Empty Linglan Fruit Tree

After a few steps, I came to the Konglinglan fruit tree, and found that the tree formed a space within five meters around it, and was not affected by the cold breath at all. It turned out that this is the condition needed for the growth of Konglinglan fruit, and it needs to be in the space in the center of the extreme cold. to conceive.

After the extreme cold area is frozen and cracked, a space will appear in the center. There is no other regular atmosphere in this space. Only the regular atmosphere of space can make this place suitable for the growth of ethereal blue fruits. Neither formed.

Gu Xiangfei took out the formation flag and set up a dragging formation. This time, he moved the Ethereal Lan fruit tree into the star bead smoothly, and the space left behind will give birth to another Ethereal Lan. fruit trees.

After calculating the time, more than half a year has passed, and this time I came out to gain a lot, not only perfected the star beads, but also got two treasure spirit trees, and added a few more regular breaths.

The rule escape technique unfolded, and soon came out of this grand canyon, sacrificed the top-grade immortal weapon spaceship, and galloped towards Yucheng.

Three days later, when I came outside Yucheng, I saw that the caves were still standing there. There were many such caves, and there were people practicing in them, and no one disturbed the practitioners in the caves. Feng Yang is still cultivating, his aptitude is good, and he has cultivated to the late stage of Immortal King.

Gu Xiangfei did not practice the large space technique, but continued to set up a stall to exchange some rare items. He felt that he still needed a lot of things. At the very least, he needed to collect some maps of spiritual fruit trees and identify the species of the sky-defying little saplings. He was so confused I don’t know anything about it, and I don’t know its use. The feeling of having a treasure mountain in vain and not knowing it is too outrageous.

His stall soon became famous. Many cultivators in Yucheng now know this stall owner, who specializes in collecting things that others don’t want. If he likes something, you can ask for a price, even if it is dry Wang Dan can have it.

“Don’t want these things, please leave!” Gu Xiangfei waved his hands again to let the monks in front of him leave. He didn’t know how many times he sent these monks away.

Since he started to collect some rare items, many monks come here every day to try their luck. Some monks even took out an ordinary mountain rock to ask him for identification. Fortunately, he didn’t want to kill people, otherwise the monk would be bombarded with his breath. .

Two months later, a cultivator from the Zongmen came here, and he asked everyone if he had seen such a cultivator. While asking, he raised his hand and drew a cultivator’s face in the air.

Gu Xiangfei looked up at the young monk in the air, isn’t this Mu Fengyang? What is this monk looking for him for? Wouldn’t it be possible to send him a message, and suddenly remembered that the cave had already set up an isolation formation, and the message talisman couldn’t find Mu Fengyang’s location, so naturally he couldn’t receive the message.

Raising his hand, he shattered the figure in the air and said, “Who are you? Find himwhat? ”

When the cultivator saw someone smashing the graphics in the air, he immediately became furious. He heard Gu Xiangfei’s words just as he was about to explode, and immediately knew who he was looking for.

“Excuse me, friend Xian, have you seen my junior brother Mu Fengyang? I am Wen Chang’an of the Clear Sky School. Junior brother Mu has been out for more than a year. Since he disappeared more than half a year ago, he has not been contacted. The suzerain is looking for him and sent us out. Looking for it, please let the fairy friend tell you, I am very grateful.”

“Yeah! I’ve met him before, let him come out to see you right away.” Gu Xiangfei didn’t know whether it was true or not after hearing what Wen Changan said, but he wasn’t worried about Mu Fengyang’s safety either. The three major heavens have never been afraid of anyone, except of course the monks of the God Realm.

Use your spiritual sense to send a sound transmission to Mu Fengyang, let him come out, someone will look for you outside.

“Thank you fairy friend for letting me know.” Hearing what Gu Xiangfei said, Wen Chang’an hurriedly clasped his fists and gave a thank you. The expression on his face looked very excited.

