: Fruit Tree of Time

After the Holy Sword Sect won the first place in the Alchemy Dao Competition, it became very famous. Many monks came to the market of the Holy Sword Sect to buy pills, and the market of the Holy Sword Sect suddenly became lively. The peak owner of Fang City immediately expanded the construction of Fang City. The size of Fang City is almost as large as a medium-sized city. Many sects and alliance merchants have settled in, and the management of Fang City has become stricter.

It has been less than two years since Chu Feng came to the Holy Sword Sect. Under the care of his master, Gu Xiangfei, not only has his cultivation been promoted to the level of a celestial immortal, but he has also been able to refine fifth-rank elixir in alchemy, which is equivalent to the realm of a fifth-rank celestial alchemist.

The suzerain Che Yong’an is very optimistic about Gu Xiangfei, a disciple. From him, he saw Gu Xiangfei’s shadow when he first came to the fairyland, and knew that Chu Feng would definitely be promoted to the ninth-rank elixir king like Gu Xiangfei in the future. It was just a few years ago, yes He is very caring.

After Gu Xiangfei passed on some of his great supernatural powers to Yan Yixue and his two sons, he then guided them to practice and tried to let them get started. How far they can practice in the future depends on their respective talents.

According to his own understanding, the Great Cutting Technique is considered a minor achievement, and other supernatural powers are just beginners. One day when he was practicing the Great Years Technique, he suddenly remembered the endless source of the Yaozu area. There must be a time fruit tree there. When he got that When I bought the Year Fruit, I heard that the monk got it from the source of infinity.

Seeing that Yan Yixue and the others were practicing, Gu Xiangfei didn’t bother them, leaving behind a jade slip, saying that he was going to the source of endlessness in the Yaozu area to find things, left the cave, and came to the main hall of the suzerain.

“What’s the matter with Junior Brother?” Che Yongan has become more and more suzerain-like in the past two years, and his cultivation base has been raised to the late stage of Xianjun, or the realm of post-Xianyuan.

“Brother, I’m going to the source of infinity in the Yaozu area. There are things I need there. I’m going to have a look. I’m here to say goodbye to my brother.” Gu Xiangfei said the reason for his visit so that they can’t find it when they get there. He has to work hard to find him.

“With my younger brother’s cultivation, the Yaozu area can be unimpeded as much as possible, but we still have to go early and return early, so that Junior Sister Yan won’t worry, hahaha…” Che Yongan instructed him a few words, and joked with him by the way.

Gu Xiang flew out of the sect, sacrificed the best spaceship, and prepared to go to Liangjie City first, and then enter the Yaozu area from there.

Five days later, I came to Liangjie City. There were more monks here. With the Yaozu being destroyed by the Holy Sword Sect, there was no danger in the Yaozu area. A large number of monks came here to search for resources, and Liangjie City became more prosperous.

Gu Xiangfei took a look outside the city. The prosperity here did not attract him at all, so he decided to enter the endless source of the Yaozu area.

After entering the Yaozu area, it had already been searched by the various sects in the fairy world, but now that many monks have entered, it is even more of a mess.

He has been to the location of the source of infinity. After a few breaths, he came to the edge of the source of infinity. Several warning signs were erected here to remind monks not to enter.

They also put up a warning sign here at the beginning, but the Zongmen monks of the Upper Tianyu were too arrogant, and the warning signs were destroyed by the Zongmen disciples of the Middle Tianyu and the Lower Tianyu, and the Zongmen disciples of the Upper Tianyu ate it. A big loss, a heavy loss.

When Gu Xiangfei was standing here, there was an adventure team in the distance, who happened to be heading here. The team thought he was here to check, but they didn’t expect this monk to enter the source of infinity in a flash, so that they didn’t even have time to stop it.

Gu Xiangfei had the experience of seeing a monster last time. He practiced the Great Years Technique, and knew that the time rules in it are very fast, which is just suitable for him to practice the Great Years Technique in it.

