Great Reincarnation Technique

“That’s not the case, Fellow Daoist. My name is Gu Xiangfei. May I ask Fellow Daoist Mo, how do you get out of the void here?” The reason why Gu Xiangfei saved her was to let her take him out. He will save.

“Gu Daoyou has been wandering in the void? I know where to get out, but I just want to…” Mo Yushuang looked at the ice soul on the ice mountain, feeling a little bit reluctant, but she knew that with her own cultivation, she would never get it. icy.

“I’ll give you this piece of ice soul, please fellow Daoist Mo lead the way!” Seeing her appearance, Gu Xiangfei knew that this female cultivator wanted ice soul, so he just dug up a few more pieces, then took out one and handed it to her, urging He couldn’t wait for her to get out of here quickly.

“How can this be done? You not only saved me, but also gave me Bing Po, I…” Mo Yushuang thought that although she wanted Bing Po very much, she felt that she had already owed her life-saving grace and hadn’t repaid it. He also wanted the other party’s ice soul, how could he repay this fellow Daoist Gu?

“Take it! I still have more, let’s go!”

“Thank you Daoist Gu for saving my life, and giving me Bing Po again. I don’t know how to repay you, so let’s go out first!” Mo Yushuang took the Bing Po, gave Gu Xiangfei a grateful look, and turned to go Flying away in front, Gu Xiangfei found that Mo Yushuang’s aura was fluctuating, which was the peak cultivation of a fairy, so he followed.

After the two of them flew in the void for five days, a ray of light appeared in front of them. After a few breaths, they came to a crack in the void. After coming out of the crack in the void, Gu Xiangfei took a long breath and finally came out. His grandma’s, Void is really not a good place, so try not to go in if you can.

There is a plain in front of me, and there are large undulating mountains in the distance. The fairy aura here is average. Gu Xiangfei runs the regular exercises, feels the regular atmosphere here, and finds that this is the rules of the fairy world. Fortunately, he has returned to the fairy world.

“Fellow Daoist Gu, where are you going? I have a jade slip of a map here, give it to you!”

“Thank you!” Gu Xiangfei took the jade slip of the map, scanned it with his spiritual sense, and discovered that this is the Upper Heaven Realm, the Taiqing Heaven Realm, half a month’s journey away from the empty moat of the three major heaven realms.

“I’m leaving, I’ll give you this elixir!” Gu Xiangfei took out a jade bottle and threw it to Mo Yushuang. Before she could thank her, the rule escape technique was launched and disappeared in a flash.

Mo Yushuang took the jade bottle, and was about to say thank you, no need, when she found that Gu Xiangfei had already left, and quickly scanned it with her spiritual sense, only to find that she couldn’t see Gu Xiangfei with her spiritual sense.

What kind of cultivation is this? so fast? Mo Yushuang was stunned for a moment, opened the jade bottle and saw a special elixir with alchemy in it, “Emperor Dan!” Mo Yushuang exclaimed, quickly looked around, and was relieved to find that no one was there. .

Special Class Ninth Grade Emperor Luodan, this one is called Gu Xiangfei, eh! I remembered, he is the King of Gu Dan, and only he can take out the special emperor Luo Dan, what kind of luck did I have? Meeting Gudan King unexpectedly, Mo Yushuang’s heart almost jumped out of excitement.

Gudan King must have seen me reach the peak of the Immortal Sovereign, and gave me an Emperor Luo Dan, allowing me to cross the tribulation and break through the Immortal Emperor. Why don’t I take the opportunity to cross the tribulation and break through the Immortal Emperor?

“Boom!” Nine thigh-thick arcs of lightning fell and hit Mo Yushuang’s body, causing countless sparks to burst out of her armor.

Gu XiangfeiFeeling the aura fluctuations, knowing that this Mo Yushuang is crossing the catastrophe and breaking through the Immortal Emperor, this female cultivator is courageous enough, and does not sloppily do things, and her future achievements will definitely not be bad. Think about how this Mo Yushuang dared to run into the void alone Looking for Bing Po in the middle of the night, Gu Xiangfei admired her a little.

The Taiqing Tianyu is very large, much larger than any other Tianyu in the Zhongtianyu. This is the first time for Gu Xiangfei to go to the Tianyu.

