: Bombing the Defense Array

“Close the formation tightly, and check the support of the immortal spirit energy of the formation at any time. Once the immortal spirit energy is found to be insufficient, immediately strengthen it. When these immortal monks are tired, we will be safe.” The suzerain Lan Ouhao, who had been scared out of his wits, immediately Agreed to the suggestions of several peak masters and elders.

Gu Xiangfei saw the monks in the fairy world, such bombardment was too wasteful of time and immortal energy, he put away the spaceship, came to the side of the defensive formation, took out the formation flag and set up a burst formation, “Get out of the way.”

The cultivators who attacked the formation did not move after bombarding the formation for a long time. Now that they saw an immortal master making a move, they immediately retreated far away.

“Boom!” With a loud noise, Feng Tianzong’s defensive formation was smashed into pieces by the bursting formation, and the entire defensive formation crashed! With a sound, everything collapsed, revealing the scenery inside Feng Tianzong.

“Senior is mighty!” These immortal monks saw a loud noise, and the formation was shattered. They cheered in unison. Lang Zhonglin took a look at Gu Xiangfei, and he was the first to enter Feng Tianzong, and Mu Fengyang was the second to follow. Go in, and then the immortal monks also entered Feng Tianzong.

Gu Xiangfei scanned with his divine sense and found the main hall of Feng Tianzong’s sect. He walked outside the hall in a flash, raised his hand and punched the hall.

The rules of the large space technique instantly wrapped up this space. There were originally more than forty peak masters and elders in the hall. The peak master and the elders are talking withThe suzerain was discussing when these immortal monks would evacuate. Suddenly there was a loud noise outside, and then a large number of immortal monks rushed into the sect. They all knew that Feng Tianzong was over.

These people were just about to rush out of the Zongmen hall, ready to fight out to escape from Feng Tianzong, when suddenly a huge immortal energy blasted from outside the hall, which is clearly the realm that can only be released by the later stage of the immortal emperor, these peak masters and elders were shocked, He wanted to escape, but he was suppressed by the Immortal Emperor’s domain and kept exploding, turning into a cloud of blood mist.

The suzerain Lan Ouhao was also suppressed by the powerful Immortal Emperor Domain, but he was also in the middle stage of the Immortal Emperor, his own domain expanded, and he raised his hand and punched the Immortal Yuan who was blasting over. Unexpectedly, the original force he blasted had no match with the opponent at all. The Xianyuan blasted together, and it was unknown where it was moved by the space dislocation.

“Not good! Boom!” Lan Ouhao only said two words, and was blasted into pieces. Yuanshen had just escaped, and was twisted into pieces by the rules of space.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and put away the rings of these foreign monks. In the hall, except for Immortal Emperor Lan Ouhao who was able to throw a punch, the other peak masters and elders were crushed by the Immortal Emperor’s domain.

He took out the formation flag and set up a dragging formation, boom! There was a loud noise, and the three high-grade fairy veins were put into the ring by him.

After letting go of his spiritual sense and scanning, he found that Lang Zhonglin and Mu Fengyang were besieged by five monks in the realm of immortal monarchs. Lang Zhonglin even fought three against one, and it was a tie, but Mu Fengyang was in danger. Knowing the thorn, blasted into the sea of ​​consciousness of those immortals.

Mu Fengyang was on the verge of falling from the bombardment, but when he suddenly saw the foreign cultivator opposite, he screamed, dropped the attacking fairy in his hand, covered his head with his hands and screamed, he immediately understood that it was Brother Gu who was helping him, and the blade glow soared Boom killed these two immortals.

I fought three immortals with Lang Zhonglin, and one of them was also stabbed into the sea of ​​consciousness by the divine consciousness, and was cut into pieces by Lang Zhonglin’s double-edged halberd. The other two immortal monks saw that the situation was not good. Wanting to escape, one was stopped by Mu Fengyang, and the other was also stopped by Lang Zhonglin.

After Gu Xiangfei saw that Mu Fengyang was not in danger, he began to extract fairy veins from these peaks. He shattered the formations protecting the peaks, and the monks who encountered the interception were directly crushed with the domain. The monks in the fairy world saw how terrifying he was. Immediately followed behind him and killed these foreign monks. Gu Xiangfei only needed the fairy veins, and gave the other items to the monks in the fairy world. His team grew more and more, and soon tens of thousands of monks from the fairy world followed.

