Crossing the Empty Moat

Time flies, Gu Xiangfei has been sitting on the edge of this gully for a hundred years, like a statue, covered in dust and branches, completely unable to see his true colors.

He has refined more than half of the Dao Rhyme of the Great Cutting Technique. The more he refines, the more he incorporates. The deeper his understanding of the Dao Rhyme of the Great Cutting Technique, the more his supernatural powers of the Great Cutting Technique are constantly improving.

Another hundred years later, Gu Xiangfei felt that he was about to finish refining the Dao Yun of this big cutting technique.

“Brother, is this the empty moat?” A woman’s voice came.

“Yes, Junior Sister, don’t go any further. Be careful not to be caught in the void.” A man’s dissuading voice.

“I’ll try again.” The woman’s footsteps came towards the edge of the ravine.

“Hey! Brother, there is a statue in front of me. I don’t know who put it there. Let me go and see who it is? Ah… bang!” There was a sound of someone falling.

“Junior Sister, be careful.” The man’s anxious voice clearly indicated that her junior sister had been injured.

“It’s such a powerful aura here, I feel like I’m going to be smashed to pieces, thanks to the top-quality armor my father gave me, otherwise I’m really going to be blown to pieces by this aura.” The woman spoke with a thankful tone.

“But why is that statue all right? What kind of material is it made of? It must be a treasure. Brother, let’s move this statue away! Go back and refine it into armor that will definitely resist the breath here.” The woman looked at the statue again , Encouraging the brothers to remove the statue.

“The statue is so close to the ravine, can’t we get through it?” The man really wanted to move the statue to please his junior sister, but he didn’t dare to go there.

“Hmph! You also said that you can do anything for me, even the stars can be picked off for me. Now you are pushing to move a statue, so I ignore you.” His tone was obviously angry.

“I…try it!” The man blushed a little at the woman’s words, struggled a bit, and walked forward.

The man walked forward and worked hard to resist the powerful regular aura. He walked five meters, ten meters, twenty meters longer than the woman.

“Brother, come on!” Seeing the man getting closer to the statue, the woman couldn’t help but encourage him.

“Boom! Ah…” When the man was more than 200 meters away from the statue, he was blown away by a powerful aura from the gully. The dantian split open.

“Brother, how are you?” The woman walked over quickly, and seeing the man’s miserable state, she was obviously useless, “Humph! Waste!” The woman said three words, turned around and fled away, even the healing pill Didn’t give the man another one.

Gu Xiangfei opened his eyes, raised his hand and slammed into the gully with a punch. The supernatural power of the big cutting technique unfolded, and the Daoyun of the big cutting technique in the gully was shredded little by little, and then shattered in large areas. Boom! With a loud bang, the cutting dao rhyme in the empty moat was shattered, and a bottomless gully fell out, an empty moat hundreds of thousands of miles wide.

“What a powerful supernatural power!” Gu Xiangfei said a word, stood up, and the dust and leaves covering his body fell one after another, revealing his true colors.

“Hmm! Why is there someone here?” After Gu Xiangfei swept his consciousness, a man with a weak breath was lying on the ground thousands of feet away from him. His bones were broken and his dantian was cracked. fall.

“Since we met, it’s fate.” After Gu Xiangfei finished speaking, he took out a elixir and stuffed it into the man’s mouth. The elixir melted in his mouth, quickly repairing the man’s bones, and the man’s aura became more and more vigorous.

Gu Xiangfei hit the ban, washed his body, changed his clothes, and smashed the ban with a wave of his hand.

“Thank you senior for saving my life. Dong Xingyun will never forget it.” Just as Gu Xiangfei came out, the man named Dong Xingyun hugged him.After punching and saluting, his injury has recovered, but his dantian has not been repaired, and his face is a little pale.

“It’s okay, you’re welcome, it’s fate to meet you here, take this pill! It can restore your dantian.” After speaking, he took out a sandalwood pill and popped it into Dong Xingyun’s mouth.

