Huge Harvest

After returning the same way, Gu Xiangfei returned to the cave, took out the rings, and first removed the poisonous mist attached to them and the rules of operation, and then erased the restrictions on the rings to check.

“Well! A small world.” Gu Xiangfei didn’t expect to pick up a ring at random, and it would be a small world. He was overjoyed, and quickly checked thissmall world.

This small world is not big, smaller than what he got before, but the planning inside is very delicate, which shows that the owner of this small world is also a very meticulous monk.

His spiritual sense scanned the entire small world, and after he checked it carefully again, he didn’t find any soul hiding in it. He suddenly remembered that when he erased the restriction, he felt that the owner of this small world had fallen, otherwise it wouldn’t have happened. It is easy to break the restriction.

But he was still relatively cautious, and he was relieved after carefully scanning the items in the small world with his spiritual sense.

This small world has more than 300 million fairy crystals, fifteen fairy veins, some jade slips and more than a dozen pots of pills, all of which are pills for restoring immortal energy and healing wounds, five jade boxes, and a small medicine garden. Nine-level fairy grass, and a large fairy fruit tree.

Take out all the jade boxes, pick the ripe fairy grass and fairy fruit, put them aside, and prepare to refine the elixir.

Opening the jade boxes, I found that they were all nine-level fairy fruits. There was a talisman in one of the jade boxes, with a huge killing aura. This was an attack talisman that could be reserved for the sons.

He opened other rings one after another, and found that the ring of Weiyun Tianyu Immortal Emperor was richer in resources than the rings of the other two Tianyu Immortal Emperors. Almost every immortal emperor’s ring had three to five fairy veins. Two hundred and ninety-three fairy veins were harvested from more than ten rings.

Among these more than 60 rings, there are actually five small worlds, and there are 300 to 500 million fairy crystals inside, and the fairy veins are also between seven and twelve. A large number of ninth-level fairy grass gardens and fairy The spirit fruit tree even harvested three flames. Although the level is not as high as that of Xinghe, it has also been promoted to Xianyan.

Gu Xiangfei guessed that these flames might be the flames of the alchemy kings and formation kings of Weiyun Tianyu. Inside, I didn’t expect Yuanshen to be poisoned again.

It took Gu Xiangfei five days to sort out this batch of Immortal Emperor rings, and it took another half a month to refine a large number of various special elixirs.

After leaving the cave, he was going to look for Uncle Wei Tianyun. He saw that the monks outside were all watching from a distance. There were two elixir kings there, looking at the mixed formation.

After a few breaths, the two elixir kings flew back, their faces covered with a layer of black air, obviously corroded by the poisonous mist, after arriving at the fairyland camp, they immediately took out a elixir and swallowed it, then sat cross-legged On the ground, run exercises to refine the power of the medicine and force out the toxin.

A puff of black gas emerged from the two elixir kings, and turned into liquid and fell to the ground. The ground was quickly eroded by the poison and turned into scorched black.

After a stick of incense, one of the elixir kings’ complexion returned to normal. He stood up, made a restraint, washed his body with clean water, and then turned the changed clothes into ashes with a torch.

“The poisonous fog is so powerful, it seems that it will take several months to disperse, everyone must not go there, thanks to the isolation formation of King Guzhen, otherwise the poisonous fog will float to the camp after it dissipates. The loss would be great.”

Everyone has seen the situation of this elixir king just now. An elixir king will definitely carry an antidote elixir on him.

At this time, the other elixir king also returned to normal. He stood up and called everyone back to the big formation, and waited for the poisonous fog to dissipate.

Gu Xiangfei came to Master Wei Tianyun’s cave. Wei Tianyun took out the fairy tea and asked Gu Xiangfei to sit down. The two chatted while drinking.

“Before the poisonous mist in the realm over there dissipates, none of us members of the Holy Sword Sect should go there. I told them all, and you don’t want to go there to take advantage of it.” Wei Tianyun was relieved of the rest of the sect. Don’t worry about Gu Xiangfei alone, this guy is so bold that he might take risks for the Immortal Emperor’s ring.

“Uncle, don’t worry, I have already picked up the rings of the immortal emperors of Weiyun Tianyu, and I will definitely not go there in the future. This ring is for you.” After Gu Xiangfei finished speaking, he took out a ring and handed it to Wei Tian with a smile. cloud.

