: Gu Yunhao Overcomes Tribulation

When Gu Xiangfei came to Kongcha, he didn’t have the slightest intention to stop. He drove the spaceship directly into the ravine.

“My God! Someone dared to enter the empty moat.” Two monks in the distance exclaimed when they saw this scene, and hurried to the empty moat.

When they were still thousands of feet away from the empty moat, they felt that they were about to be drawn into the ravine by the Daoyun of the Great Cutting Technique, and the two monks were so frightened that they left quickly.

After Gu Xiangfei passed through the empty moat, he found that the opposite side was not Chahai. Thinking about it, he was right. The location where he came in was different, and the opposite side was far away from Chahai’s position. The regular skills started to work, and he felt that this was the territory of the three major heavens. I am back again.

After flying for two days, a spaceship ahead blocked his way.

“Friend Xian, why stop me?” Gu Xiangfei politely asked the two monks on the spaceship. He thought the two monks wanted to ask him something.

“Xianyou’s spaceship is not bad. We want to borrow it. We can’t borrow it!” One of the monks looked at Gu Xiangfei’s spaceship with a smile, with greed in his eyes.

“Oh! You have a pretty good head, and I want to borrow your head to play as a ball.” Gu Xiangfei was almost annoyed, and if you don’t want to borrow it, you can just call it robbery and forget it.

He raised his hand and grabbed the cultivator’s neck, click! With a sound, he grabbed his head abruptly, raised his leg and kicked his head away, “Boom!” The head exploded in mid-air and turned into a cloud of blood mist, even the primordial spirit could escape.

“Ah! Senior, please forgive me. It’s none of my business that Wang San took a fancy to Senior’s spaceship and wanted to borrow Senior’s spaceship on the spur of the moment!” Push it to the monk.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t bother to talk to him. A flame turned him into ashes. Two cultivators in the Luoxian realm also wanted to rob him. I really don’t know what they were thinking. Can a cultivator who can drive the highest-grade fairy weapon have a much lower level of cultivation?

Grabbing the rings of the two of them, they saw that there were two identity jade cards inside. They turned out to be disciples of the Haotian School. These disciples of the sect looked fine in the sect, but they started to do whatever they wanted when they went out. The Holy Sword Sect must have some This kind of disciple, this is a common problem of big sects.

Flying all the way, three days later, they came to the sect of the Holy Sword Sect. The guard disciples saw him quickly bowed and saluted. Gu Xiangfei nodded and entered the sect.

“Fifth senior brother, you have always been good.” Gu Xiangfei came to the main hall of the suzerain, and the fifth senior brother Zheng Kaiyue sat on the main seat, faintly already having the aura of the suzerain.

“Junior brother is back, how is Weiyun Tianyu?” Fifth senior brother Zheng Kaiyue saw him come back, stood up quickly, pulled him to sit on the guest seat, and poured him a cup of fairy tea.

“I came back from the Upper Heaven Realm, and I went through the void to go to the Heaven Realm of the Henghui Universe…” Gu Xiangfei recounted how he got lost in the void.

“Junior brother, you can really run. Fortunately, you ran back again, otherwise you would have kept Junior Sister Yan waiting for a long time.” Fifth senior brother Zheng Kaiyue joked with him after hearing his legendary experience.

“Fifth Senior Brother was joking, did Weiyun Tianyu have any news?” Gu Xiangfei wanted to know the situation in Weiyun Tianyu after he left, but seeing that Fifth Senior Brother was very calm, he knew that there must be nothing wrong there, but he I still asked.

“Some time ago, the news came that everything was going smoothly, and the sect had promoted more than a dozen immortal emperors. Compared with Weiyun Tianyu’s rich resources, the rules are higher, and the disciples of the sect have pills, so Breaking through to the Immortal Emperor is almost a matter of course.” The fifth senior brother smiled and talked about the situation in Weiyun Tianyu, the more immortal emperors in the sect, the stronger it is.

Gu Xiangfei took out the message talisman and sent a message to Yan Yixue, but within a few breaths, she received Yan Yixue’s reply, her tone full of surprise, asking him to wait for her at the Zongmen.

Gu Xiangfei took out a ring and handed it to fifth senior brother Zheng Kaiyue, “Fifth senior brother here has some pills, you can see how to distribute them! I’m going back.”

