Ethereal Blue Fruit

Gu Xiangfei took out the item exchanged yesterday from the ring. This piece of scale armor carried a huge aura of fairy monsters. It may be the scales of ninth-level fairy monsters. It can be refined into armor to resist thunder disasters.

Pick up that piece of wood again, Fengyu Liumu, and add it to refine the flying fairy weapon, and the speed can be doubled.

“This egg of a fairy beast is full of vitality and blood. Let’s let it hatch!” Gu Xiangfei put this egg of a monster beast in the small world, where the aura is rich enough to hatch.

Picking up this piece of ore, “Well! The ore of the wind attribute is just right for refining the flying fairy.” Gu Xiangfei took out some auxiliary materials, sacrificed the galaxy, and melted these materials to refine the spaceship.

“Feng Yang, how about trying this spaceship?” Gu Xiangfei came out of the room, holding a newly refined flying fairy weapon in his hand.

“Brother, this spaceship is even better than the one just now. Its speed has more than doubled, and the defensive formation and acceleration formation have also been improved a bit, and the immortal energy hasn’t been lost much. It’s just perfect.” Mu Fengyang put on The newly refined spaceship immediately urged Xianyuan to accelerate. I felt that this spaceship had improved in all aspects compared to the spaceship just now, especially the speed was improved the most, so I couldn’t help but admire it.

“Then this spaceship will be given to you. When you arrive in Yucheng, you can refine it!” Gu Xiangfei refined two spaceships this time, adding wind feather wood and wind attribute ore, these materials are just enough for refining Two ships, Mu Fengyang followed him, so it’s nothing to send a spaceship.

“Thank you brother, I really like this spaceship, but you gave it to me, what do you use? I can’t take it.” Although Mu Fengyang loves the spaceship a little bit, he still decided that a gentleman should not take what others like.

“I have refined two spaceships, one for each person, you can take it with confidence!” Afraid that he would not believe it, Gu Xiangfei took out another spaceship of the same type and let him take a look. Personality, very good impression, without the arrogance of a big family, serious in work, simple in dealing with others, although some idiot behavior, but that is because he has not experienced experience, after a long time, he will naturally have rich experience, and he also agrees with this friend.

“Thank you, brother, you are so handsome.” MuDuring this period of time, Feng Yang learned a lot of languages ​​of the earth with Gu Xiangfei, and casually came up with a language that fit the situation.

“Get out! Drive the spaceship well!” Gu Xiangfei cursed with a smile, turned around and entered the room of the spaceship.

He has already read the large space technique in detail. Gu Xiangfei feels that it is difficult to practice the large space technique with his current strength. First of all, his understanding of space is not deep enough. It can be said that he has been in contact with very few spaces, and he does not understand space. Using it, thinking of the space escapism that he practiced in the cultivation world before, it is even more funny. What is the space escapism? Now after seeing the big space, he knows what space is. Up to now, the items he has are only a few. Boundary stones contain space rules.

He can arrange short-distance teleportation arrays. He has never been in contact with such cross-domain teleportation arrays, and there are only a few teleportation arrays of the Holy Sword Sect within the middle sky domain.

Putting away the book “Large Space Art”, he decided to buy more items related to space rules in Yucheng. There are many idle monks here, so there are probably a lot of weird items.

After the speed of the spaceship increased, it arrived in Yucheng in less than ten days. Gu Xiangfei didn’t bother the people of the three major alliances. He set up a stall in Fangshi outside Yucheng, and bought the killing grass and other items related to space rules. , and other things are not needed for the time being.

“You go to practice! It’s only the middle stage of Immortal King, and your cultivation level is a bit low. It’s best to practice until you come out as an Immortal King.” After Gu Xiangfei set up a booth, he sacrificed a cave and asked Mu Fengyang to practice in it.

