Entering the Constant Wisdom Universe

Half a year later, the poisonous mist had almost dissipated, but there was still some remaining poison. Gu Xiangfei asked Chu Feng to refine the detoxification pill, and the elixir kings of other sects and alliances were also refining the detoxification pill, preparing to enter the poisonous mist area. Then attack Weiyun Tianyu.

Ten days later, the monks from the fairy world came to the big formation of the domain. Although they took the detoxification pill, they still felt a little uncomfortable. Looking at the broken rings everywhere, the things inside were all shattered, and all kinds of things that had been eroded by the poison mist No one dared to collect the attacking fairy weapon, they all passed here quickly and entered the Weiyun Tianyu.

After a few breaths, all the monks in the fairy world entered Weiyun Tianyu, and none of the monks fell.

After entering the Weiyun Tianyu, the casual cultivators dispersed in a rush, forming countless small teams one after another, and advancing deep into the Weiyun Tianyu.

Weiyun Tianyu is rich in resources. The monks in the fairy world bombed and killed Weiyun Tianyu’s monks all the way. There is not a single immortal emperor in the great sect.

The immortal emperors in the fairy world didn’t make any moves, and a group of immortal emperor disciples and immortal kings occupied Weiyun Tianyu. Gu Xiangfei felt strange, but then he was relieved after thinking about it. No matter how powerful Weiyun Tianyu is, there are not many immortal emperors. There are more than sixty immortal emperors, which is a lot, and the three major heavenly domains add up to only more than one hundred immortal emperors.

If it is counted separately, Weiyun Tianyu is more than twice as powerful as any other Tianyu in the fairy world, but they all gather here in the mixed formation, waiting for the immortal monks to blast through the mixed formation in one fell swoop, and poison all the immortal monks before attacking Immortal world, robbing resources, did not expect Gu Xiangfei to destroy the mixed formation with the explosion formation, and blasted away the isolation formation they set up by the way, and the poisonous mist poisoned them all.

Two years later, after the poisonous mist dispersed in the large formation of the realm, a statue with a height of one hundred feet stood upright. Under the statue, there was a line of big characters, “The King of the Valley Formation cracked the place where the mixed formation was located, and a few lines of small characters below it introduced this Mix the poisonous mist hidden in the formation…”

Gu Xiangfei is not clear about his statue. He has come to an empty space in the Weiyun Tianyu domain, which is the same as the situation on the edge of Chahai outside the city of the Immortal Realm, and it is a domain separated by a large cutting technique.

There are six heavenly realms here that can ascend to the God Realm, that is to say, only three heavenly realms in each universe can ascend to the God Realm, and the rest of the heavenly realms have been cut off by the Dao Rhyme of the Great Cutting Technique, cutting off the connection between the heaven and the earth rules, as if those heavenly realms It no longer belongs to the fairyland.

Could it be that there are really too many people in the God Realm? The power of the gods cut off the ascension rules of other heavens? He suddenly thought of the Heaven Swallowing Pot, and his heart suddenly became clear. This is not someone who is capable in the God Realm, but someone who is capable at a higher level, a power above the God Realm!

When Gu Xiangfei thought of this, he vaguely understood, but he couldn’t grasp the clue, so he simply stopped thinking about it, so let’s talk about it! First absorb and integrate the dao rhyme of this great cutting technique, let your big cutting technique reach the peak of small success, maybe there is an opportunity to enter the realm of great success.

Having had the experience of fusion last time, it is much easier to fuse this time, and his large cutting technique is already at the realm of minor accomplishment, so the fusion speed is much faster.

One year, three years, eight years, twenty years… Sixty years, Gu Xiangfei sat on the edge of the ravine like a statue, his body was covered with a thick layer of soil.

A hundred years later, the soil on Gu Xiangfei’s body became even thicker, and there was no one hereIf you dare to come here, many monks in the fairy world know that there is a bottomless gully here, just like the gully on the edge of the sea in the fairy world. The spiritual consciousness is quickly cut off after being scanned, and you can’t see what is on the other side of the gully.

Thirty years later, Gu Xiangfei opened his eyes, raised his hand and punched into the ravine. The Dao Yun of the Great Cutting Technique was shattered and turned into nothingness, floating in the ravine.

