Returning to the Holy Sword Sect

“Husband!” Yan Yixue heard this familiar voice, and came to the outside of the suzerain’s hall in a flash, and threw herself into Gu Xiangfei’s arms, hugging him tightly, tears of excitement falling down uncontrollably, Wet Gu Xiangfei’s skirt.

“I’m sorry, Xiaoxue, for making you suffer. I’m back.” Gu Xiangfei patted Yan Yixue’s back, and then said a few words via voice transmission. Yan Yixue’s face turned red and she quickly let go of him.

“Hahaha…” Wei Tianyun, the lord of the Holy Sword Sect, and the elders of the other peak masters all came outside the main hall of the lord, watched the couple embrace each other, and only laughed when Yan Yixue let go stand up.

“Master, that’s how things went. After this alchemy contest, the immortal emperors and emperors and kings of our sect can go. I have already opened up the empty barrier and I know how to get there.” Gu Xiangfei said He was sucked into the rift in the void, arrived at Tianxiong Continent, then arrived at the three major heavenly domains of Immortal Realm, and then arrived at Shengyuan Tianyu, and told Wei Tianyun and the elders of the peak master sitting there in detail.

The suzerain Wei Tianyun and the elders of the peak masters were like listening to a story. After hearing Gu Xiangfei’s experience, they all praised him for his good luck. Being able to ascend to the God Realm and having hope for cultivation made everyone overjoyed.

After bidding farewell to suzerain Wei Tianyun, they brought Yan Yixue back to Yuedao Peak. When these disciples saw the return of the peak master, they all cheered in unison, and the whole Yuedao Peak erupted.

Li Jingtian even gave him a hammer directly, and said, “I knew you wouldn’t fall so easily.” Now his cultivation base is also in the realm of Luo Xian, and he is about to cross the tribulation and break through to the Immortal King.

Parents, two sons, uncles, brothers, Jiaojiao…all welcomed him back with joy, and the mother even hugged him and wept with joy, finally relieved.

night, wholeYuedao Peak was filled with fairy wine, fairy monster meat, more than 30,000 disciples gathered together, and everyone drank together to welcome the return of the peak master.

For three days in a row, Gu Xiangfei and Yan Yixue have been together. Both of them are Immortal Emperor cultivators, and when it comes to matters between men and women, they are connected and happy.

On the morning of the fourth day, Gu Xiangfei came to the suzerain hall of suzerain Wei Tianyun. Eight senior brothers and sisters were there. Maybe they knew he was back. They didn’t see him at Yuedao Peak. They knew he would definitely come to the suzerain hall. Wait here for him.

“I’ve met my uncle, I’ve met all my senior brothers and sisters.” Gu Xiangfei greeted everyone with cupped fists.

“Okay, don’t play with these nonsense, hurry up and get the good things.” The second senior brother Ye Feng was the first to jump out without waiting for his master to speak, and stretched out his hand to Gu Xiangfei.

Gu Xiangfei ignored him, took out a ring and handed it to Wei Tianyun, and said, “Uncle, this is the fairy vein and fairy crystal of Shengyuan Tianyu, the rules are one level higher than our fairy world, and the same level can instantly kill the opponent. ”

Then he took out a few rings and threw them to the senior brothers and handed them to the two senior sisters.

The senior brothers don’t care whether he hands it or throws it away, but the fourth and sixth senior sisters can’t throw it away, as if they are giving alms.

Wei Tianyun looked at it and nodded. He was very pleased with Gu Xiangfei’s subtleties. The fourth and sixth senior sisters accepted the ring happily and said thank you.

The senior brothers and sisters are all in the realm of immortal monarchs. What Gu Xiangfei gave them were Emperor Luo Dan and Di Lan Dan. Each of them had 10 million immortal crystals from Shengyuan Tianyu, which was enough for them to change the rules of Shengyuan Tianyu.

Wei Tianyun used his spiritual sense to check the items in the ring. There were twenty top-grade fairy veins, one billion top-grade fairy crystals, and dozens of jade bottles. The rules of this fairy crystal are a level higher than the rules of the fairy world. After absorbing the regular breath of this fairy crystal, his realm in the later stage of the immortal emperor has a slight drop in his realm, but the immortal power in his body is more pure. With a trace, he naturally understood the reason for this, and he was even more overjoyed in his heart.

Wei Tianyun immediately ordered to summon all the peak masters and elders in the realm of immortal emperors in the sect, and within a few breaths, these peak masters and elders in the realm of immortal emperors all came to the main hall of the sect master, and they all smiled when they saw Gu Xiangfei to greet him.