“No need! My Immortal King is not low in the middle stage, big brother, go to practice! Your cultivation is strong, you can walk sideways in the three major heavens, and you won’t be afraid of others bullying us.” Mu Fengyang doesn’t want to practice at all, if If he wants to practice, he will not come out. Cultivating in the Zongmen is more powerful than the fairy spirit outside.

“No matter what, just go if you are told. I want to cultivate very quickly, and now I want to collect some things.” After Gu Xiangfei finished speaking, he raised his hand and rolled up Mu Fengyang and threw it into the cave.

“Fuck! Big Brother, are you already in the realm of the Immortal Emperor?” Mu Fengyang was taken aback by Gu Xiangfei’s faint trace of the Immortal Emperor’s aura. He always thought that Gu Xiangfei was in the late stage of the Immortal King, or the early stage of the Immortal King, but he did not expect him to be Immortal Emperor realm, this hit him hard, it turns out that the elder brother is so powerful, almost equal to his father’s cultivation level.

The fairy aura in Gu Xiangfei’s cave was so thick that it almost turned into rain and mist. As soon as Mu Fengyang entered the cave, he groaned comfortably. This was several times stronger than the fairy aura in the sect. He immediately sat cross-legged Practice on the futon.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and wrote a few words, “If you buy the white Soul-killing Grass, you can exchange it for Soul-killing Pills and Immortal Crystals, and if you buy items that contain space rules, you can exchange them for any item.”

As soon as the sign was erected, a monk immediately came over and asked, “How do you exchange the white soul-killing grass for the soul-killing pill? What color is your soul-killing pill?”

“My soul-killing pill is brown. You can exchange one white soul-killing grass for one.” After speaking, Gu Xiangfei took out a jade bottle and poured out a brown premium soul-killing pill.

“Special soul-killing pill! I’ll exchange five.” The monk immediately took out five white soul-killing grasses and exchanged them for five special-grade brown soul-killing pills.

The other monks saw that it turned out to be a special soul-killing pill, and immediately took out the white soul-killing grass and money to exchange it. The monks who didn’t have the white soul-killing grass quickly took out the messenger talisman to send a message to their friends, and immediately came here to exchange for the soul-killing pill.

In less than a day, Gu Xiangfei received more than 500 white soul-killing grasses. He felt that he had enough, so he immediately put away his stall, entered the cave, sacrificed the alchemy furnace, and refined the white soul-killing pill.

The next day his brand was changed, and he purchased items containing space rules, which can be exchanged for any items you need, and the price is based on quality.

After the brand was changed, fewer monks came. Some monks didn’t exchange for the Soul Killing Pill yesterday. After coming to exchange today, they found that there was no more Soul Killing Pill, and they had no space for items, so they left disappointed.

“My dear friend, see if I can exchange this piece of ore for a soul-killing pill.” A monk took out a piece of ore and handed it to him. This piece of ore was the size of a washbasin.

Gu Xiangfei took over the ore operation rules exercise, and immediately felt that this ore contained some starry sky rules. Although there are no space rules, it must be a top-level material.

“It’s changed.” Gu Xiangfei took out a soul-killing pill and handed it to him, just about to put away the ore, “Wait a minute!” A voice came, and then a monk came to his booth.

Gu Xiangfei ignored him, raised his hand to put away the ore, and just said what he had to say. He annoyed those monks who told him to wait a bit, as if they were ordering him.

“Friend Xian, can you show me that ore? I can exchange it with you.” The monk didn’t get angry when Gu Xiangfei put away the ore, but took out his own jade box and handed it to Gu Xiangfei, obviously Very sincere.

Gu Xiangfei had a good impression of this monk. Maybe the monk was a little anxious when he saw the ore, so he asked him to wait. He was very satisfied with the subsequent actions. He took the jade box and opened it. Inside was a shriveled fairy fruit. “Empty Spirit Languo!” Gu Xiangfei yelled secretly, this is a spiritual fruit that contains space rules, but unfortunately it is a bit shriveled and lost a lot of space rules.

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