The Purpose of the Boundary Stone

“Friend Xian, this fruit is a bit shriveled. I can only exchange one third with you. If you agree, you can exchange it. If you don’t agree, forget it.” Gu Xiangfei said as he took out the pitted ore and handed it to the monk.

“Okay! I’ll change it.” The monk glanced at the ore with a trace of surprise in his eyes, and quickly pretended to beAs if nothing had happened, Gu Xiangfei knew that he had lost money, but he had already spoken, and he couldn’t go back on his word.

“Can Xianyou tell me where I got this fruit? I don’t mean anything else, I just feel that it has not been preserved well, as if it has been roasted by flames and frozen in an extremely cold place. If you want to say it, you can say it. It’s okay. I’m just asking casually.” Gu Xiangfei looked at the fruit in his hand, and quickly told the origin of the fruit.

The monk was startled, and thought to himself, this man is so powerful, he can guess almost exactly based on the surface of the fruit, after thinking for a while, he took out a jade slip, handed it to Gu Xiangfei and said, “This is where I found the fruit , but it’s not very dangerous, my beast pet has already fallen because of this fruit.”

Gu Xiangfei took the jade slip, his consciousness scanned and saw a map jade slip, marking the location of this fruit, he took out a elixir and handed it to the monk, “Take it! It can heal your injury.”

The cultivator was shocked again. This stall owner is too powerful. His injuries are so well hidden that the stall owner can see it. It seems that his cultivation base is much higher than his own.

“Thank you for the gift of immortal friend.” The monk took the elixir and swallowed it in one gulp. The elixir melted in his mouth and quickly repaired the injuries in his body. In less than half a stick of incense, the injuries that had plagued him for more than a year were healed. He sighed secretly, sure enough people are mutual, he gave the map jade slip to the stall owner, and the stall owner gave him a elixir.

After Gu Xiangfei checked the jade slip map, he found that this location is at the junction of Daodetian and Taihaotian. There must be a Konglinglan fruit tree there, and there is not only fire but also ice there. It is estimated that the monk wanted to get Konglinglan. Fruit, he did not hesitate to let his beast pet take the risk to pick the fruit. Although he harvested a ethereal blue fruit, it also led to the fall of his beast pet.

After reading the jade slips, Gu Xiangfei immediately decided to go there to have a look, raised his hand and put away the booth, looked back at the cave, and asked Mu Fengyang to practice here first, and he came back soon.

A stream of light flashed after the newly refined spaceship was brought out. This newly refined spaceship was added with several wind-attributed materials, and its speed was more than doubled. Sure enough, it was different with good things.

He was originally not very far away from there, but now the speed of the spaceship has increased, and in less than three days, he arrived at the place on the jade slip.

Put away the spaceship, look at the Grand Canyon in front of you, pass through this Grand Canyon, and then walk in to the position on the jade slip.

After letting go of his consciousness, he found that his consciousness couldn’t even sweep through the Grand Canyon. There is a formation that naturally isolates consciousness. Gu Xiangfei looked at such a large natural isolation formation, and couldn’t find this natural formation for a while. The node of the law, this natural formation is too complete.

According to his current formation method, these natural formations cannot be said to be able to find the nodes at a glance, but it will not take much time to find the nodes.

I found a position, sat cross-legged on the ground, performed regular exercises, and looked for the nodes of this natural formation.

Three days later, Gu Xiangfei stood up in disappointment. This natural formation has no nodes, as if this is an ordinary place without a natural formation, but how could it block his consciousness?

Gu Xiangfei decided to go in directly, first find the Kongling Languo, and follow the position on the jade slip, use the escape technique to flash in, boom! Suddenly, he seemed to have entered a viscous space, the viscous atmosphere around him almost fixed him here, the escapism immediately slowed down, and he tried a few more times, but the escapism could not be performed at all, as soon as he stopped When he got down, the viscous breath began to gather towards him, and he felt that he was about to be wrapped in the viscous breath.

He was terrified, and hurriedly moved his steps, wanting to back out, but who knew he couldn’t even turn around, so he could only walk forward, but found that he could walk normally.

Gu Xiangfei immediately operated the regular exercises, looking for the regular aura of this space, and wanted to assimilate the rules here. After running for a few weeks, he couldn’t find a trace of the regular aura here. He was very surprised, and continued to run the rules while walking Gongfa.

After a few more cycles, I still haven’t found the regular aura here, even a trace of the regular aura can’t be stripped out.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t give up. He thought that his regular exercises would definitely find the regular aura here. He kept running the regular exercises to find the regular aura here, and suddenly his whole body relaxed, and he walked out of this space.

The Grand Canyon is still in front of him, but his position is already on the edge of the canyon, and he can walk out of this space.

He turned around and entered this space again, only to find that there was no more viscous aura here, and it was no different from a normal place.

Gu Xiangfei felt strange, so he simply walked back to the place where he came from, entered this space again, and found that the viscous aura appeared again, and this time the viscous aura was even thicker, he felt that as long as he stopped, he would be enveloped in an instant Get up and become the regular breath here.

While walking, he ran regular exercises, looking for the regular atmosphere in this space, but unfortunately failed again this time, and he came back again.

After going back and forth several times in a row, he found that the viscous breath became thicker and thicker each time as he moved forward. He was so scared that he didn’t dare to continue the experiment. If he was trapped in this space, he would be finished.

But he didn’t understand the viscous atmosphere in this space, and he was unwilling to leave here. He always felt that he had forgotten something.

The spiritual sense scanned the items in the ring, and felt that there was nothing that could be used here, eh! He saw dozens of boundary stones in the ring. These boundary stones were obtained by him in the cultivation world. Boundary stones are materials for arranging teleportation arrays. They contain a trace of space rules, and they are still useful in the cultivation world, but the rules of heaven and earth in the fairy worldI don’t know how many times higher than the cultivation world, even if you set up a teleportation array, you can’t teleport very far, and it’s not as fast as his escape technique, so you keep throwing it in the ring.

He casually took out a fist-sized boundary stone, wanting to see how much space rules the boundary stone can exert in the fairy world, and if it is useful, save it for arranging a teleportation array.

Suddenly, he found that the boundary stone in his hand was absorbing the sticky aura in front of him. In less than two breaths, the sticky aura was absorbed by the boundary stone, and the boundary stone began to glow slowly, which was obviously caused by the absorption of the viscous aura. Entering the boundary stone with the sticky breath, the boundary stone became brighter and brighter, and there were a few fine lines on the surface of the boundary stone, as if it was about to be unable to bear the sticky breath, but the boundary stone was still absorbing it.

“Not good!” Gu Xiangfei threw down the boundary stone, and immediately moved away from Qianzhang. With a loud “Boom!”, the space was shaken by the shock wave of the explosion for a few times, and then stabilized. pit.

“Damn it! It’s so powerful.” Gu Xiangfei said a spoken language of the earth, came here again in a flash, looked at the big pit several feet deep, and thought that even if he had practiced the body exercise formula, he would probably be injured by the boundary stone.

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