Five-Color Flat Peach

After the Time Fruit Tree was taken away, the time rules here suddenly stopped, and they began to slowly return to the normal time rules.

Gu Xiangfei used his spiritual sense to look at the entire source of infinity. It was a desolate scene, eroded by the rules of time, and there was nothing but the fruit of time.

Thinking of the monk who got the Year Fruit back then, this guy was fast enough, he was able to find the Year Fruit Tree, and even took away a Year Fruit, which is quite a feat. Unfortunately, although he got the Year Fruit, he was still robbed in the end Leaving, not only wasted a Boundary Breaker Talisman, but also lost his own life.

Leaving here in a flash and coming outside the source of infinity, the normal time rules will be restored here in a hundred years, and he destroyed another one of the desperate situation in the Yaozu area.

By the way, there is also a swallowing swamp, where there is also a mythical beast named Taotie. Gu Xiangfei got the origin of Taotie from his son Gu Yunjie, and decided to check if it is still there. If it is, take it in and wait for it to grow. Get up, it is the guardian beast.

Devouring the swamp is also a desperate situation in the Yaozu area. At the beginning, the Yaozu’s demon emperor wanted to attract the monks from the fairy world to destroy it, but after he discovered it later, he destroyed the demon emperor’s plan. Although there were some losses, it was not very big.

After assimilating the time rules here, his lifespan no longer passed away, and he took a few more pills to strengthen the foundation and cultivate the yuan, his hair has returned to black and shiny, and his skin has become smooth and delicate. Shouyuan can never be replenished again, unless there is a top-level fairy fruit that replenishes Shouyuan.

Sacrifice the spaceship and fly to the devouring swamp. The source of infinity will take two days to fly from the devouring swamp. There are adventure teams appearing along the way. After these adventure teams go deep into the monster clan area, although they will meet some monster clan monks, but These monster monks are generally not high in cultivation. After seeing the adventure team, they hurriedly fled. When they couldn’t escape, they turned around to fight the adventure team, and then were bombarded to death.

Gu Xiangfei knew that the demon kings, demon kings, and demon monks in the demon emperor realm in the demon area were all blasted and killed by the immortal emperor of the Holy Sword Sect, and the remaining demon monks were also cleaned up by the Holy Saber Sect. The fish that slipped through the net also escaped very far.

Two days later, Gu Xiangfei took off the spaceship and came to the outside of the Devouring Swamp. Not many monks came here, mainly because there was nothing good in it, and there were many dangers, so it was not worth the risk for monks to enter.

Gu Xiangfei has already assimilated the regular aura here. After his consciousness swept across the entire devouring swamp, there was a place that caught his attention. There was a place that blocked his consciousness. Obviously there was a formation blocking it, but he didn’t know what the formation was. Artificial or natural?

The figure flashed into the Devouring Swamp, and an adventure team in the distance all stared at Gu Xiangfei who entered the Devouring Swamp with wide eyes.

“Captain, do you think this monk is the one who entered the Infinity Source?” The members of the adventure team asked their captain suspiciously, and the other team members also looked at the captain.

“This senior is so powerful. This is the first time I saw someone who entered the source of infinity and was able to come out alive.” Although the captain didn’t say whether this was true, he called him a senior, and said that it was the first time he saw someone from the source of infinity. Those who come out alive have already told their companions the answer.

“Hiss…it’s really powerful.” Several team members took a breath and praised in unison.

Gu Xiangfei fled to the place that blocked his consciousness, and sentIt was discovered that this was a natural formation. After sweeping through his consciousness, this natural formation actually devoured his consciousness. Could it be that there is something hidden about this swallowing swamp? That Devouring Primordial Spirit is just one of them?

Thinking of this, he sat down cross-legged, operated the regular exercises, and searched for the nodes of this natural formation.