Gu Xiangfei stood up, his immortal body was shaken, his clothes were shattered, he poured out a jet of clean water to wash his body, took out another set of clothes to put on, sacrificed the spaceship, entered the empty ditch, and galloped to the opposite side.

After passing through the empty moat several times, Gu Xiangfei has rich experience, blasting out several Dao Rhymes of the large cutting technique in succession, smashing the Dao Rhyme of the large cutting technique remaining in the empty moat, and the spaceship flew all the way to the opposite side.

After a stick of incense, the spaceship passed through the empty moat and came to the opposite Tianyu. Gu Xiangfei retracted the spaceship, first used his skills to feel the atmosphere of the rules here, and found that there are indeed many rules of heaven and earth missing, and it is also impossible to ascend to the God Realm here.

The immortal aura here is similar to that of the fairy world. It seems that the rules of the universe here are also a universe of cultivating immortals. I don’t know if the people here look the same as the people in Weiyun Tianyu.

Thinking of this, he cast the Great Shape Changing Technique to transform into a monk from Weiyun Tianyu, and flew forward to escape.

The rules of heaven and earth here are a little less than those of Weiyun Tianyu, but it does not affect his rule escape technique. After a few breaths, his spiritual consciousness saw the monks here, and they really looked similar to the monks of Weiyun Tianyu.

These monks are flying to one place, and more and more monks join in along the way. Gu Xiangfei also sacrifices the spaceship to fly with them, and he doesn’t ask these monks why they are going? Just follow them and fly unhurriedly behind.

After flying for more than half a day, they came to the outside of a city. On the tower was written three large characters, Yuntu City.

These monks put away their spaceships one after another, lined up to enter the city, and went into the city to collect an immortal crystal and receive a jade token.

Gu Xiangfei then followed the monks into the city and came to the square in the central area of ​​the city. A platform was set up in the middle of the square, and there were more than a dozen monks standing on it. The highest cultivation level was a Xianjun early stage.

There are more and more monks in the square, but these monks just stood there without saying a word. Gu Xiangfei wanted to hear them but couldn’t hear them, and the whole square was completely silent.

After standing like this for three days, five figures flew past from the outside of Yuntu City. These five monks were all in the peak realm of immortal monarchs, and they flew directly to the platform before landing.

The leader, a cultivator at the peak of Xianjun, stood in the center of the platform and said loudly, “All fellow Taoists have been waiting for a long time, and now the auction begins.”

Such a big auction venue? Gu Xiangfei was stunned for a moment, what is auctioning? It was a big fight.

The monk Xianjun raised his hand and grabbed a monster the size of a goat from the spirit beast bag. This monster had three eyes, and there was another eye in the middle of the two eyes, which was higher than the two eyes next to it, and it was gray. Its fur has well-developed limbs, its claws are as sharp as knives, and its body is covered with a layer of scales. It looks a bit like a pangolin, but it has wings, so it looks like it can fly like a bird.

“The starting price for this third-level void beast is 100,000 celestial crystals. Everyone can make an offer.” As soon as the fairy lord finished speaking, the monks below started quoting.

“I will offer one hundred and one hundred thousand immortal crystals.”

“I will give out 150,000 fairy crystals.”

“I pay ten…”

In the end, this third-level void beast was bought by 180,000 Immortal Crystals.

Gu Xiangfei tried to find the regular aura of the Void Beast by running regular exercises, but the Void Beast’s body was sealed by the restriction, and there was no trace of aura at all.

The monk Xianjun took out another Void Beast. This Void Beast was bigger than the previous one.

“This fourth-level void beast has a starting price of 150,000 immortal crystals, and the auction starts now.”

“I’ll offer 200,000 celestial crystals.”

“I will produce twenty-five fairy crystals.”

This fourth-level void beast was bought by a maximum of 320,000 immortal crystals.

This monk Xianjun kept taking out void beasts from the spirit beast bag for auction, basically they were level 4 and level 5 void beasts.

One day after the auction, more than a hundred Void Beasts were auctioned. These Void Beasts were all restricted. Gu Xiangfei couldn’t find the regular aura of Void Beasts, so he decided to buy a Void Beast to try.

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