The Road of Slaughter

The sect disciples of the three major heavenly domains plundered wantonly in Shengyuan Tianyu, robbing the resources of countless cities and squares, and finally angered the monks in Shengyuan Tianyu, and everyone spontaneously formed a big alliance called Miemeng , is to destroy the disciples of the three great heavens in the fairy world.

Although there were many disciples in the three major heaven domains, they were all dispersed, and were constantly besieged and killed by the monks who destroyed the alliance, and the losses quickly increased.

After getting the news, the lords of the three major sects of the three major heavens immediately dispatched the immortal emperors of the sects to bombard and kill the cultivators of the Mie Mie League.

The highest cultivator of the Miemeng was only a monk in the realm of a fairy king. Immortal emperors from the three sects quickly found Miemeng’s residence. In less than half a stick of incense, hundreds of thousands of monks in the entire Miemeng were killed Once empty, the Miemeng also disbanded.

The monks of Shengyuan Tianyu fled in all directions, while the immortal emperors of the three major sects were still chasing and killing them. Dozens of immortal emperors chased and killed them for a month, half of Shengyuan Tianyu All under the control of the fairy world.

There are still two sects left in the four major sects of Shengyuan Tianyu. These two sects even opened up a large defensive formation to gather the disciples who went out to return to the sect. Obviously they were scared by the three major heavens. He trembled when he got up.

There were already many sect disciples in the three major heavens, and some casual cultivators also formed a small team to come here to take risks in search of resources, and Shengyuan Tianyu soon became devastated.

Gu Xiangfei and Mu Fengyang were on the spaceship, and when they saw the monks from Shengyuan Tianyu, they were all fleeing outside the boundary of Shengyuan Tianyu, and there were still monks from the fairy world chasing after them.

“Let’s go after those foreign monks too!” Mu Fengyang’s blood boiled as he watched. He was seriously injured by the foreign monks. If Gu Xiangfei hadn’t rescued him, this life would be over. Now he has no mercy for the foreign monks. Just want to kill them all.

“Killing these monks has no sense of accomplishment. If you want to kill them, you can kill their emperors, emperors or something. What’s the point of you, a high-level monk, killing these low-level monks?” Gu Xiangfei dismissed Mu Fengyang’s proposal. It’s too embarrassing for monks to kill these monks.

“Then we’ll follow behind them, and we’ll take action when we meet high-ranking monks.” Mu Fengyang suggested again. He still didn’t give up and wanted to kill these foreign monks.

“You can do whatever you want! I’m only in charge of the Immortal Emperor, and the rest is yours.” Gu Xiangfei turned the spaceship around, and followed the immortal monks in pursuit.

From time to time on the road, piles of ashes were seen, which were obviously left by burning the corpse with flames after the murder.

Gu Xiangfei used his spiritual sense to check while chasing, in case the monks in the fairy world encountered high-level monks from Shengyuan Tianyu.

The speed of the monks in the fairy world is very fast. Now they have basically changed the rules of Shengyuan Tianyu. gradually lost its advantage.

After chasing and killing for a month, a sect in front blocked the footsteps of the monks from the fairy world. The monks who had fled from Shengyuan Tianyu stopped in the square of this sect, preparing to fight against the monks from the fairy world with this sect.

The cultivators in the fairy world were so jealous, they didn’t care what sect it was, after catching up with these foreign cultivators, they rushed over to kill them.

The leader of the Immortal Realm is a very hostile monk. Gu Xiangfei had seen him a long time ago.Lang Zhonglin, who practiced the Dao of Slaughter, now revealed the aura of the middle stage of the Immortal Monarch, holding a double-edged halberd in his hand, and the halberd’s light burst out with ten thousand zhang blades, blasting and killing the monks in foreign lands.

“Boom…” Wherever the halberd light passed, clouds of blood burst out. The cultivation base of these foreign monks was the highest in the late stage of the Immortal King, and they all fell after being crossed by his halberd light. The heavier it is, this is breaking through a small realm in the killing process!