Now that he is an Immortal Emperor, the regular kung fu has become more and more powerful with the improvement of his cultivation. After running the regular kung fu for a week, he found the node of this natural formation, took out the formation flag and entered the node , click! With a sound, a gap was opened in the natural formation, and he stepped into the formation.

A behemoth more than ten feet tall, huh! Gu Xiangfei was stunned, what kind of monster is this? Just as he raised his hand and punched him, the huge monster immediately shrunk its body and turned into a one-meter-high monster with a human face and tiger teeth. The buffalo-like monster is the gluttonous beast that devoured the primordial spirit.

“Wow!” The glutton yelled immediately when he saw Gu Xiangfei, with excited eyes, as if seeing an acquaintance, he rubbed against Gu Xiangfei.

“Why did you come here?” Gu Xiangfei was also a little surprised to see this guy here. He thought this glutton had gone to other places.

“After I swallowed that primordial spirit, it took me a long time to refine it. When I woke up, I couldn’t see you anymore. I thought you didn’t want me, so I found this place and came in. There is a good thing in it. I will take you Go and have a look.” Taotie sent the sound to Gu Xiangfei with his thoughts, then turned around and rushed inside, the speed surprised Gu Xiangfei, it was almost catching up with his regular escapism, could it be this guy’s talent?

Gu Xiangfei unfolded the regular escape technique, and came to a tree with nine fruits hanging in a few breaths, “Five-color flat peaches!” Gu Xiangfei exclaimed, this is a legendary treasure, each of which can increase the lifespan of ten thousand years.

I heard from Gu Yunjie that in earth myths and legends, this is the fruit that the Queen Mother held a peach meeting to entertain the gods. According to the legend, it blooms once every three thousand years, bears fruit once every three thousand years, and it takes three thousand years to mature.

Looking at the nine bowl-sized five-color flat peaches on the tree, which are now ripe, Gu Xiangfei raised his hand, picked a flat peach, washed it with clean water, and ate it in a few mouthfuls.

The taste of flat peaches is no different from that of ordinary fairy fruits, but Gu Xiangfei felt that his lifespan was increasing, and he quickly made up for the lifespan that had passed away in the source of infinity.

Although there is no ten-thousand-year longevity, there are still thousands of years of longevity. Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed, and immediately took out the formation flag, arranged a dragging formation, and raised his hand to put the flat peach tree into the star bead.

“Wow! I’ll show you. You can eat one and forget it. I didn’t let you take it away! It’s mine.” Seeing that Gu Xiangfei took away the flat peach tree, Taotie hurriedly sent him a sound transmission to ask for it. Flat peach tree.

“What are you in a hurry for? If you follow me from now on, you’re afraid that you won’t have anything to eat. What’s yours is mine, and what’s mine is mine, right?” Gu Xiangfei stunned Taotie with a few words, nodded, and felt something No, but it is also satisfied to be able to fly away with Gu Xiang.

“How did you get in this big formation?” Gu Xiangfei was afraid that Taotie would ask him for flat peaches again, so he used words to distract it.

“I don’t know! I came in as I was walking. Is this a formation? I feel very safe practicing inside, and no one will catch me again.” Array.

Is this guy’s talent so powerful? Even the natural formations can be found, can they still come in? The divine beast is indeed a divine beast, with such a powerful talent, and the speed of this guy, the more Gu Xiangfei thought about it, the more amazed he became.

Out of this natural formation, Gu Xiangfei turned around and said to Taotie, “Go in again, let me see how you got in?”

Taotie turned around and was about to enter the big formation, then turned around and said to Gu Xiangfei, “Did you wait for me to enter, then ran away by yourself, and ran away with my flat peach tree?”

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and slapped him, “When did you become so narrow-minded? I definitely won’t leave, I just want to see how you got in? I’ll wait here for you to come out.”

When Taotie heard what Gu Xiangfei said, he turned around and walked forward again. After walking a few steps, he stepped into the formation. Gu Xiangfei was taken aback, so fast!

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