The elixir melted at the entrance and went straight to the dantian. Dong Xingyun felt that the shattered dantian was quickly repaired by the powerful medicinal power. He quickly sat down cross-legged and checked his own dantian with his consciousness, and found that the cracked dantian was slowly healing. What kind of elixir is this? ? To be able to restore the dantian is simply too heaven-defying.

Seeing that Dong Xingyun was recovering, Gu Xiangfei ignored him. Now he is going to go through this empty moat, return to the Holy Sword Sect in the fairy world, and see his relatives. At this moment, his mood can be described as returning home like an arrow .

He didn’t dare to sacrifice the spaceship, fearing that he would be sucked in by the empty moat. Fortunately, the regular aura here had been assimilated by him, and he flew towards the empty moat in a flash.

As soon as he entered the empty moat, the residual Dao Yun of the Great Cutting Technique kept bombarding him. Thanks to his promotion to the Divine Body, otherwise, the Dao Yun of the Great Cutting Technique would tear his body apart.

There was a terrifying Dao Rhyme of the Great Cutting Technique, and Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and punched it out. The two Dao Rhymes of the Great Cutting Technique blasted together, and there was a roar in the empty moat.

Gu Xiangfei was directly blown away by the huge Taoist rhyme, and fell headlong. He quickly performed the regular exercises, stabilized his body, and flew forward in a flash.

Along the way, he kept encountering Dao Yun of the Great Cutting Technique, constantly confronting these Dao Yuns, and was constantly being bombarded, and he kept flying forward, and perseveringly flew to the opposite side of the empty chasm, where his relatives were, He can’t give up, and once he gives up, he can’t reach the opposite side again.

While flying away, he blasted out the Dao Rhyme of the Great Cutting Technique. He didn’t wait for the Dao Rhyme of the Great Cutting Technique in the empty trench to come over. He wanted to change from passive to active. Dao Yun of Dao Rhyme in the big cutting technique.

Although the supernatural power of the Great Destruction Technique is very weak, it can destroy a little bit of the Dao Yun of the Great Cutting Technique. Although this is very small, it can also consume some of the Dao Rhyme of the Great Cutting Technique, and it can also continuously strengthen his cultivation of the Great Destruction Technique.

Dong Xingyun opened his eyes, jumped up, raised his hand and punched the ground, a huge crater of several feet appeared in front of his eyes, he was pleasantly surprised, thanks to that senior, only to find that there was no one here.

There was a constant roar in the distance, and a figure suddenly rose up, then fell down, and disappeared. Dong Xingyun looked at the familiar figure and murmured to himself, “It’s so powerful, it’s so powerful!” .”

He came here once hundreds of years ago. At that time, his cultivation base was low, and the distance from the ravine was so deep that he felt that he was about to be torn apart by this huge aura. Now that his cultivation base has improved, he feels that he should be able to walk to the edge of the ravine Yes, but when he was a thousand feet away, his body was smashed to pieces by that huge breath.

Now seeing that senior jumping directly into the void and confronting that huge aura, he was stunned and stunned. He didn’t expect that there was such a powerful senior in the fairy world. Neither are worthy.

In the main hall of the Holy Sword Sect, there are a few more immortal emperors here, and Yan Yixue is among them. She is now in the middle stage of the immortal emperor.

“It’s time for the Hundred Years Alchemy Dao Competition again. The last time the Alchemy Dao Competition was held, Linyefeng Danwang of our sect’s Danyao Peak won the seventh place, which is the best since the founding of our Sacred Sword Sect. This time, I hope he can lead the elixir masters of the sect to achieve greater glories and even better results.” Wei Tianyun looked at the masters and elders of the various peaks below, such a powerful sect, but alchemy has always been It is the weakness of the sect.

“This time Dao Daobi will take the lead than me.” A familiar voice came.

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