Gu Xiangfei saw that the sect was closed tightly, and the defensive formation was opened, and none of the disciples of the sect came out to help these foreign monks, and even the sect did not dare to open it, let these foreign monks in, and just watched Hundreds of thousands of monks from other lands were massacred, and Gu Xiangfei couldn’t help being extremely disappointed in this sect, Shengyuan Tianyu was over.

He is sure that this sect has a monk in the realm of the immortal emperor, and he actually allowed an immortal emperor to kill here in the middle of the period, and he still slaughtered in the square of his own sect. Obviously this sect has been terrified, and the suzerain is so cowardly. Zongmen disciples will not stand out anymore.

Lang Zhonglin’s aura suddenly rose, breaking through the late stage of Xianjun.

The monks in the fairy world rushed forward and snatched the rings and other items of the foreign monks who were killed by Lang Zhonglin, but Lang Zhonglin let them snatch them, and had no intention of bombarding these monks who robbed him of his spoils.

Gu Xiangfei couldn’t help but be amazed, this cultivator who practiced the Dao of Slaughter is a little too kind! In this case, if someone snatches his spoils, they will also shoot and kill these people.

Mu Fengyang, however, was eager to try it out. Apparently, he was also attracted by this cultivator who practiced Dao of Slaughtering, and wanted to go down and ask.

Gu Xiangfei understood what he meant, raised his hand to open the restraint on the spaceship, and waved to him, meaning get out!

Mu Fengyang stepped away from the spaceship, landed and grabbed a monk and asked, “Aren’t you afraid that he will kill you if you snatch his spoils?”

“Don’t be afraid, Senior Lang never kills people of the same clan. Don’t look at the way of killing he practiced, but since he started practicing the way of killing, he has made a solemn oath not to kill a single person of the same clan. Reincarnation.” The monk had a proud expression on his face, as if he was proud of having such a fellow.

Mu Fengyang was stunned. There are still such monks who practice the Dao of Slaughter? This aroused his curiosity even more, and he wanted to make friends with Lang Zhonglin.

Seeing that these foreign monks had been killed, the immortal monks began to bombard the sect’s defensive formation. At first, there were only a few people, and then more and more monks joined. Tens of thousands of monks swarmed up. The defensive array is shaky, and it is estimated that if this continues, the defensive array will be smashed to pieces in a few days.

Gu Xiangfei was a little speechless, these immortal monks are very fierce! Aren’t you afraid that the Immortal Emperor of this sect will make a move?

This sect is Feng Tianzong, one of the four major sects attacking the fairy world.

At this time, in the main hall of the Fengtian Sect, the suzerain Lan Ouhao sat on the main seat, and there were more than forty monks in the realm of immortal monarchs below. Originally, there were two immortal emperors in their sect. Sneak attack and kill, without any effort.

“Sovereign, open the Zongmen formation. Let’s go out and kill all these immortal monks. We slaughtered our fellow monks in our Zongmen Square. We have endured it. Now we are attacking our defense formation again. It is too bullying.” Xianjun stood up and asked for an attack.

“Yes! Sovereign, we can’t let them attack the formation like this, otherwise the formation will be smashed to pieces soon.”

“We’ve strengthened our defensive formation, so we can’t go out. Didn’t you see that Tianyuanzong and Wandaozong have been wiped out? I think these immortal monks will leave naturally after a few months when they get tired.”

“Elder Oak is right. Who can guarantee that the immortal emperors of the fairy world will not hide in these monks. Once we open the big formation, these immortal emperors will definitely rush in. Maybe that’s what they intend, the monks of the fairy world So cunning.”

When the peak master said these words, the peak master and elders who were about to make a move immediately became dumbfounded. It seems that this is very likely to be the case! There is only one immortal emperor in their sect, and there are more than one hundred immortal emperors in the fairy world, if a dozen or so emperors come here at random, they will wipe out their Feng Tianzong.

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