Practicing Large Space Art

Gu Xiangfei glanced at this stern monk, “Generally speaking, the cultivation of these three foreign monks is too low, it’s still very easy to kill them.”

“My name is Lang Zhonglin, a casual cultivator. Because of the exercises I practice, I have a lot of hostility.” Lang Zhonglin, a cultivator with hostility, did not hide his hostility at all, and said frankly that he practiced exercises with severe hostility.

“Gu Xiangfei, loose cultivator, is it possible that Lang Xianyou is practicing the Dao of Slaughter? Otherwise, how could there be such a heavy hostility?” Gu Xiangfei quickly found his regular aura to assimilate according to the hostility he revealed, and casually said that Lang Zhonglin practiced The Killing Road.

“Gu Immortal is friendly, and based on my hostility, I can tell the way of killing that I practice.” Lang Zhonglin clasped his fists at Gu Xiangfei and made a fairy first salute, with a look of admiration in his eyes. Tell me about your cultivation path.

“Nothing? The more you see, the more you will know. Fairy Lang, don’t be polite.” Gu Xiangfei doesn’t like monks who practice the way of killing. These monks are bloodthirsty, and they use killing to prove the way. Each one is someone who killed several planets.

Tens of billions of people were slaughtered by them, just to prove their own way. It can be seen how selfish and cruel these monks are. They are simply inhumane, but now this monk named Lang Zhonglin can come here to kill Foreign monks have some conscience.

Lang Zhonglin also knew that the exercises he practiced were not liked by others, so he turned around and left after a few words with Gu Xiangfei, without even exchanging communication beads, which shows that he also has self-knowledge.

“Friend Immortal was so dangerous just now. That cultivator who practiced the Dao of Slaughter has already killed several small sects in the fairy world. If he was outside, I guess he would kill you as well.” Lang Zhonglin appeared as soon as a monk left Beside Gu Xiangfei, he saw all the scene just now.

“It doesn’t matter, he can’t kill me, let me go!” Gu Xiangfei turned around and left here after speaking. When the monk came, he found out, but he didn’t dare to show his head, and hid to check them. He was a little timid and insidious. I don’t like this kind of people, and there is no doctor Lin Guangming.

Along the way, he saw the corpses of some monks from other lands, all of which had their heads smashed, and their primordial spirits were also killed. He knew that it was the doctor Lin who practiced the way of killing.

Now that there is Lang Zhonglin in front of him, he has deviated from some directions. He is not interested in foreign monks. He just wants to catch space beasts and study their space rules.

Just as he was flying, a monster with a human face and a tiger body suddenly appeared in the space in front of him, with gray light shining from his eyes, his ears stood upright, almost protruding from his head, two arms in front, and two tiger legs in the back, holding A meteorite the size of a millstone suddenly bombarded Gu Xiangfei.

“Boom!” Gu Xiangfei was bombarded by a monster that suddenly appeared, and the meteorite shattered. At this time, Gu Xiangfei’s powerful body training formula was revealed. He didn’t suffer any damage, and his body was only stained with some stone chips. He raised his hand and grabbed the monster’s body. Neck, run regular exercises to find the regular breath of this monster.

“It turns out that these are space beasts. No wonder they can suddenly appear from the space. It turns out that they use space dislocation to attack. This space dislocation can not only hide the body, but also carry out surprise attacks.” Gu Xiangfei’s regular skills were running, and he quickly found them. The regular breath of the space beast immediately assimilated the regular breath of the space beast, and from this regular breath, space dislocation and space folding were discovered.

This space beast has this kind of space rules from birth, and as they continue to grow, they will become more and more proficient at using the space rules.

Gu Xiangfei spat out the immortal essence in his hand, and the space beast turned into a blood mist. He already knew the regular breath of this space beast, and now he was going to find a space beast with a soul, and extract space dislocation from its soul. According to the rules, practice your own large space technique.

After assimilating the regular aura of the space beast, Gu Xiangfei was never attacked by the space beast again. Instead, he started to sneak attack the space beast.

A space beast was hiding in the dislocation of space at the side, and was about to sneak attack the monk who came over. Suddenly, a big hand of immortal origin reached out, grabbed its neck, and grabbed it out of the dislocation space.

Ok! This space beast has a demon core, put it away first, and Gu Xiangfei found that this space beast actually has a demon core, and he can extract the regular breath of space from the demon core.

After walking for seven days in a row, he bombarded and killed space beasts along the way, and he also harvested a few demon pills from space beasts. Afterwards, these space beasts were much less, as if he knew that he was attacking space beasts. The beasts hid, and Gu Xiangfei didn’t look for these space beasts on purpose, he just went to the void crack to see if he could assimilate the rules of the void crack.

After traveling for a while, the number of foreign monks increased. From time to time, a few foreign monks would appear and charge towards the fairyland area. Gu Xiangfei knew that he was about to approach the void crack.

After killing these foreign monks, Gu Xiangfei found that the cultivation base of these foreign monks was not high, probably some foreign monks came here to take risks in search of resources. It is estimated that a large number of foreign monks are still gathering. After the assembly is completed, they are ready to attack the fairy world .