Flying to escape, he saw a city in front of him. This city happened to be in the middle of his route. He stopped his escape technique and walked slowly to hide himself in the realm of the fairy king. Look at the three big characters Qingwei City written on the wall, Following behind the monks entering the city, he paid two immortal crystals and entered the city.

The streets in the city are more than thirty feet wide, and the pavement is paved with shimmering bluestone slabs. This kind of bluestone slabs will glow at night, illuminating the road as if it were daytime.

On both sides of the street, there are rows of commercial buildings, rest houses, elixir pavilions, spirit tea rooms, craft workshops, and grocery stores. There is a large square in the center of the city.

Around the square, there is a circle of casual monks setting up stalls. These stalls are also planned to occupy an area. lively.

Gu Xiangfei likes to visit these casual repair stalls the most, and he can often pick up good things at the casual repair stalls.

There is nothing left and right. Now that he is here, he will take a stroll here. He already knows the way back, and he is not in such a hurry in the void. He starts to browse one booth after another, specifically picking out some weird things to check out.

Wandering to a booth, I saw a piece of wood. This piece of wood was as thick as an arm, more than a foot long, with a few capillary roots on one end. It seemed to have been cut off by a sharp tool, and the fracture was smooth and flat.

Gu Xiangfei picked up the piece of wood with the roots, and started to run the exercises regularly. He found that the vitality of the roots was weak, and he injected a little with his divine essence. The wood immediately absorbed his divine essence, and the vitality became a little stronger. The wood seemed very Longing for his divine power, he let out bursts of pleading breath.

Gu Xiangfei immediately knew that this tree root was not a mortal thing, it could emit a begging breath, it was either a demon plant or a sacred tree, he put it down casually, and picked up another piece of ore, which is a piece of middle-grade purple star sand, a defensive ore for refining shields.

“How do you sell this purple star sand?” Gu Xiangfei asked the stall owner as he tossed the ore back and forth.

“Five thousand fairy crystals.”

“It’s a bit expensive, I don’t want it.”

“The minimum is two thousand fairy crystals.”

Gu Xiangfei was taken aback for a moment, the price dropped too fast!

“Two hundred celestial crystals, and give me a piece of wood.” Gu Xiangfei bargained harder. If you can lower the price so much, don’t blame me for bargaining harder.

“Wood and ore are at least one thousand fairy crystals. If there is less, they will not be sold.” The stalls are not angry. The monks they meet every day have all kinds of things, and they can’t get angry when they are doing business.

“Deal.” Gu Xiangfei took out a thousand fairy crystals and handed them to the stall owner, put the two things away, put them in the ring, and transferred the wood to the star bead for inspection.

As soon as this piece of wood entered the star bead, it immediately began to absorb the spiritual energy in the star bead, and its vitality gradually increased.

Gu Xiangfei went to the next booth. There were no weird things in this booth, so he went to the next booth.

When he turned to more than half of the booths, he was looking at the things in this booth, and accidentally saw a book on the side booth, near the edge of this booth, with four earth characters on it, “The Great Reincarnation Technique” !”

Gu Xiangfei was so excited that he almost let out his breath and smashed the stalls. Even though he was an immortal emperor, his hands trembled slightly. The stall owner thought he found something good in his stall, and thought about it for a while. When he asked the price, he shouted a high price, but he didn’t expect the monk to turn around and go to the next booth.

“What kind of book is this? Why are these words still written? Aren’t they all carved on the jade slips?” Gu Xiangfei didn’t hesitate, picked up the Great Reincarnation Technique, and opened it to read.

“I don’t even know what this word is? Our team found it in a secret place. The other teammates didn’t want it, so I brought it back. Friends, you have to buy it for a thousand immortal crystals!” It seems that there is not much interest in it. After reading it, many monks left it behind. They wanted to fool people, but they were devalued by other monks.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t bargain this time. He was afraid that the stall owner wouldn’t sell it and would be bought by other monks, so he quickly handed over a thousand fairy crystals to the stall owner. There is no doubt, if the monk is good, the monk will definitely turn around and leave. Now the monk is still looking at other items on his booth, which means that the monk is collecting some weird items.

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