Lin Ziyu’s Memory

Gu Yunhao came to the residence of the three major sects. When the guards saw him, they knew that he was looking for Lin Ziyu, the fairy Lin Ziyu of the Tianxuan Sect of the Daotian Tianyu, and they were very reluctant to let him in. This fairy Lin is also a disciple of you, the Holy Sword Sect. Those who can covet, the talented disciples of the three major sects all want to become Taoist couple with Fairy Lin, but Fairy Lin doesn’t like anyone.

After Gu Yunhao entered the residence of the three major sects, he came directly to the position of Tianxuanzong. The guard disciples saw him coming again, and they didn’t look good on him. This is to snatch Lin Xianzi from their sect, so they can have a good look No wonder.

But everyone is now united, and the power of the Holy Sword Sect is huge. Even the three major sects combined are not as powerful as the Holy Sword Sect, and it is not easy to offend him, so we have to let him in.

Gu Yunhao pretended not to see the faces of these guarding disciples, and entered Tianxuanzong with fists in his arms.

Although it is a temporary residence, Tianxuanzong is not sloppy in the slightest. Everywhere is meticulously crafted. The branches are covered with fairy fruits, emitting bursts of fragrance, and the surroundings are filled with fairy aura, just like a fairyland in the sect.

Gu Yunhao came to a cave in a familiar way, slammed the barrier of the cave, and stood at the door waiting for the people inside to open the barrier.

“Senior Brother Gu is here, please come in.” The restriction of the cave was opened, a face like peach cheeks, willow brows and almond eyes, a straight nose, a small cherry mouth, a round chin, a head of jet-black hair, with a jade hairpin stuck in it, The woman with a white swan neck and a bulging chest that weighed half a catty asked Gu Yunhao to enter the cave with a poker face.

“Junior Sister Lin, I won’t go in. I’ll leave as soon as I give you something.” Gu Yunhao took out a jade bottle with Konggou Pill written on it, in three characters on the earth.

“Thank you Senior Brother Gu, you have already given me a lot of things, I can’t take any more.” Lin Ziyu didn’t even look at the jade bottle, and directly rejected the gift that Gu Yunhao wanted to send.

“What I take out will not be taken back. You can throw it away.” Gu Yunhao stuffed the jade bottle into Lin Ziyu’s jade hand, turned around and left without the slightest hesitation.

Seeing that Gu Yunhao left so quickly, Lin Ziyu had no choice but to accept the jade bottle. She saw a note on the jade bottle with three words written on it, “Empty Pill!” What kind of pill is this?

Lin Ziyu opened the jade bottle, and there was a elixir with elixir in it. When she smelled it, she felt that the erysipelas on her body had gone a little. This is the elixir for removing erysipelas in the monk’s body, no wonder it was named Konggou Pill.

Ok? wrong! How is this font on earth? Lin Ziyu was shocked, and hurried back to the cave. After she broke through to the fairy king, some memories appeared in her mind. She was an orphan on earth in her previous life, and she lived with many orphans in the orphanage.grow up together.

The best thing for her in the orphanage is her elder brother Gu Weidong, who will keep everything good for her. She has been running behind her brother since she was a child. Later, her brother went to serve in the army, and she later entered a university. I have never met.

Until later I heard that the orphanage had been demolished, and that the director had also died. These orphans returned to the orphanage from all over the world to pay homage to the old director. They didn’t see their elder brother Gu Weidong coming back. They asked a lot of orphans I don’t know where he is either.

Unexpectedly, within a few days after they left, they heard that Gu Weidong had returned and killed many people. These people were all related to the demolition of the orphanage. She quickly asked the company for leave and returned to the orphanage, hoping to find her brother Gu Weidong. , and finally heard that he died with a policeman. She put away her brother’s ashes with tears in her eyes, and was walking down the street in a daze when she was hit by a large truck that lost control.

Lin Ziyu thought of this, and came to his senses, how could this Gu Yunhao have writing on earth? Could it be that he also traveled from the earth? Otherwise, how could he write characters on the earth? No, I’m going to ask him, who wrote this word?

Lin Ziyu opened the cave, just when someone was about to ring the restraint of the cave, she suddenly opened the cave and startled the man.

“Junior Sister Lin, I just came to see you to share my cultivation experience. I didn’t expect that Junior Sister had a good understanding. She knew that I was coming, so she opened the restriction.” A handsome man looked at Lin Ziyu with a smile, and there was a gleam in his eyes. affection.

