Dirty Illusory Rain Palace

Mo Yushuang was taken aback, she didn’t expect Gu Xiangfei to be so unfeeling, anyway, she brought him out of the void by herself, the two of them are also acquaintances, if Gu Xiangfei can help, chase and kill his Immortal Emperor, he will definitely give Gu Xiangfei face, let go over her.

“I brought you out of the void, can you help me? I was blind and saved a white-eyed wolf.” Mo Yushuang yelled angrily. Repay Gu Xiangfei for saving his life.

“Get out!” Gu Xiangfei was furious, raised his hand and slapped her spaceship into pieces. He saved her life first, and then gave her Bing Po and Di Luodan. He should have repaid all the kindness. Forget, remembering all the favors she has given to others, and forgetting everything others have given her, no! As if someone else should give it to her.

Only now did he know why this woman went to the void alone to look for Bing Po. It may be her code of conduct. No one can make friends with her, only hers and no one else. It is a miracle that such a person can survive until now in the upper heaven .

Mo Yushuang was taken aback by being photographed flying. It turned out that not all male cultivators cared about their own beauty. This King Gu Dan really dared to kill her. Just by looking at his actions, he knew that if he continued, he might kill her.

Thinking of this, Mo Yushuang was terrified. She no longer dared to say anything of kindness. Just as she was about to escape from here, a spaceship blocked her way.

“Thank you fellow daoist for stopping this slut, Mo Yushuang took out the things you lied to my brother, and then he abandoned his cultivation and followed me.” An immortal emperor alighted from the spaceship, first gave Gu Xiangfei a fistful salute, and then scolded Mo Yushuang. rain and frost.

“Fellow Daoist Gu, take this jade box away first, I’ll stop him.” Mo Yushuang waved his hand, and a jade box flew towards Gu Xiangfei.

The Immortal Emperor was furious. Just as he was about to explode, he saw the jade box turning and flying towards him. He quickly raised his hand to grab the jade box, opened it for a glance, and put it into the ring.

“You’re still too young to play this game, and you want to blame me. If it were someone else, you might have been fooled by you. I didn’t expect that I would kindly save your life, give you back the ice soul, and give you the emperor. Luo Dan, you just hurt me like this, your heart is really vicious, go to hell!” Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and slapped Mo Yushuang into a blood mist, now he knows this Mo Yushuang, remembering the benefits of others No more than one stick of incense time, if you forget it later, it will harm you.

“Friend of the Immortal…” Before the Immortal Emperor finished speaking, he saw Gu Xiangfei smashing Mo Yushuang, without even escaping his soul.

“I’m sorry, those who want to harm me must die. Is there anything else for fairy friends? Yes! The imprint of the soul.” Gu Xiangfei raised his hand to grab the imprint of the soul, and with a flash of the galaxy in his hand, the imprint of the spirit turned into nothingness.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, I didn’t expect the immortal friends to find this imprint of the soul, otherwise they would be entangled by the Magic Rain Palace. This sect is the most despicable and shameless. It often uses some dirty tricks to offend the magic rain palace. Cultivator, none can escape their pursuit.” The Immortal Emperor heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that Gu Xiangfei had destroyed the imprint of the soul, and mentioned that Mo Yushuang was a disciple of the Magic Rain Palace.

“Friends of the Immortals, do you know where this Magic Rain Palace is?” Gu Xiangfei decided to go to the Magic Rain Palace to see what kind of sect this is, and destroy them if he has the chance.

“This sect is the most mysterious. Many monks have looked for this sect, but they have not found where it is hidden. But you can check her ring.” Take a look at Mo Yushuang’s ring.

Ok! Gu Xiangfei’s illusory eyes opened, and all the surrounding flowers, plants, trees, mountains and rocks appeared in his eyes, a stone appeared in his eyes, he raised his hand to grab the stone, and when his spirit spit out, a person appeared in the stone.

That person’s face changed drastically. The top hidden talismans he used were discovered by others. This shows how powerful this monk’s spiritual consciousness is, no! It is impossible for the spiritual sense to find him, even if the palace lord’s spiritual sense can’t find him, it means that this monk has false eyes, and only the false eyes can find that he is hiding here.

“Are you going to explain yourself, or let me search for your soul?”

Gu Xiangfei felt that there was a regular aura nearby, which was somewhat different from the regular aura around him. He immediately checked with his false eyes, and sure enough, he found someone hiding nearby.

The monk just blew himself up and found that he could speak except his mouth, and his other immortal essence and meridians were all imprisoned, and even his soul was unable to move. There was a look of horror in his eyes. It seemed that if he didn’t speak, he would definitely be searched. Soul, and you can’t tell lies, the monk of the Immortal Emperor can even see clearly the fluctuations in his mind.

