Killing Seventeen Immortal Emperors

“Brother, where are we going now?” Mu Fengyang was rolled up by Gu Xiangfei and thrown onto the spaceship, thinking that they were going to the front area again, but Gu Xiangfei flew back instead.

“Cultivate hard now! The cultivation base of Xianjun in the early stage is too low. There are many foreign monks here who can kill you. After you have cultivated to the later stage of Xianjun, you will come out to experience and break through the immortal emperor. Now I will go back to your sect. Going to Yucheng to do something.” Gu Xiangfei thought about going to Yucheng this time, to see if he could absorb the big cutting technique that cut off the Thirty-three Heavenly Domain, and then returned to the Holy Sword Sect to summon a group of immortal emperors to come to Shengyuan Tianyu cultivation.

“Okay! I’ll come out after I’ve cultivated to the late stage of Xianjun, and then I’ll go find my elder brother.” Mu Fengyang also knew that he was too weak after fighting the Xianjun monks of Fengtianzong, without the help of Gu Xiangfei and Lang Zhonglin, said Maybe he will fall, he has self-knowledge, and he is determined to practice hard after going back, and it is best to break through the Immortal Emperor in one fell swoop before coming out.

Shengyuan Tianyu was invaded by the Immortal Realm, and now three of the four major sects have been wiped out, and the remaining one sect may not dare to come out again. Millions of immortal monks swept Shengyuan Tianyu, and now it has occupied More than half the area, searched a lot of resources.

Everywhere along the way was a mess. Some mountains and rivers were smashed, countless cities were destroyed, and monks were beheaded. They were originally invaders, but now they are refugees. What a great irony.

The three major sects in the three major heavenly domains moved forward as the monks in the fairy world continued to pursue and move forward. Now the location of the residence has been moved to the center of the Shengyuan Tianyu.

The immortal formation masters of the three major sects continued to deploy a large defensive formation forward, occupying the center of the Shengyuan Tianyu. The three sects of the three major sects decided to station here, so that they could retreat or retreat. can go in.

After Gu Xiangfei and the others flew for five days, they arrived at the base of the three major sects. This base area is extremely large, with a radius of a million miles. Their spaceship was spotted by the monitoring array as soon as they entered the base area.

“The suzerain has a spaceship entering our area, and the people on the spaceship seem to be the young suzerain has returned.” Immortal Emperor Taihao was practicing in the cave, but the disciples of the sect blocked the ban. Hearing that his son had returned, Immortal Taihao was overjoyed, Immediately left the cave and came outside.

Ever since Mu Fengyang recovered from his injury, Immortal Emperor Taihao hadn’t seen him. Although Wen Chang’an sent a message that his son’s dantian had recovered, he didn’t see it with his own eyes, so he was still a little worried.

“Father!” Mu Fengyang yelled after seeing his father, and then glanced at Gu Xiangfei. Gu Xiangfei was taken aback, and thought, I’m not your father, what do you think of me? Then he understood again, raised his hand to open the restraint on the spaceship, Mu Fengyang flew to the face of Immortal Emperor Taihao, hugged his father, very excited.

Immortal Emperor Taihao was overjoyed when he saw Mu Fengyang’s display of cultivation. His son had already broken through to the realm of immortal monarch, and his foundation was very solid. Obviously, the rules of Shengyuan Tianyu had been changed.

“Good! Not bad!” Immortal Emperor Taihao patted Mu Fengyang on the shoulder, and praised him a few words.

“Father, this is Brother Gu. He saved me, and he helped me break through to the Immortal Monarch.” Mu Fengyang turned around and introduced Gu Xiangfei to Immortal Emperor Taihao.

“Thank you fairy friend for saving the child, Mu Chenfeng is very grateful, the wild land is a bit rudimentary, please enter the cave for a while.” Immortal Emperor Taihao gave Gu Xiangfei a fairy first gift, useless of his title, Instead, he said his name, obviously showing respect to Gu Xiangfei.

