Great Shape Changing Technique

Gu Xiangfei opened his eyes, raised his hand and punched out, the space was distorted immediately, and thenThat is, spatial dislocations began to appear non-stop, and some surrounding trees, weeds and vines, with the spatial dislocation, instantly turned into a piece of debris, disappeared in place, and did not know where they were moved by the spatial dislocation.

“So this is the large space technique.” Gu Xiangfei thought to himself.

He has just cultivated to the realm of Xiaocheng, and this space is completely controlled by his large space technique. He can displace this space at any time, switch positions at will, and any person or object that appears in this space is in his hands. Under control, life and death are all in his mind.

It is only now that I have cultivated to the realm of Xiaocheng, and it is still the realm of Xiaocheng in the fairy world. If I cultivate to the realm of Dacheng in the gods, it is estimated that a heaven can also be dislocated to other spaces with the big space technique. The more Gu Xiangfei thinks about it, the more he feels that this kind of big Supernatural powers simply appeared for the purpose of destroying the universe.

If there are still people who practice these great supernatural powers, and after cultivating to the extreme, it is not possible to destroy these realms, planes, and universes at any time. Thinking of this, Gu Xiangfei was horrified. He turned out to be living under the control of others.

The more I think about it, the more correct my guess is. Otherwise, how could these supernatural powers appear, and it is written on the earth, but I heard from my son that the Chinese people on the earth are very tolerant, and there will be no such bloodthirsty people.

Although Gu Xiangfei believes in his son’s words, he still feels that it is only when he is strong that he can rest assured that his own destiny is in his own hands. Putting his own destiny in the hands of others will never be comfortable, and he always feels uncomfortable in his heart. free.

Knowing the direction of his future avenue, Gu Xiangfei’s heart suddenly became clear, and his state of mind was sublimated. Although his cultivation base did not increase, the improvement of his state of mind was far more than a hundred times stronger than the improvement of his cultivation base.

“Who are you?” A voice interrupted Gu Xiangfei’s thinking. The monk spoke a foreign language. Gu Xiangfei got the language jade slip from the foreign monk’s ring, so he could understand what he said.

It turned out to be a foreign monk, and I happened to use you to experiment with my large space technique. Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed. He didn’t have to look for a foreign monk, and now he sent one to his door.

He raised his hand and punched out the big space technique. The foreign fairy emperor had just come from the foreign land. He received a summons to kill one of the three fairy emperors. There were not many fairy emperors in their realm, so naturally they couldn’t bear such a big blow. Immediately came to the crack in the void, and suddenly saw a monk from the fairy world, and asked a question, unexpectedly, the monk from the fairy world bombarded him without saying a word, and immediately raised his hand and punched him, trying to kill this fairy world monk.

With a sound of “Boom!”, the Immortal Emperor’s domain of the foreign cultivator was broken inch by inch, and the space suddenly appeared dislocated. It couldn’t be done at all, with a sound of “Boom!”, the space dislocation directly smashed him into pieces, and the soul couldn’t escape.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and put away his ring, watching the distorted space slowly return to normal, he was overjoyed in his heart, this large space technique has only reached a small level, and even the immortal emperors of foreign lands can’t escape, it really is a great supernatural power.

After killing this foreign fairy emperor, Gu Xiangfei’s confidence increased greatly, he erased the restriction on the ring, and found that this fairy emperor was really a poor ghost, there were only less than one hundred thousand immortal crystals in it, and there was a flying Immortal Artifact, an attacking Immortal Artifact, a few jade slips, two bottles of elixir, and nothing else.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t know that when this Immortal Emperor came, he put down all the things in the ring. He came here to rob, and he heard from the two Immortal Emperors that the rules of heaven and earth here are one level lower than theirs.

Gu Xiangfei scolded that foreign fairy emperor a few words, thinking that since you don’t have fairy crystals, why don’t I enter the foreign land to snatch your fairy crystals, right! Also called Mu Fengyang, his little brother, his cultivation base is too low, if he cultivates in a foreign land, he can quickly become stronger.

After making the decision, he immediately took out the messenger talisman and sent Mu Fengyang a message, telling him to go to a foreign land to grab the fairy crystal, and asked him if he would go? If not, he will go by himself.

Mu Fengyang’s current trauma healed on his own, but his dantian was shattered, and he was no different from ordinary people. His father found many alchemy kings but couldn’t restore his dantian. Thinking that he was finished like this in this life, his whole body was decadent up.

Today he was sitting outside the suzerain hall basking in the sun, senior brother Wen Chang’an talked with him to relieve his boredom, fearing that he would not be able to think about it for a while, so he followed him all the time.

Suddenly a stream of light flashed by, and a message talisman appeared above his head. Mu Fengyang didn’t even have the immortal energy to smash the message talisman. Wen Chang’an raised his hand to help him smash the message talisman.

“Feng Yang, I’ll wait for you here at the void crack in the boundary. I’m going to a foreign land to snatch their fairy crystals. Will you go? If not, I’ll go by myself.” Gu Xiangfei’s voice came from the communication talisman.

“Fuck! Brother, are you crazy! How dare you go to a foreign land to snatch their fairy crystals?” Mu Fengyang was taken aback by Gu Xiangfei’s words. Others are fighting with the three major sects in the realm, and you want to run away Exotic robbing of fairy crystals.

Not to mention that Mu Fengyang was taken aback, even Wen Changan was taken aback, Gu Xiangfei must have been too courageous.

“Brother, send a message to Brother Gu and tell him that I’m not going and tell him to be careful.” Even if Mu Fengyang wanted to go, he couldn’t help it. Now that he has lost all his cultivation, he is like an ordinary person. Where else can he go? Sit and die!