“You…” Wei Tianyun originally wanted to tell him, but he didn’t expect that he had already passed. Angrily, he pointed at Gu Xiangfei and snatched the ring from his hand.

“This is a small world!” Wei Tianyun exclaimed, the top treasure of the fairy world, the small world, is very rare. He got a small world, and he was reluctant to use it, so he gave it to his younger brother Wei Feng. Being assassinated by someone, and by coincidence, the small world was obtained by Gu Xiangfei.

Even though Gu Xiangfei handed over Wei Feng’s ring to him later, Wei Tianyun didn’t want to use this small world. He waited for Gu Xiangfei to become the peak master of Moon Sword Peak, and then returned Wei Feng’s ring to Gu Xiangfei. Among them is also Wei Feng’s behest.

Now that Gu Xiangfei gave him a small world, even though he is the number one member of the Holy Sword Sect, he is a little excited.

In this small world, there are five billion fairy crystals, one hundred fairy veins, various eighth and ninth-level pills, thousands of pots, various attacking fairy weapons, flying fairy weapons, top-quality armor, top-quality defensive shields, There are thousands of pieces of each kind, and there are thousands of jade slips of various exercises. The establishment of two holy knife sects will not use up these resources.

“This… This is what you received from the Immortal Emperor’s ring?” Wei Tianyun was shocked by the items in the small world, even when he was the suzerain of the Holy Sword Sect, he was not so rich.

“These are all my harvests. The fairy grass and fairy fruit are refined into pills, and the ore is refined into these attacking fairy weapons and other kinds of fairy weapons. I don’t need the jade slips of exercises, just I gave it to my uncle.” Gu Xiangfei briefly explained these gains, picked up the teacup and took a sip of Xianling tea.I was busy making alchemy and refining tools all the time, and I didn’t even drink water.

Wei Tianyun was overjoyed, and immediately refined the small world, replaced the ring on his finger, fondled the small world on his finger fondly.

He can’t do anything about Gu Xiangfei now, his cultivation is almost equal to his, and the pill array has reached the top level of the fairy world. The most rare thing is that Gu Xiangfei has always respected him, and sent him as soon as he has good things. Unlike other monks, once their cultivation level is equal to or almost equal to that of their elders, their true nature will be revealed, and they will not take their elders seriously at all.

Wei Tianyun was very pleased. It would be an honor for his younger brother to have such a successor even though he died.

With Gu Xiangfei’s large amount of pills, fairy crystals, and fairy veins, the overall strength of the Holy Sword Sect has greatly increased. There are constantly disciples of the fairy king breaking through to the fairy king, and the fairy king’s disciples breaking through to the fairy emperor.

Within three months, several senior brothers and sisters broke through to the realm of immortal emperors, Gu Yunjie and Gu Yunhao broke through to the realm of immortal monarchs, and his disciple Chu Feng broke through to the realm of supreme immortals. Like a tiger with wings added, he was promoted to the eighth-rank elixir king.

Chu Feng was able to advance to the eighth-rank elixir king so quickly because Gu Xiangfei accumulated a large amount of fairy grass, plus his unique top-grade wood spirit root, it is difficult not to advance.

Lei Yuxuan from Thunderstorm Valley also broke through to the realm of the Immortal Emperor. After feeling the power of the Immortal Emperor, he came to the cave of the Holy Sword Peak, wanting to show off to Leng Yuandong.

“Senior Brother Leng, you’re doing well these days, you…” Lei Yuxuan had just broken through to the Immortal Emperor and stabilized his cultivation, then came to show off, his aura was exposed, and he hadn’t restrained himself yet.

Just in time, I saw Leng Yuandong talking to the juniors and juniors of Holy Knife Peak. He was in a hurry to show off, but he didn’t pay attention to the juniors and juniors sitting beside him.

The six disciples of Holy Saber Peak turned around and looked at him when they heard his words. The Immortal Emperor’s aura on their bodies suddenly rushed over, scaring him so much that he didn’t dare to say anything behind.

Leng Yuandong was talking to his juniors and younger sisters about how to restrain the aura of the Immortal Emperor. Seeing that Lei Yuxuan had broken through to the realm of the Immortal Emperor, and seeing his surprised expression, he knew why he came, and secretly smiled inwardly. This time I will scare you to death.

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