“Huh! Senior Brother Wen is looking for me?” After hearing Gu Xiangfei’s voice transmission, Mu Fengyang stood up and left the cave to see that Senior Brother was looking for him.

“Junior Brother Mu, I found you, even after sending a message, the suzerain sent a few of our senior brothers to look for you. Now let’s go!” Wen Changan immediately wanted to take Mu Fengyang with him after seeing Mu Fengyang coming out. Back to Zongmen.

“Brother Wen, wait a minute. I’ll say goodbye to elder brother before I leave.” Mu Fengyang turned around to say goodbye to Gu Xiangfei. Gu Xiangfei waved his hand and said, “Okay, don’t be naughty, hurry up! Send me a message if you have anything to do!”

Wen Changan saw that Gu Xiangfei was very rude to Mu Fengyang, as if he had been an old friend for many years. He didn’t know how Mu Fengyang met Gu Xiangfei, but seeing that this monk was setting up a stall, he was probably an ascetic monk, Junior Brother Mu Will he be deceived? Later, ask Junior Brother Mu how many fairy crystals he has been cheated of. If there is less, let him spit it out.

Wen Chang’an sacrificed the celestial weapon spaceship, called Mu Fengyang to come up, and then inspired the spaceship to gallop away.

“Junior Brother Mu, who is that vendor? How did you know him?” Wen Changan on the spaceship began to ask.

“Brother Gu! I have known him for more than half a year. Speaking of which, I only met him after he slapped me. I have learned a lot from him.” Mu Fengyang’s eyes showed admiration when he talked about Gu Xiangfei gaze.

“Ah! He even took a picture of you. What cultivation level is he? Didn’t you tell him that you belonged to the Clear Sky School?” Wen Chang’an was taken aback. To be able to take pictures of Fei Mu Fengyang, his cultivation level must be several levels higher than his. Isn’t he afraid of Haotianzong?

“Brother Gu is an immortal emperor, I didn’t tell him that I belonged to the Haotian School, and he didn’t ask me where I was, as if he didn’t care about these at all.” Mu Fengyang’s words made Wen Changan jump If it wasn’t for him, he would definitely not lie. Knowing Mu Fengyang’s character, he himself couldn’t believe it.

“Senior Brother Wen, why is my father looking for me? You are in such a hurry.” Mu Fengyang was a little surprised, his father never cared where he went.

“I don’t know either. It seems that something happened to the sect, and the suzerain asked us to come to you. I guess it has something to do with the destruction of the Jiuyuan Dao Palace in the Yuqing Tiantian Domain.” Wen Changan told Mu Fengyang his guess.

“Jiuyuan Taoist Palace has been destroyed? Damn it! Which sect is so powerful?” Mu Fengyang was taken aback by the news. Yuqingtian Jiuyuan Taoist Palace and their Haotian School are also the most powerful in the same heaven. The great sect has now been wiped out, the news is indeed shocking.

“It has been extinct for more than half a year, and it was only recently reported that it was exterminated by a monk. The disciples of Yuqingtian’s other sects all ran to the Jiuyuan Taoist Palace to search for resources. The suzerain of Yuandao Palace is Immortal Emperor Taixuan, but he has been abolished, and many monks are looking for him, trying to steal his ring, anyway, he is powerless to resist now, and I don’t know if he has been found.” Wen Chang’an said He also showed a regretful tone, it seems that he also went to look for it, but the suzerain asked them to look for Mu Fengyang, so he didn’t look for Immortal Emperor Taixuan.

“Just one monk destroyed Jiuyuan Dao Palace, this monk is too awesome.” Wen Chang’an couldn’t understand Mu Fengyang’s words, what an awesome one! Fuck! Where did you learn these words? Could it be taught by the Immortal Emperor who set up a stall?

Wen Chang’an really guessed right. Mu Fengyang learned a lot of these earth dialects from Gu Xiangfei, and he felt that the meanings in the earth dialects were sometimes very suitable for the situation at that time.

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