottle, and left quickly.

Gu Xiangfei suppressed his excitement and continued to set up stalls to exchange items. Among these things, he saw the book with four large characters on the earth written on it at the first sight, and he didn’t have time to read other things.

He did not expect to be able to exchange for the supernatural power of the large space technique here. It seems that he made the right choice to exchange items at the stall, and his requirements for the items exchanged later will be higher. The annual stall is also worth it.

“I’m going to Yucheng tomorrow, what are you going to do?” Gu Xiangfei told Mu Fengyang his decision after closing the stall at night.

“I’ll go to Big Brother, too. Don’t leave me behind.” Mu Fengyang has gotten to know Gu Xiangfei a lot during this period of time when he set up a stall. At first he called him Brother Gu, and later he simply called him Big Brother.

During the past month or so, Gu Xiangfei also saw that Mu Fengyang was a little immature in his work, but he knew a lot of things and had a good eye. He believed more and more that he came from a big family of cultivators. During this time, he grew up very fast. Come on, get a little more sophisticated.

The next morning, Gu Xiangfei sacrificed the fairy craft spaceship, took Mu Fengyang and galloped all the way to Yucheng.

“Brother, your top-grade fairy weapon spaceship is not bad. It is not only fast, but also has many defensive formations. Even if it collides with other spaceships, it will not be damaged.” Mu Fengyang saw that Gu Xiangfei’s spaceship was much stronger than his spaceship. Even better, mainly because there are many defensive formations and acceleration formations.

“If you like it, I will give it to you. This kind of spaceship is just average to me. Come and try driving the spaceship.” After Gu Xiangfei finished speaking, he gave him the pilot seat.

Mu Fengyang immediately ran over to drive the launch ship, but said in his mouth, “This belongs to big brother, I’m just talking about it, how can I take it.”

“It’s nothing, you can fly the spaceship! I’ll go to the room to refine something.” Gu Xiangfei remembered that there were still some rare items that he hadn’t checked yesterday. He had been studying the large space technique last night and didn’t have time to check it.

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