The Eye of Illusion

The monk Xianjun took out another Void Beast. This Void Beast was much bigger than the previous ones, and its appearance was somewhat different. Its third eye suddenly flashed.

Gu Xiangfei immediately knew that this void beast was going to explode. The restraint in its body had already been broken, and now it was only recovering slowly.

“The starting price for the last seventh-level void beast is one million fairy crystals.” Just as the monk Xianjun finished speaking, the void beast suddenly swallowed his arm, and at the same time shot a light blade from the third eye, piercing through this The head and soul of the monk Xianjun were smashed to pieces.

“Boom!” The monks below saw the sudden eruption of the Void Beast, and immediately fled in all directions. The seventh-level Void Beast is more terrifying than the Immortal King. Based on their cultivation base, they are courting death.

The other immortal monks on the platform immediately sacrificed their attacking weapons, and the blade light soared thousands of feet and blasted at the void beast. The third eye of the void beast shot several light blades in succession, and then spread its wings, covering a distance of more than ten meters. Wingspan, flashing away, the speed is amazing.

Gu Xiangfei quickly caught the regular breath of the void beast. The regular breath carried by this void beast turned out to be a kind of rule that he had never seen before. This kind of rule has a trace of spatial rules, and there is another kind of rule that is very powerful. It is Gu Xiangfei. Unseen rules.

After scanning with his consciousness, he found that the void beast had alreadyAfter flying out of Yuntu City, it found a gap in the defensive formation on the city wall, and came out of the city in less than a breath. Gu Xiangfei dodged and chased after him, closely following the void beast a hundred miles away. See where this void beast is going to escape to?

The monk Xianjun in Yuntu City also sacrificed his spaceship to chase after him. Obviously, the speed of the spaceship was not as fast as the Void Beast. After a few breaths, the Void Beast had already thrown off the pursuit of the spaceship.

Gu Xiangfei’s regular evasion technique unfolded, followed the Void Beast to a void crack, this void crack was very large, and the void blade light had evaporated completely, the Void Beast disappeared in a flash, entered the void crack, Gu Xiangfei followed without hesitation void crack.

After entering the crack in the void, I felt that the void beast was like a fish entering the sea, and its speed doubled. Some small pieces of meteorites blocking the way were smashed by the void beast. Its third eye continued to emit light blades, Breaking through a big road, Gu Xiangfei’s spiritual consciousness locked on it tightly, and at the same time let go of the rule escape technique, and followed behind this void beast.

After flying for a month, the Void Beast entered a large meteorite. Gu Xiangfei followed to the meteorite and examined the meteorite carefully with his spiritual sense.

This meteorite doesn’t look big from the outside, but it’s much bigger inside. It looks like an asteroid, and there are many caves. Obviously there are monks living here, but the void beast can’t be seen.

Gu Xiangfei felt the fairy aura here, it was a little thin, strange, how could there be monks here with such a thin fairy aura? Something weird here? Or get out of here quickly.

Gu Xiangfei turned around and was about to leave, but found that the way back was gone. After scanning with his spiritual sense, he found that his spiritual sense could only see within ten meters, and he couldn’t see it at a distance. He was shocked, what is this? What’s going on?

Walking back according to the route of memory, after two hours, Gu Xiangfei stopped, recalled carefully, and walked in another direction. After walking for an hour, he was a little discouraged. When he came in, he only walked a few meters away. , but now he couldn’t get out, he suddenly understood why these monks lived here, they all had the same experience as him.

Where did that void beast go? Gu Xiangfei turned around and entered this meteorite asteroid. Since the void beast can come in, it can go out. Otherwise, how could it be caught by the monks of Yuntu City? He wanted to find the Void Beast and follow the Void Beast out.

His spiritual consciousness kept sweeping across the entire asteroid, even those monks’ caves were not spared. Many monks’ caves were forcibly torn apart by his spiritual consciousness. After the restrictions on these monks’ caves were torn off, they all came out Looking at him with anger on his face, there are more than two hundred people, all of whom are immortal emperors.

“Fellow daoists, who can answer me a question, what is this place? Why can’t you go out?” Gu Xiangfei saluted with his fists clasped, his tone very respectful.