The ring restrictions of these foreign monks are also quite special. Gu Xiangfei has never seen such a restriction. Fortunately, he assimilated the rules of the foreign monks and quickly broke their restrictions. The items in the ring are not as rich as the fairy world, but the fairy crystals they use, The fairy aura contained in the fairy crystals in the fairy world is somewhat purer, and the rules are higher, which proves that the rules of heaven and earth in them are higher than those in the fairy world.

Gu Xiangfei held the exotic fairy crystal in his hand, and operated the rules to absorb the fairy spirit in the fairy crystal. He felt that his cultivation base was declining. He was already in the late stage of the fourth level of the immortal emperor, and he was about to break through the fifth level of the immortal emperor. Immortal aura, his cultivation has fallen to the early stage of the fourth level of Immortal Emperor.

He hurriedly stopped running the exercises, felt the immortal energy in his body, and found that although his cultivation base had dropped, the immortal energy was a bit more refined.

Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed, and immediately found a valley, used the earth escape technique, went 100 meters underground, dug a practice room, took out all the alien fairy crystals he got, set up a spirit gathering array, and sat cross-legged On the futon, run the rules of kung fu to absorb the spiritual energy of the exotic fairy and practice.

The reason why he didn’t go to the star beads to practice was because he felt that after entering the star beads, the foreign fairy crystals would be assimilated by the five element rules in the star beads, and those foreign fairy crystals would lose their use.

Other monks improved their cultivation base more and more. As he practiced, his cultivation base became lower and lower. The fourth level of the Immortal Emperor fell to the third level of the Immortal Emperor, and then fell to the early stage of the third level of the Immortal Emperor, and the second level of the Immortal Emperor. Late stage, middle stage, early stage, the late stage of the first floor of the Immortal Emperor, and the middle stage of the first floor of the Immortal Emperor Gu Xiangfei stopped.

He didn’t dare to continue cultivating anymore. Firstly, there was no foreign fairy crystal, and secondly, after falling into the realm of the immortal emperor, it would be much more difficult to break through the immortal emperor.

I don’t know how long he has been practicing underground. According to his cultivation base, it is estimated that there are no more than three years. After scanning the outside with his spiritual sense, he found that there were no foreign monks. He escaped from the ground and scanned with his spiritual sense Four weeks later, a crack in the void was discovered. This could no longer be called a crack. It was like opening a boundary with the void. There was a large passage with a width of a hundred miles. The void on the side was still collapsing. An area has been formed.

Gu Xiangfei came to the collapsing space in a blink of an eye, and ran regular exercises to look for the aura of space rules here. The aura of rules here carries the aura of the rules of the void, the rules of foreign lands, the rules of space, the rules of the fairy world, and the four kinds of auras.

He has already assimilated three of the rules, and now there is only the breath of space rules that has not been assimilated. After assimilating the breath of space rules, he can practice the large space technique.

He quickly caught a trace of space rules, and immediately used the rules to assimilate. He had the regular aura of the previous space beast. It is a one-by-one, open and closed assimilation.

One month later, the rules of this space were assimilated by him, and Gu Xiangfei didn’t stop, and immediately began to practice the large space technique, from space dislocation to space folding, practicing step by step.


Mu Chenfeng, the patriarch of Taihaotian’s Haotian Sect, is titled Immortal Emperor Taihao, and Zuo Anqing, the patriarch of Yuqingtian’s Qingyu Sect who has just been promoted to the first sect, is titled Taiqing Immortal Emperor, and Liao Yuanjun, the patriarch of Daodetian’s Tianxuan Sect , titled Immortal Emperor Taide, gathered in the boundaries of the three major heavenly domains, looking at the foreign cultivator army on the opposite side, the two sides had just fought a battle, and the blood on the ground was not yet dry.

“It’s been more than three years, and our loss is huge, and the opponent’s loss is much smaller than ours. It turns out that the rules of our fairy world are one level lower than those of foreign lands, and this is why we suffer.” Immortal Emperor Tai De sighed. , They miscalculated the cultivation level of the foreign monks, thinking that the late Immortal King could kill the foreign monks in the early stage of the Immortal King, but they did not expect that the foreign monks would kill their late Immortal Kings in less than three breaths.

“All the monks who came from the foreign land this time are monks above the immortal king. Let our immortal kings withdraw! lest they die in vain.” Immortal Emperor Taihao’s Haotianzong suffered the most. Three of them were killed, and his son Mu Fengyang’s dantian was also smashed to pieces. This life is over.

“I guess the foreign monks don’t have many people. They don’t have as many people as us. Although the loss is small, they can’t afford it. It may be that the rules of heaven and earth make it difficult for them to break through to the immortal emperor. Otherwise, they will come to a few more immortal emperors. Our three The great sect has been wiped out a long time ago.” Immortal Emperor Taiqing analyzed since they fought, and found that there were only three foreign immortal emperors, and after they killed one of them, there were no more foreign immortal emperors.

“What Immortal Emperor Taiqing said is that I also found that their immortal emperors are a bit small. Now those two immortal emperors dare not come out, probably because they are afraid of being besieged by us.” Immortal Emperor Taide took the words from the side and said guess in my own mind.

There are more than one hundred immortal emperors in the three major sects. Although a few have fallen since the start of the war, they have also killed some monks and monks from other lands. The Immortal Emperor besieged and killed an Immortal Emperor from a foreign land, preventing them from collapsing into the realm again, and stalemate here.

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