Back in his cave, he took out a large book of reincarnation and checked it.

Reincarnation, whether it is a mortal or a monk, after the end of the life, they will enter the next reincarnation. Reincarnation is also called circulation, reincarnation, life-and-death reincarnation, which means that all living beings die and rebirth, life and death, endless life and death, turning like a wheel Non-stop, endless cycle.

The great reincarnation technique has been cultivated to the extreme, allowing the opponent to enter reincarnation at any time, or not allowing the opponent to reincarnate, and directly disappearing in the world, all in the thought of the monk who casts the supernatural power.

Buddhism pays attention to the theory of reincarnation, and believes that after death, people will enter the next life, that is, reincarnation. According to the good and evil done in life, there will be six possible destinations. Do evil and fall into the three evil paths: hell, hungry ghosts, and animals; do good and go to the three good paths: gods, humans, and asuras.

After reading the introduction of the Great Reincarnation Technique, Gu Xiangfei had a systematic understanding of reincarnation. He sat cross-legged on the futon and began to practice the Great Reincarnation Technique.

Yan Yixue returned to the sect five days later and came to the cave. She saw that Gu Xiangfei was practicing and did not disturb him. She tidied up the cave silently and fell asleep on the bed. Although I know he is safe, but I don’t reply to the message, I know himWhere is it trapped, and the communication symbol in that place cannot be received.

Now that Gu Xiangfei is back, she is also relieved. With a relaxed mind, she fell asleep. In her sleep, she felt someone touching her. She woke up suddenly and saw her husband lying down beside her, hugging her. It’s all about passion.

It took seven full days and seven nights before Yan Yixue lay exhausted in Gu Xiangfei’s arms, and the two embraced each other and fell asleep.


“Boom!” Nine arcs of thunder as thick as washbasins fell and hit the body of the cultivator who crossed the tribulation. The cultivator didn’t have any defensive armor. The emperor’s breath spread out to the surroundings.

A colorful spiritual cloud descended from the sky and was absorbed by the Immortal Emperor cultivator, quickly stabilizing his own cultivation.

“Ah Hao! Congratulations.” An immortal emperor cultivator who was protecting him next to him came over to congratulate him when he saw him pass through the thunder calamity.

“Okay, you broke through to the Immortal Emperor half a month earlier than me, what’s the congratulations?” The one named Ah Hao is Gu Yunhao, and the one who congratulates him is Gu Yunjie. The two are both enemies and brothers, but now the hatred is gone , the rest is brotherhood.

“Who told you to go to see the little girl if you have nothing to do? If you don’t practice hard, do you think you have a crush on that little girl? I can tell my mother to ask her to propose marriage for you.” Gu Yunjie watched as Gu Yunhao cleaned up the remaining fairy crystals. , asked him jokingly.

“Don’t talk nonsense, I just saw that she looks like a little sister in the orphanage, do you think she will also cross over like us?” Gu Yunhao asked Gu Yunjie with a hopeful expression.

“Impossible, our chances are too small, almost negligible, besides, your little sister in the orphanage should still be alive! But you can test it, write a few words on the earth, and speak some words on the earth Just look at her expression.” Gu Yunjie gave him an idea.

“That’s right! Why didn’t I think of it? I’ll try it now.” After Gu Yunhao finished speaking, he sacrificed the spaceship and left, regardless of Gu Yunjie’s pouted contempt for him.

“Husband, you found this book in the upper heaven domain? What kind of existence is the earth? Any of these great supernatural powers can destroy the universe, but according to Xiaojie and Xiaohao, the earth is an ordinary science-level Planets are just some ancient legends.” Yan Yixue looked at the two books that Gu Xiangfei handed her, the Great Reincarnation Technique and the Great Destiny Technique, and talked about the legends on Earth with some surprise.

“I guess the earth must have been a cultivation planet in the past. Although some of those legends are fictitious, they must have their origins. For example, the gluttonous beast is an evil beast on the earth, but for some reason, it will appear in the fairy world. .”

Gu Xiangfei feels that he can obtain these supernatural powers, which must be related to his son. Could it be that the heavens arranged for him to have two sons on earth, and taught him the writing on earth, so that so many supernatural powers appeared.

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