“Immortal Emperor Taihao is welcome, I know Fengyang by fate, if I can help him, I will naturally.” Gu Xiangfei returned a salute, very satisfied with Immortal Emperor Taihao’s performance, it seems that Immortal Emperor Taihao is also grateful People with pictures, put a very low attitude, you can make friends, and it can be regarded as one more friend.

Immortal Emperor Taihao saw Gu Xiangfei without any hesitation, and followed him into the cave. He also admired Gu Xiangfei in his heart. He dared to enter other people’s caves when they met for the first time. Fear of other people’s plot.

Mu Fengyang brewed fairy tea and sat down to talk with them.

“There is still a sect in Shengyuan Tianyu now, I suggest not to kill them all, lest this sect be forced to flee to the Tianyu adjacent to Shengyuan Tianyu, attracting monks from other heavens, that is the universe. It’s a big battle.” Gu Xiangfei told Immortal Emperor Taihao about the current situation, hoping that he could stop the immortal monks and stop their progress.

“You don’t have to worry about Immortal Gu, we have already issued a notice on this matter, and now we are summoning disciples to come back and prepare to station here to practice. After the cultivation level improves, we will take down that Tianshengzong in one fell swoop.” Immortal Emperor Taihao did not shy away from Gu Xiangfei , directly told him the plans of the three major sects.

“This is the best way, so I don’t worry, I still have something to go to Yucheng, and I will say goodbye.” Gu Xiangfei took up the teacup and drank the fairy tea in one gulp, stood up and gave the fairy first gift to Immortal Emperor Taihao, then turned and walked out of the cave.

Immortal Emperor Taihao quickly stood up to return the gift, and sent him out of the cave. When he went outside, Mu Fengyang also came out to see him off.

A huge coercion suddenly came, and the defensive formation in the distanceAfter shaking a few times, clatter! With a sound of shattering, the monks in the fairy world were continuously crushed by this huge coercion.

“Not good!” Immortal Emperor Taihao yelled, and quickly flew over.

“Quickly enter the cave.” Gu Xiangfei rolled up Mu Fengyang and threw it into the cave, and in a flash he came to the huge aura of coercion, and the Immortal Emperor’s domain suddenly rose, blasting together with that huge aura of coercion.

“Boom!” There was a loud noise.

The space is constantly distorted, and ten thousand feet long cracks appear continuously in the void, and they are only a hair away from being shattered.

Thousands of miles ahead, seventeen immortal emperors stood side by side in the air, and they were the ones who emitted a huge aura of coercion just now.

Gu Xiangfei saw at least hundreds of thousands of immortal monks in the Immortal Realm resident being crushed by the Immortal Emperor’s domain, and the blood flowed like a small river, converging into a pond.

Furious, he punched out the big space technique with his right hand, and blasted the long knife in his left hand to the seventeen immortal emperors opposite him with the big cutting technique.

The seventeen immortal emperors on the opposite side are the helpers invited by the suzerain of Tianshengzong, Le Wantai, from another Jiye Tianyu. They plan to destroy the immortal resident in one fell swoop first, and then hunt down and kill the monks in the immortal realm.

Seeing that an Immortal Emperor’s domain was fighting against them without being injured, he couldn’t help admiring the strength of this Immortal Emperor. He was just about to send a few Immortal Emperors to kill him, but he didn’t expect this Immortal Emperor to fight them alone.

These immortal emperors were stunned by his actions. How conceited it is to dare to fight with seventeen immortal emperors at the same time! These immortal emperors immediately bombarded and killed him, since they wanted to find death, they bombed and killed him first.

“Boom…” The original force blasted by the seventeen immortal emperors did not hit this immortal emperor, but the space was constantly misplaced and overlapped. Their original force went to nowhere, as if they had been cut off. It was the same, but the Xianyuan force on the opposite side bombarded them firmly.

Thirteen of the seventeen emperors were blasted to pieces, and the remaining four were also smashed into limbs and dantians, “Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!” Four consecutive beeps sounded, and the four immortal emperors fell from the sky. , suddenly fell to pieces.

