News of the Space Beast

After Mu Fengyang left, Gu Xiangfei continued to set up a stall to collect items, and went to the cave to practice the large space technique at night.

It is much more difficult to practice large space technique than the other great supernatural powers. He knows too little about the rules of space. A piece of fruit, I have been distressed for a long time.

He would sit under the sky-defying sapling inside the star beads every night, meditating on the rules of space. The sky-defying saplings could purify his sea of ​​consciousness, but it didn’t help much with the rules of space. However, sometimes he meditated for too long, sitting Under the small sapling against the sky, it can make the sea of ​​consciousness clear, which can be regarded as a little help.

Now there are five trees in his star bead, but unfortunately none of these trees have grown up. Under each tree, he has arranged a gathering array with fairy veins to provide fairy energy for these trees to absorb. The earliest star fruit tree, Later, the sky-defying small saplings, Huang Zhongli, the unknown blue fruit tree in the viscous space, and the ethereal Lan fruit tree.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t get any harvest all night, so he wasn’t discouraged. He used a shriveled Void Spirit Fruit and another Void Spirit Fruit picked from a tree.Lan Guo, to some extent, also has some understanding of the rules of space, and he has assimilated the breath of rules of space contained in the boundary stone. He believes that with a few more items containing rules of space, he will definitely be able to cultivate to the entry level.

Ten days later, when he was setting up his stall, he received a message from Mu Fengyang, “Brother, our sect disciples discovered a space crack, and some foreign monks and space beasts entered the three major heavenly domains through the void crack. The cultivation methods of monks are different from ours. Their realm is clearer and the rules are more complete. Especially the space beasts have a hint of space rules, which is very powerful. Now the three major heavens are calling monks to prepare to fight them, big brother You have to be careful.”

After hearing Mu Fengyang’s message, Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed. He was not interested in foreign monks, but the space rules of space beasts aroused his interest. He decided to immediately catch space beasts and investigate their space rules.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t go to look for Mu Fengyang. He knew that Mu Fengyang’s cultivation base was too low, and he didn’t have time to take care of him. Besides, he came here for the space beast this time. Naturally, the fewer people who know about it, the better.

Sacrifice the Immortal Artifact Spaceship, and head to the Void Crack by himself. According to the approximate location that Mu Fengyang said, he thought that he would definitely meet the monks from the Immortal Realm at that time. It should be easy to find out the location of the Void Crack by asking them.

The three major heavenly domains are vast and boundless. Even though his spaceship is a top-grade immortal weapon, it took him five days to fly out of the three major heavenly domains and gallop towards the void.

When the spaceship sailed out of the realm, Gu Xiangfei asked the monk for the direction of the void crack. The monk heard that he was going to the void crack, so he quickly dissuaded him from going, “My dear friend, I advise you to go back! I heard that there are Foreign monks and space beasts, and their cultivation methods are different from ours, it seems that their immortal power is more pure and thicker, and a friend of mine died there.”

“It’s okay, I’m just going to kill them. I’m not being honest when I come to my fairyland. I dare to slaughter my monks in the fairyland. Thank you fairy friends for your guidance. Farewell!” Long-winded, sacrificed the spaceship and galloped away.

The cultivator looked at the back of the spaceship in the distance, and muttered to himself, “Another one sent to die, the words are very encouraging, don’t be beheaded by the foreign land again.”

“My dear friend said who was beheaded by a foreign cultivator again?” A cultivator full of hostility suddenly appeared in front of this cultivator.

“Oh! A fairy friend asked me the location of the crack in the void just now. He is going to kill the monks from other lands to avenge our monks in the fairy world. I am afraid that he will be killed by the monks from other lands.” The monk quickly said what happened just now .

“You are a coward, you’re useless, you should go with him! Even if you can’t kill the monks from other lands, you can still explode and hurt them!” The hostile monk scolded the monk, and immediately chased after Gu Xiangfei.

“Actually, I want to go too, but my strength doesn’t allow me! You all say that about me and let me blew myself up. It’s useless for me to blew myself up in the realm of Luo Xian.” The monk roared hoarsely.

“Actually, you don’t have to blow yourself up. It’s good that you can cheer for them by the side, but it’s a pity that you don’t even dare to go to cheer for them. What are you? After a few words, he chased after the monk in front of him.

“Okay! I’ll go! Damn, isn’t it hard to force people to put ducks on shelves?” The monk was aroused, cursing and just about to sacrifice the spaceship when another voice came from behind, “Below the realm of the Immortal King!” The cultivators left here quickly, and if they go, they will die.”

A huge spaceship galloped away from above his head. The voice of what he said just now was obviously coming from the spaceship.

“I’m going to fuck. That senior was right. If I go, I’m going to die. I was almost coaxed to die by those people in front.” Brother Luo Xian hurriedly sacrificed the spaceship and left here.

Gu Xiangfei quickly left the realm and entered the void. A crack appeared in this void, and the pressure inside had been completely released, and no void blades appeared again.

No void blade light appeared, and Gu Xiangfei flew for another two days before he saw three foreign monks in front of him. These foreign monks were different from the immortal monks, with high noses and deep eyes, fair skin, thinning hair, but many beards. I can’t even look at my mouth.

Gu Xiangfei is a little strange, what do these people eat? Suddenly remembered a joke his son Gu Yunhao told him.

The host of a family invited guests to dinner, and one of them had a big beard. The servant served wine and food to the guests, but the host did not serve wine and food to the bearded guest. The host asked the servant why he did not serve wine and food to the bearded guest.

The servant replied, “How can this guest eat without a mouth?”

The guest was furious when he heard that, he pulled his beard away and said, “I’m not a mouth, could it be your mother who forced me?”

Gu Xiangfei couldn’t help laughing when he thought of this. Seeing Gu Xiangfei, the three foreign monks smiled at them, thinking that he was trying to beg for mercy. A generous sword struck towards Gu Xiangfei.

Seeing their regular aura, Gu Xiangfei was indeed more pure and thicker than the Immortal Yuanli, revealing the realm of the Immortal King. fist.

“Boom…” The immortal force and the original force clashed together, Gu Xiangfei retreated several hundred feet, and the three foreign monks also retreated several hundred feet.

Sure enough, it is stronger than the immortal power. Gu Xiangfei also used the realm of the immortal king to fight against him.They are facing each other, and feel that their regular aura is stronger than that of the fairy world, and the fairy king realm can fight against the fairy king realm without falling behind.

He immediately operated the regular exercises, absorbed their regular breath, and then assimilated these exotic regular breaths, turning them into part of his own rules.

The three foreign cultivators saw that Gu Xiangfei was being repelled, and then used the original force to urge the original attack weapon in their hands. The blade light soared and bombarded Gu Xiangfei.

After Gu Xiangfei assimilated the aura of these foreign rules, he raised his hand and punched again. At the same time, the Immortal Emperor Domain directly imprisoned the three foreign monks.

With a sound of “Boom…”, the three foreign cultivators looked terrified, and were directly smashed into pieces by his fist. They raised their hands and put away their rings.

“Immortal friendly boxing.” A voice approached from far away, and then a monk full of hostility appeared in front of Gu Xiangfei.

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