The Fishing Immortal Emperor

While Gu Xiangfei was looking at the other items on the booth, he was ecstatically surprised. There were really good things in the casual repair booth.

I bought two more things at this stall, and then went to the next stall.

In the cave of a square management office, several deacons were checking the monitoring formation. “A monk bought that book, but it seems that he doesn’t know the characters on it. Let’s tell the city lord first!”

Immortal Emperor Taifeng, the lord of Qingwei City, immediately ordered to see what else the cultivator wanted to buy after receiving the summons.

Immortal Emperor Taifeng was very concerned about any rare items that appeared in the market on the square. He accidentally got a book like this, but he didn’t know the font. He asked many ascended monks who had never seen such a font.

A book with the same font appeared on the market. Immortal Emperor Taifeng knew about it immediately, but he didn’t buy it. He wanted to see if any monks bought this book. If any monks bought this book book to prove itThe monk knew the characters on the book, and then grabbed it back to search for his soul. He was confident that no monk in Qingwei City could escape his grasp.

This book is regarded as bait, he wants to fish, he has waited for a hundred years, the stall owner who sells books has not sold this book, sometimes he can’t help but want to buy this book , because the stall owner often takes risks, in case he is killed or falls that day, his plan will fail, and for this book, he sent several deacons to secretly protect the stall owner.

Today, he finally received a message that a monk bought that book, and he was overjoyed. He thought that the monk bought the book and left in a hurry. Unexpectedly, the monk was still walking around the market in a leisurely manner, and bought other books. He couldn’t help but wonder if he guessed wrong, and this monk also bought it for research.

After Gu Xiangfei went around, he didn’t find anything good, so he decided to leave Qingwei City. At this time, a deacon stopped him.

“My dear friend, our Lord City Lord invites you to the City Lord’s Mansion. If you have anything to ask, please follow me.”

After the deacon finished speaking, he turned around and left. He was not afraid that Gu Xiangfei would not follow him. A monk at the realm of the Immortal King would not be able to escape from Qingwei City.

Gu Xiangfei was stunned for a moment, and then he was overjoyed. The city lord must know that he bought the Great Reincarnation Technique, and he wanted to ask him what the font on the book was, or the city lord also had the same book. Fishing, the monk who can buy this book must know this font, even if he doesn’t know this font, the city lord will search his soul.

Without any hesitation, Gu Xiangfei followed the deacon to the city lord’s mansion. Before entering the city lord’s mansion, Gu Xiangfei discovered that the city lord’s mansion is a cave, surrounded by various formations. As long as he enters the city lord’s mansion, he is the owner of the cave. Calculate.

Gu Xiangfei drew void formations, burst formations, strangling formations, and trapped killing formations while walking. When he reached the main hall of the City Lord’s Mansion, the void formations had been drawn.

Immortal Emperor Taifeng was a little disappointed when he saw Gu Xiangfei coming in. He probably didn’t know this kind of font. He bought this book because he wanted to study it.

Gu Xiangfei entered the main hall, walked to the guest seat and sat down, “Serve tea.” He didn’t even look at Immortal Emperor Taifeng sitting on the main seat.

The deacon was taken aback, what the hell is this? When this monk entered the city lord’s mansion, he became more courageous. Could it be that he has some background?

Immortal Emperor Taifeng didn’t speak, and nodded to the deacon. The deacon picked up the teacup and poured Gu Xiangfei a cup of fairy tea.

“Old man, why did you let me in? Talk quickly if you have something to say, let me fart if you have something to say, I have to hurry!” Gu Xiangfei took a sip of the fairy tea, and asked Immortal Emperor Taifeng first, he didn’t expect to be here To waste time, I want to open Immortal Emperor Taifeng’s ring earlier to see if there are any books on Earth?

“Bold! How dare you be so arrogant after entering the City Lord’s Mansion.” Before Immortal Emperor Taifeng could speak, the deacon couldn’t bear it anymore, and wanted to teach Gu Xiangfei a lesson, and let him know how powerful the City Lord’s Mansion is.

“Ants! Get out of here.” Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and slapped the deacon away, boom! With a bang, the deacon’s bones and meridians were shattered, and he collapsed on the ground, unable to even utter a scream.

He was terrified. What kind of fairy king is this? This is obviously an fairy emperor. Seeing him being slapped and unable to move, this is clearly the realm of the fairy emperor that imprisoned him.

“Immortal friend is so majestic, abolishing my deacon in my city lord’s mansion, I think you are impatient.” Immortal Emperor Taifeng saw that the deacon who was shot by Gu Xiangfei had already been abolished, and was furious in his heart , it turns out that this monk is also an immortal emperor, so he must know this kind of font, and he was overjoyed, and immediately stood up to stimulate the big formation in the cave.

“Show me your ring.” With a wave of Gu Xiangfei’s hand, a great incisive power blasted towards Immortal Emperor Taifeng. Imprisoned.

As soon as Immortal Emperor Taifeng’s domain was opened, it was crushed by Gu Xiangfei’s domain. His Immortal Emperor’s domain continued to shatter, and he was soon imprisoned.

Immortal Emperor Taifeng was horrified, what kind of cultivation is this? They are also immortal emperors. This cultivator’s domain can crush him, which is not something that can be done in the same realm. Then his arm hurts, his ring has been taken off by the cultivator, and his arm is thrown away.

“Pfft!” Immortal Emperor Taifeng felt that his mind had been cut off from the ring, and a mouthful of blood spewed out from his damaged spirit.

Gu Xiangfei opened the ring of Immortal Emperor Taifeng and took out a jade box from it. When he opened the jade box, he saw a book in the same font as the earth, with four words on it, Great Destiny.

Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed, put away the jade box, and raised his hand to shoot out a flame, turning the body of Immortal Emperor Taifeng into ashes. His weak primordial spirit had just left his body, and when he wanted to beg for mercy, he was turned into nothingness by a flame.

The deacon was shocked when he saw this scene. The city lord was easily beheaded by this monk. What kind of cultivation is it to behead the immortal emperor? Then he saw a flame coming towards him.

Gu Xiangfei took the rings from the two of them, and did not leave in a hurry. He searched the city lord’s mansion again before coming out in the form of that deacon. The guards outside the city lord’s mansion also respectfully sent him away.

Leaving Qingwei City, he took out the spaceship and galloped to the position of the empty moat.

He was not in a hurry to go back. He watched the scenery of the Upper Heaven Territory along the way. He entered the Upper Heaven Territory for the first time and found that it was much stronger than the Central Heaven Territory. Whether it was a monk or a city, there was an aura. no.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t care about the spaceship behind him galloping by on his right. Some monks here were in a hurry and would often overtake other spaceships.This is a very normal transcendence, and it’s fine after passing, but the spaceship in front turned around and flew back. The cultivator on the spaceship, Gu Xiangfei still knows, is the female cultivator Mo Yushuang.

Now Mo Yushuang looks very embarrassed, as if she has experienced a big battle, her clothes are ragged, half of her hair has been cut off, and her scalp is almost exposed, and if she goes down a bit, half of her head can be cut off.

“Fellow Daoist Gu, we met again, please help me! Someone is chasing me.” Mo Yushuang’s tone was very anxious, and he didn’t say any more polite words to Gu Xiangfei, and directly called him for help.

“I’m sorry, I’m on my way, please get out of the way.” Gu Xiangfei couldn’t help being a little annoyed, you brought me out, I’ve already paid double the price, this karma has been broken, now you ask him to help, why? Because you are a woman?

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