Gu Xiangfei was stunned for a moment, ecstatic in his heart, this large space technique is really awesome with lightning, this is still a large space technique in the fairy world, if he cultivated to the God Realm, Gu Xiangfei would not even dare to think about it.

In the distance, Immortal Emperor Taihao, Immortal Emperor Taide, Immortal Emperor Taiqing and dozens of immortal emperors were stunned. They all felt the coercion of the huge immortal emperor, and hurried out to stop this huge coercion. They were overwhelmed, they didn’t expect the scene in front of them to turn pale with shock, and then they were overjoyed, they didn’t expect that there was such a powerful immortal emperor in the fairy world.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and put away their rings with a wave. These four immortal emperors were all abolished. Gu Xiangfei didn’t bother to save them. He sent out a few fireballs and turned them into ashes. By the way, they also burned their primordial spirits. possible.

“Thank you Gu Xianyou for your help.” Immortal Emperor Taihao knew Gu Xiangfei and immediately came to Gu Xiangfei’s side to thank him.

“You’re welcome, this is what it should be. My guess was right. The other party really went to invite monks from other heavens to come over. Since this is the case, let’s destroy the remaining sect now, and I will rearrange the defensive formation. , This defensive formation is a bit weak, otherwise, how could it be smashed to pieces.” After speaking, Gu Xiangfei flew into midair, and the formation flags in his hand kept smashing into the ground.

After a stick of incense, there was a buzzing sound from the big formation, and a defensive formation was re-arranged. Whether it was the Immortal Emperor or the monk Luoxian in the big formation, they felt their whole bodies suddenly relaxed, knowing that they were protected by the big formation. All are overjoyed.

“These jade tokens can be freely entered into the formation, and the jade tokens can be copied. If there is no jade token, they will be strangled by the formation. I still have something to do, so I will take my leave first.” Gu Xiangfei took out several jade tokens and handed them to Immortal Emperor Taihao, then flashed away. After disappearing, several other immortal emperors quickly checked with their spiritual senses, and found that they couldn’t see Gu Xiangfei with their own spiritual senses.

“Immortal Emperor Taihao, who was that immortal friend just now? He left without waiting for us to thank you, how embarrassing it is for us!” Immortal Emperor Taide originally wanted to make friends with Gu Xiangfei, but he didn’t expect that the immortal hadn’t come close yet. The emperor disappeared, and hurriedly asked Immortal Emperor Taihao.

“The immortal friend just now was Xiao’er’s friend. He came back with Xiao’er this time. He was about to leave. He didn’t expect to encounter these foreign fairy emperors’ surprise attack, so he helped kill them and arranged a defensive formation for us. Copy these two jade cards for you!” Immortal Emperor Taihao was a little proud, this fairy friend Gu had a good relationship with his son, which made him look good, and this defensive formation looked even better than the one that was smashed just now. The big formation is several times stronger.

Immortal Emperor Taide and Immortal Emperor Taiqing quickly took the jade tokens and copied them for use by the disciples of the peak lord elders of their respective sects. The fairy friend just said that without the jade tokens, he would be strangled by the big formation. A large defensive formation with a strangling formation?

Immortal Emperor Taide called the ninth-level Immortal Formation King of the sect, and asked, “Prince Luo Formation, what do you think of this large defensive formation?”

Luo Zhenwang is one of the most powerful ninth-level immortal formation kings in the three major heavens, but now he is the only ninth-level immortal formation king, and the two ninth-level immortal formation kings of Jiuyuan Dao Palace have been bombarded Killed, heard the suzerain Emperor Taide asked him, and quickly checked the defensive formation.

“It turns out that this is the case. I didn’t even expect to be able to arrange a large defensive formation like this. It’s so ingenious.” King Luo Zhen said to himself while looking at the large defensive formation. Immortal Emperor Taide knew this when he heard his words. The defensive formation is much stronger than the defensive formation arranged by King Luo.

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