“I’m sorry, Senior Brother Luo, I just have something to go out, let’s talk about the communication next time!” Lin Ziyu knew why Senior Brother Luo was here, and she never thought about finding a Taoist companion. Thinking of his brother Gu Weidong, he has no good looks towards anyone.

“Junior Sister Lin, you…” Senior Brother Luo saw Lin Ziyu leave after finishing speaking, and quickly chased after Lin Ziyu, but he didn’t expect Lin Ziyu to sacrifice the spaceship and gallop away.

“Hmph! You bastard Gu Yunhao, just wait for me.” He heard that Gu Yunhao came looking for Lin Ziyu again, so he hurried to Lin Ziyu’s cave, wanting to see what Gu Yunhao and Lin Ziyu said, but he didn’t expect that Gu Yunhao had already left. This reassured him a lot, and Lin Ziyu was used to being honest with him, Lin Ziyu not only treated him like this, but also any disciple, he was just dissatisfied with Gu Yunhao.

After Gu Yunhao returned to the sect, he first went to report to his ancestor Wei Tianyun. After breaking through the Immortal Emperor, he had to report to Wei Tianyun. This station is now in charge of Wei Tianyun.

Wei Tianyun saw that Gu Yunhao had also broken through to the Immortal Emperor, and was overjoyed. Gu Xiangfei’s family now has four Immortal Emperors, and he was also happy for Gu Xiangfei. The more Immortal Emperors in the sect, the happier he was, so he encouraged Gu Yunhao a few words, and then Explained to him the precautions for the cultivation of the Immortal Emperor.

As soon as Gu Yunhao returned to the cave, he heard someone ringing the barrier of the cave. When he opened the barrier and saw Lin Ziyu standing outside, he understood in his heart that Lin Ziyu really came across from the earth, but he didn’t know how she got here, could it be She also died and came here.

“Senior Brother Gu, let me ask you something. Did you write these characters?” Lin Ziyu entered the cave without saying anything else, and directly asked him about the characters on Earth.

“I wrote it, do you know it? You look very much like a sister of mine in the orphanage. Her name is Xiaoyu. The dean said that it happened to be raining the night she came, so he named her Xiaoyu. She has been with you since she was a child. Behind my butt, I grew up and went to serve as a soldier, and I never saw her again until I met you that day, and I saw that your eyes resembled hers.” Gu Yunhao said here, with a look of nostalgia in his eyes.

“Brother, I’m your sister, Xiao Yu.” Lin Ziyu burst into tears when Gu Yunhao said the word “orphanage”, and couldn’t help but threw herself into Gu Yunhao’s arms and burst into tears.

“Crack, crack, crack! It’s so brotherly and sisterly affectionate that I couldn’t help applauding and cheering.” A voice came from outside the cave, and then the man walked in.

“Ah!” Lin Ziyu hurriedly left Gu Yunhao’s embrace, wiped away her tears, and looked at Gu Yunjie who came in with big watery eyes.

“This is Gu Yunjie, the policeman who died with me, and my eldest brother in this life, Ajie, this is Xiao Yu, my sister from the orphanage.” Gu Yunhao pulled Lin Ziyu’s little hand, Lin Ziyu felt that Gu Yunhao’s big hand was very warm, Gu Yunhao took her by the hand and introduced them to each other.

“Hi brother, I’m Lin Ziyu, you can call me Xiaoyu.” Lin Ziyu hastily called out “brother”, since Gu Yunhao said that this is the policeman who died with him, it is certain that the grievances between them have been resolved, and Lin Ziyu has not been entangled anymore what.

“Since you call me big brother, you can’t call me in vain. This ring is for you.” Gu Yunjie took out a ring and handed it to Lin Ziyu.

“Take it! He has more good things than me, and his parents are partial, so they give him more good things than I do.” Seeing that Lin Ziyu was embarrassed to accept it, Gu Yunhao quickly asked her to accept it.

The three people who traveled through the earth sat on the futon and drank tea while talking about what happened back then. Lin Ziyu also told her story.

“Huh! Damn it, I knew it must be those people who did it. Otherwise, Xiaoyu would have an accident later, why would he encounter a large truck that ran out of control after collecting my ashes? When I have a chance, I will definitely go back to Earth, kill all these beasts.” As Gu Yunhao said, the aura on his body suddenly rose, and Gu Yunjie quickly raised his hand to block his Immortal Emperor’s Domain, avoiding Xiao Yu’s fate of being blown away.

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