“I’m from Huanyu Palace. Our sect is in Tingyu City in Taiweitian. The whole city is our sect.” The monk’s words surprised Gu Xiangfei and the Immortal Emperor.

“Damn it! What a clever way.”These are the words of Gu Xiangfei.

“What? Tingyu City is actually the sect of Huanyu Palace?” The Immortal Emperor cultivator was also taken aback. No wonder he couldn’t find this sect. It turned out to be right under his nose.

It’s less than two days away from Tingyu City. It looks like this Mo Yushuang is going to escape back to the sect!

The Immortal Emperor raised his hand and slapped the cultivator to pieces. A flame burned away his soul imprint, and reduced the cultivator to ashes.

“Ask Bo below, the title is Tailuo, Chang Rong Tiantian Yuanzong elder, thank you so much for your help, let me find the location of the Magic Rain Palace, what is the name of the fairy friend?” Immortal Emperor Tailuo said to Gu Xiangfei Li, thank him for finding the location of the Magic Rain Palace.

“My name is Gu Xiangfei, the Supreme Elder of the Sacred Sword Sect in the Central Heaven Region. I don’t have a title yet.” Gu Xiangfei doesn’t know how this title came about. None of the immortal emperors of the Sacred Sword Sect has a title, and I don’t see his uncle and the others trying to get any titles. .

“It turned out to be King Gu Dan, thank you King Gu, I will immediately send a message to the sect to encircle and suppress the Huanyu Palace, and get rid of this cancer in the fairy world.” Immortal Emperor Tailuo obviously knew that Gu Xiangfei was the ninth-rank alchemy king, and he registered as Tailuo The Immortal Emperor thought it was him.

Chang Rongtian is very close to here, otherwise he would not have caught up with Mo Yushuang so quickly. The younger brother of Immortal Emperor Tai Luo was fascinated by Mo Yushuang, and secretly took Tian Luoling, a semi-artifact of the sect, to him. Yu, given to Mo Yushuang, originally wanted to take advantage of sending Tianluo Lingyu to kiss Fangze, but was imprisoned by Mo Yushuang.

It’s also my fault that Gu Xiangfei gave Mo Yushuang Emperor Luodan to cross the catastrophe and break through the Immortal Emperor, otherwise they both have cultivation bases of Immortal Monarchs, Mo Yushuang would never be able to cure him, she was going to sacrifice Hue at the critical moment Those who control him can use their cultivation to suppress him now, so naturally they won’t let him take advantage of it.

The immortal emperors of Tianyuanzong came very quickly. When they attacked the Yaozu, there were only two immortal emperors left. After so many years, now their sect has three more immortal emperors, four immortal emperors plus More than 100 monks of immortal monarchs drove the spaceship to Immortal Emperor Tailuo.

“This is King Gu Dan of the Holy Saber Sect. It is thanks to King Gu Dan that he found the location of the Magic Rain Palace.” Immortal Emperor Tailuo hurriedly introduced Gu Xiangfei to several immortal emperors of the sect.

“It turned out to be King Gu Dan. Thank you King Gu Dan for your generous help. In the future, if you need me in Tianyuanzong, just ask me.” The lord of Tianyuanzong Taiyuan Immortal Emperor gave Gu Xiangfei a fairy first gift, his tone was very respectful, and he could draw with Gu Xiangfei As far as the relationship is concerned, their sect can wake up with a smile in their dreams. Haven’t you seen the Immortal Emperor of the Holy Sword Sect? There are almost a hundred of them.

“Young Taiyuan immortal friend, you are being polite. You should be able to contribute to the fairy world. Let’s go!” Gu Xiangfei clasped his fists and bowed back, not talking nonsense, and sacrificed the spaceship to Tingyu City.

Tingyu City’s City Lord’s Mansion is the Zongmen Hall of Huanyu Palace, and now they don’t know that disaster is imminent. These monks of Huanyu Palace are having fun with their own faces, and the suzerain Immortal Emperor Taiyu has three A better-looking young face was serving her.

An old monster who has lived for hundreds of thousands of years, has played with countless young faces, absorbs the yang energy of these faces, and keeps her delicate skin, making her look even more radiant. He could give his life for her.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t enter the city gate, but walked to the edge of the city wall, and began to draw the void pattern. Now his consciousness is strong, and he used the divine essence. In less than a stick of incense, a ninth-level void trap was completed. Then continue to depict strangulation patterns.

The guards at the gate of the city saw a monk standing under the city wall with his eyes closed and rested, and ignored him. There are all kinds of strange people from immortal monks. As long as they don’t enter the city to make trouble, they won’t ask him what he is doing.

After the completion of the two ninth-level void formation patterns, Gu Xiangfei was afraid that the night would be long and dreamy, so he immediately activated the formation patterns, covering the entire Tingyu City in the large formation. The guards of the city gate were the first to be killed by the void blade light.

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