The ten monks in the adventure team didn’t dare to go in after seeing him enter the source of infinity. They could only sigh, and another human monk fell inside.

As soon as Gu Xiangfei entered the source of infinity, he ran regular exercises to look for the regular aura inside, and at the same time raised his hand and punched the Great Years Technique, and used the Great Years Technique to stay for a short time to find the regular aura here.

Although he has just started with the Great Years Art, this divine channel rhyme can still make the time rule here, and it can stay for less than a breath. The regular breath that has not been captured before, now it is easy to find a trace of it in the stay time rule. The lawful breath, and hastily operated the lawful exercises to assimilate this regular breath.

A breath of time passed by in an instant, and the time rules here quickly wrapped him up, his lifespan passed away quickly, and his hair began to turn gray, he hurriedly raised his hand and punched the Great Years Art Divine Channel Rhyme, looking for the time here Regular breath, assimilation.

As he continued to blast out the magic channel rhyme of the Great Years Technique, more and more time rules for him to assimilate here, and his lifespan passed faster and faster, his hair was all white, his skin was sagging, his teeth Falling out, white hair starts to appear and fall out.

Gu Xiangfei knows that he is competing with the time rules here. Once his assimilation speed is too slow, he will be exhausted by the time rules here, and fall into the source of infinity. The channel rhyme, the rules of operation and the assimilation of the regular atmosphere here.

A month later, his regular skills assimilated half of the time and regular breath here, and his lifespan no longer passed away, maintaining a balanced state. Gu Xiangfei breathed a sigh of relief, raised his hand and took out a few pills to swallow, his head full of white hair It started to turn gray, the lost teeth grew back, and the skin gradually became radiant.

Half a year later, Gu Xiangfei stood up, his clothes turned into shards, revealing his essence.His strong body and the regular breath of the endless source have all been assimilated by him. After more than half a year of continuous bombardment and use of his Great Years Technique, he has barely entered the realm of Xiaocheng.

He raised his hand and shot out a clean water bullet, washed his body, put on his clothes, and fled into the source of infinity.

How big is the source of infinity? Gu Xiangfei didn’t check it out. He was looking for the time fruit tree here. He believed that if there was another time fruit, his supernatural powers of the great age technique would be able to realize the realm of small success, not just the small success it is now.

Thousands of miles away from the edge of the source of infinity, a big tree with eight Suiyue fruits hanging on it appeared in his consciousness, and he quickly flew over. area.

As soon as you enter the area covered by the years of fruit trees, you feel that the rules of time here are more profound, and the passage of time is almost twice as fast as that outside.

Gu Xiangfei immediately withdrew from the covered area, and immediately returned to the time rules of the endless source. He sat cross-legged on the ground, performed the regular exercises, and prepared to assimilate the regular breath here, and by the way, comprehend the supernatural power of the Great Time Technique.

When the rule technique is in operation, it first finds the rule aura inside, and then extracts a trace to assimilate it. At the same time, the supernatural power of the Great Years Technique bombards the area covered by the years fruit tree, and comprehends the time rules here.

The time rules of this covered area are quite different from the time rules outside. The time rule aura inside seems to be the essence of the time rules, just like the top-grade elixir outside and the best elixir inside.

The Divine Channel Rhyme of the Great Suiyue Art is constantly bombarding this covered area, comprehending the time rules here, and his regular exercises are also assimilating the time rules here.

A year later, his supernatural powers of the Great Suiyue Technique realized the real realm of small success, and the regular exercises also assimilated the regular atmosphere of this covered area.

Gu Xiangfei took out a pile of ore to refine the formation flag. He wanted to refine the formation flag with time rules. Ordinary formation flags would be reduced to slag by the time rules here if they were thrown into the ground.

Five days later, he refined hundreds of time rule array flags, and some of them were reserved for later use. He drove the array flags into the ground, arranged a dragging array, and waved his hand. in.

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