The faces of these immortal emperors softened a little, and one of them stood up and said, “This is the Void City, you can’t get out if you enter it, we all came in like this, I can’t remember how many years we have been in, welcome fellow Taoists to join the Void City City, I hope fellow Taoists don’t use divine sense, you will understand in the future.”

After the Immortal Emperor finished speaking, he turned and left, and the other Immortal Emperors also turned and left. No one was left to tell him about the situation here, and no one wanted to fight him.

Gu Xiangfei felt that these immortal emperors walked very slowly, as if they were afraid of wasting their immortal energy, they all walked at the speed of normal people, and returned to their respective caves.

Since you can’t go out, it doesn’t mean I can’t go out, Gu Xiangfei is determined to find a way out by himself.

It would be much easier to assimilate the aura of the rules here first, and then find the way out. Thinking of this, he didn’t dig the cave, instead, he sat cross-legged on the ground and used the rules to find the rules here.

The rule technique started to work, quickly captured the aura of rules here, and first extracted a little bit of assimilation. Every time he encountered a new rule, he was very careful, first took a little bit of assimilation, and then gradually increased it.

A month later, Gu Xiangfei assimilated the rules of heaven and earth here. After sweeping through the rules added by his spiritual sense, he quickly found the Void Beast. Eating the body of the Immortal Emperor in this cave, it is obvious that the Immortal Emperor himself has fallen.

Gu Xiangfei flashed to the outside of this cave, and his spiritual consciousness began to draw void formations, and the large formations were completed in an instant, enveloping the entire cave.

Raising his hand and punching to shatter the restriction of the cave, the Immortal Emperor’s domain suddenly rose, imprisoning the Void Beast. After the Void Beast was suddenly imprisoned, it was frightened for a moment, and then its third eye burst into purple light. , to emit the light blade, knowing that its third eye is very powerful, where it can be stimulated.

Gu Xiangfei immediately punched the void beast, and the Dao Yun of the big cutting technique blasted out, just cutting off its third eye.

That Void Beast yelled “Aw…” in pain, and wanted to pick up the third eye, but it was imprisoned and could not move. The other two eyes looked longingly at the third eye. three eyes.

Gu Xiangfei’s heart moved, he raised his hand, closed its third eye, took out a jade box to put it in, put a restraint on it and threw it into the ring.

Seeing that Gu Xiangfei had taken away its third eye, the void beast immediately showed a look of despair, and its aura surged. Is it going to explode itself? Thinking too simple, Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and slapped the void beast, placing several restraints in its body.

The explosive aura of this void beast shrank immediately. His restraint was many times stronger than that of the Immortal Monarch. I believe this void beast would not break through his restraint.

“Fellow Daoist, this is…” A voice came from outside the caveThe voice of an immortal emperor.

Gu Xiangfei saw some immortal emperors gathered outside the cave. These immortal emperors originally wanted to ask him why he smashed other people’s caves. Seeing the half-swallowed body of the immortal emperor and the imprisoned void beast in the cave, I understand why.

He raised his hand and shot a fireball, turning half of the Immortal Emperor’s body into ashes, grabbed the Void Beast and went outside the cave.

“Hey, fellow daoist, the illusory eye of this void beast has been destroyed? What a pity.” An immortal emperor saw that the void beast’s third eye was cut off, thinking it was the void beast’s third eye. It is a pity that the three-eyed attack Gu Xiangfei was destroyed by him.

“Is it its third eye? It wanted to attack me, so it had to be destroyed. What is the use of this illusory eye? Please clear up your doubts.” Gu Xiangfei naturally would not say that the third eye of the void beast was taken away by him Let’s go, it’s better since they misunderstood, he doesn’t have a good impression of these immortal emperors, everyone seems to be dead, and he has never seen them smile.

(Friends, fellow Daoists, the protagonist is about to go to the God Realm. Please, fellow Daoists, remind you about the cultivation system in the God Realm. Welcome to leave a message. Thank you fellow Daoists for your support.)

Sincerely, Bei Yan Fei Wu

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