Gu Xiangfei saw that the Holy Sword Sect had eighty-two immortal emperors, plus he, Yan Yixue and Wei Tianyun had eighty-five immortal emperors. This is a huge sect everywhere, and it can sweep several Big sky domain.

“This time I have called all the brothers and sisters here, and I have one thing to tell everyone. The peak masters of each peak are about to step down, and the disciples of this peak are selected to serve. The elders also recommend the disciples under them. All of them will be promoted to the Supreme Elders of the sect. A mountain peak is the Supreme Elder Peak of the Zongmen, and then began to change the rules of Shengyuan Tianyu, everyone should try these fairy crystals first.” Wei Tianyun raised his hand after speaking, and a fairy crystal appeared in front of everyone. crystal.

These peak masters and elders immediately absorbed the immortal crystals in their hands, and were overjoyed after a while. It turned out that this is the high-rule immortal crystal, which is indeed a level higher than the immortal crystal in the fairy world.

The Supreme Elder Peak was quickly established, and the disciples recommended by the masters and elders of each peak also reported. These disciples are all monks in the realm of immortal kings, and they are qualified for the positions of the peak masters and elders.

The suzerain Wei Tianyun originally wanted to pass the throne to Gu Xiangfei, and the peak masters and elders of all peaks also strongly supported it, but Gu Xiangfei refused because he couldn’t manage the sect, and passed the throne to the senior brother, but the senior brother didn’t want to do it either, he has been obsessed with cultivation Ye Feng, the second senior brother, was used to being free and undisciplined, and finally passed the position to the third senior brother Che Yongan.

Gu Xiangfei passed on the title of peak master to Luo Tiandu. Originally, he was the peak master because of his title. Luo Tian was responsible for everything in the mountain. Now Luo Tian is in the realm of a fairy, and he is qualified to be the peak master. this post.

The holy sword sect has promoted many outstanding disciples this time. The original suzerain Wei Tianyun asked Gu Xiangfei and Yan Yixue to join the Supreme Elder Peak. Now there are eighty-five immortal emperors in the Supreme Elder Peak. The peak has been built. A huge Great Hall of Supreme Elders is implanted with ten high-grade immortal spirit veins from Shengyuan Tianyu, and all Supreme Elders practice in it.

The old suzerain Wei Tianyun stipulated that the peak masters and elders of the sect’s various peaks will automatically be promoted to the Supreme Elder after being promoted to the realm of the Immortal Emperor, and enter the Supreme Elder Peak to practice.

Gu Xiangfei arranged several large formations on the Supreme Elder Peak, and opened up many caves on the mountainside, implanting five fairy veins. These peak masters and elders have their own relatives and disciples, and they are all arranged on the mountainside. They entered the peak so as not to affect the cultivation of the Supreme Elders.

Five days later, Gu Xiangfei brought Lin Yefeng and ten elixir masters from the elixir peak to the outside of the suzerain’s main hall. This time, there were twelve elixir masters participating in the alchemy competition, and four newly promoted sect elders.

Third Senior Brother Che Yongan was already waiting for them outside the main hall.

“Junior brother is going to participate in the alchemy competition this time. My Holy Sword Sect must be famous in the fairy world.” The suzerain Che Yongan was very happy to see Gu Xiangfei and the others coming. He knew Gu Xiangfei’s alchemy, and there is no one in the entire fairy world higher than him , this time Dan Dao Competition will definitely be the first place.

“Senior brother is awesome, our Holy Sword Sect will definitely become the number one in the fairy world this time, wait for our good news!” Gu Xiangfei is also full of confidence in this Alchemy Dao Competition, his cultivation base was too low before, and he dared not show his face. I didn’t participate in the alchemy competition several times, and now I can finally sweep the alchemy of the fairy world.

This time the alchemy competition was held in Zong Piaotian in Zhongtianyu. Now that Zhongtianyu has the super sect of the Holy Sword Sect, even Shangtianyu came to participate in the alchemy competition, and won the first place in the competition in one fell swoop. , Xiatianyu and ZhongtianThe elixir masters of the Tianyu no longer have to go to the Tianyu to participate in the final alchemy competition.

Gu Xiangfei sacrificed the top-grade celestial weapon spaceship, greeted Lin Yefeng and the elixir masters, and the four elders of the sect got on the spaceship. After leaving the sect, they galloped towards Zong Piaotian.

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