Twenty-five of the thirty-two peaks of Feng Tianzong were smashed by him, and fifty-seven immortal spirit veins were taken away. The immortal monks who followed him also gained a lot, and they all smiled happily. .

After Mu Fengyang and Lang Zhonglin killed these foreign immortals, Mu Fengyang took out a pill and threw it to Lang Zhonglin, and then swallowed a Peilin Dan himself to recover from his injuries.

Lang Zhonglin didn’t hesitate at all about the elixir Mu Fengyang threw over him. He swallowed it in one gulp, and the elixir melted in his mouth. He felt that his injury was recovering quickly. He had never seen such a powerful elixir. He was overjoyed. This fairy The monks in Jun’s early stage must have a lot of background, otherwise how could there be such a elixir.

“I’m Mu Fengyang of the Haotian School. Thank you for your help just now.” The cultivator Mu Fengyang was fighting against was in the middle stage of the Immortal Monarch. He knew that Gu Xiangfei could save him, but he still thanked Lang Zhonglin for his help.

“My name is Lang Zhonglin, casual cultivator, your elixir is very powerful, thank you for your elixir, but I have a question, why the two monks who were fighting with you suddenly screamed with their heads in their hands, otherwise you wouldn’t be able to kill them ” Lang Zhonglin expressed the doubt in his heart, because this situation also happened to a monk who was fighting with him.

“Brother Gu is helping, otherwise I would have died. He also gave me this elixir. He is a ninth-rank elixir king, so his elixirs are more powerful than ordinary elixir.” Mu Fengyang was a little proud He explained to Lang Zhonglin the origin of the elixir.

“Ninth-rank elixir king?” Lang Zhonglin was startled. There is only one and a half ninth-rank elixir kings in the three major heavens. I heard that there is an alchemy alliance in Yucheng, and their leader Tairen Immortal Emperor is half a ninth-rank elixir king. The reason why he is said to be half a ninth-rank elixir king is that his success rate in refining ninth-rank elixir is extremely low, and there are two success rates in ten furnaces.

There is also a ninth-rank elixir king, Immortal Emperor Taiping, but this Immortal Emperor Taiping has not shown his face for a long time, and it is said that he has ascended to the God Realm.

“Yes, Brother Gu is not only a ninth-rank elixir king, but also a ninth-level immortal formation king. Otherwise, the sect’s defensive formation would have been shattered so easily.” Mu Fengyang said another explosion .

“Ninth-level Immortal Formation King?” Lang Zhonglin was taken aback again. He didn’t believe Mu Fengyang’s words, but then he thought of Feng Tianzong’s defensive formation, and he was relieved. It wasn’t the ninth-level Immortal Formation King who could break through this. Defense array?

“Brother Gu is here, let me introduce you.” Mu Fengyang immediately said to Lang Zhonglin when he saw Gu Xiangfei approaching.

“No need, we’ve known each other for a long time.” Gu Xiangfei’s words fell to the ground.

“Lang Zhonglin has seen seniors.” Lang Zhonglin didn’t dare to call Gu Xiangfei like Mu Fengyang did. He knew that Gu Xiangfei was in the realm of the Immortal Emperor, but he didn’t expect that this Immortal Emperor was still the Ninth Grade Immortal King and the Ninth Grade Immortal Formation King.

“You’re welcome. Although the method you practice is the Dao of Slaughter, I’m very pleased that you can have your own principles. These bottles of pills will help you. I hope you can keep your original intentions, otherwise…” Gu Xiangfei Without saying anything later, he threw a few jade bottles to him, then rolled up Mu Fengyang and disappeared in a flash.

Lang Zhonglin understands what Gu Xiangfei means. Although he treats him well now, once he changes his mind, Gu Xiangfei willYou can kill him, take the jade bottle that was thrown over and open it, a bottle of nine healing elixir that you took just now, a special-grade Jinglian Dan, and a special-grade Emperor Luodan.

Lang Zhonglin was overjoyed, he will soon break through to the Immortal Emperor, has been collecting Emperor Luodan’s immortal spirit grass, and plans to collect more, and then asks Tairen Immortal Emperor to help him refine an Emperor Luodan, and now he suddenly got one The special class Emperor Luodan was so excited that he shouted in the direction where Gu Xiangfei disappeared, “Please rest assured, senior, I will never forget my original intention.”

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