Wen Chang’an took out the communication talisman, used Mu Fengyang’s communication channel, and immediately sent a message to Gu Xiangfei, and finally told Gu Xiangfei that Mu Fengyang’s dantian was smashed.

Mu Fengyang originally didn’t want to tell Gu Xiangfei that his dantian was smashed, even if he knew it would be useless, why tell him, before Wen Changan can stop him, he has activated the summoning talisman.

Gu Xiangfei soon received Mu Fengyang’s message talisman, and thought he was going to follow him. After smashing the message talisman, he realized that Mu Fengyang’s dantian was smashed, but this matter couldn’t help him, so Gu Xiangfei immediately unfolded Rule evasion is going to Haotianzong.

“Brother, you shouldn’t tell Brother Gu about this matter, what’s the matter if he knows? But there’s nothing you can do if you’re in a hurry.” Mu Fengyang told Wen Changan that he sent a message to Gu Xiangfei, saying that his dantian was blown to pieces. dissatisfied.

“Who said I can’t help it, you idiot, take this pill, and then go with me to a foreign land to snatch the fairy crystal.” Gu Xiangfei appeared next to Mu Fengyang as soon as he finished speaking, holding a sandalwood seedling in his hand Dan, stuffed it into Mu Fengyang’s mouth, “Let’s exercise and refine!”

Wen Chang’an knew Gu Xiangfei. He didn’t expect that Gu Xiangfei would arrive at their sect so soon, and the sect’s formation didn’t block him, and didn’t send out an alarm. Otherwise, how could they enter the sect silently.

Mu Fengyang felt that he had swallowed a elixir, and the shattered dantian immediately began to gather together. In less than a stick of incense, his dantian was restored to its original state. He still didn’t believe that his dantian had been restored. Later, it was found that the dantian had completely healed.

“Thank you, big brother, for giving me the pill.” Mu Fengyang jumped up from his chair, raised his hand and punched a boulder outside the main hall. With a sound of “Boom!”, the boulder was smashed into pieces.

Wen Chang’an was taken aback for a moment, and then he was overjoyed. His junior brother’s dantian had recovered to its original state. Gu Xiangfei’s elixir could actually restore his dantian. What kind of elixir is this? The medicinal power is so miraculous, why have I never heard of it in the fairy world.

“Now that the dantian has recovered, let’s go! You don’t know, after cultivating the immortal crystals in foreign lands, they are one level higher than the monks in the fairy world. I killed an immortal emperor to get less than 100,000 immortal crystals. It’s too fucking stingy I’m going to a foreign land to snatch their fairy crystals, so I just want to ask you if you want to go, I didn’t expect you, an idiot, to have your dantian smashed, it’s really shameful.” After Gu Xiangfei finished speaking, he grabbed Mu Fengyang, and in a blink of an eye gone.

“Damn it! Is it so easy to kill a foreign immortal emperor?” Wen Chang’an was so frightened by Gu Xiangfei’s words that he also said something earthly.

“By the way, hurry up and send a message to Master to tell Master the good news.” Wen Chang’an finished talking to himself, and immediately took out the messenger talisman to send a message to Master.

“What? Feng Yang’s dantian has recovered? Who is that Gu Xiangfei? It’s impossible to kill a foreign fairy emperor? There are only two foreign fairy emperors here, and they really know how to brag.” Immortal Emperor Taihao said to his son He was overjoyed that his dantian had been restored, but he didn’t believe that Gu Xiangfei had killed the foreign immortal emperor.

“The monks in the fairy world are despicable and shameless. They even sneaked up on the Sith emperor who killed us. If you have the ability to fight with great fanfare, what kind of skill is a sneak attack?” Morality, the Immortal Emperor who attacked them.

“It turned out to be true, so it turned out to be true.” Immortal Emperor Taihao heard the curses from the Immortal Emperor from the other side, and then he knew that there was another Immortal Emperor from the other land, and he was bombarded and killed by Gu Xiangfei before he even reached the boundary. .

Who is this Gu Xiangfei? How could Feng Yang know him? Immortal Emperor Taihao’s face suddenly changed. He suddenly remembered that Wen Chang’an had sent him a message saying that Gu Xiangfei had passed through the Zongmen formation without a sound. A ninth-level formation king who was infinitely close to the divine formation master, the Yuqingtian Jiuyuan Taoist Palace, must have been destroyed by this Gu Xiangfei.

Thinking of this, Immortal Emperor Taihao suddenly became happy again. Since Gu Xiangfei can heal his son’s dantian, he must be a friend. Having such a powerful friend is a great joy for the sect!

“Brother, I found a book in Zongmen with the same font as your book. I saw you collected it, so I wanted to give it to you, but at that time my dantian was smashed and I couldn’t go out. Looking for you, now that I meet you, I will give it to you!” Mu Fengyang and Gu Xiangfei are already on the spaceship, although the rule escapism is very fast, but it will consume too much immortal power with one person.

Gu Xiangfei took the book that Mu Fengyang handed him, and saw a few earth characters on it, the big shape-changing technique. I was overjoyed in my heart, no wonder I always felt that I had hit it off with Mu Fengyang, and it turned out that I wanted him to give me this book.

The Great Yixing Technique, commonly known as the Transformation of Fetus Yixing, reminds me of the Journey to the West that my son told me. There are thirty-six heavenly transformations and seventy-two earthly evil transformations. A monkey named Sun Wukong may be a monster. There are twelve kinds of changes, and there is another one named Yang Jian who can change thirty-six Tiangangbians. When the two fight, they constantly change and change, which is very exciting. In the end, the Tiangangbians have the upper hand.

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