Seeing Spirit Grass and Spirit Stone for the First Time

After returning home, Gu Xiangfei reunited with his family for a few days. His younger brother, Gu Xiangyu, went to study at the branch college in the capital city. Due to the outbreak of war, Zhoucheng College did not go to school anymore, and the students fled with their families.

Gu Xiangfei’s family ran far away, and he didn’t want to go back anyway, so his father went to the branch in the capital to explain the situation, and the branch let Gu Xiangyu come in to study.

Xiaohai learns martial arts from his uncle at home every day, and Jiaojiao learns how to be a female celebrity from his mother and second aunt at home.

Everything at home is very peaceful, no different from when they were in Gujia Village.

Gu Xiangfei gave all his gold tickets to his old lady. The hundreds of thousands of gold tickets frightened her. She, a rural woman, has never seen so many gold coins.

Holding the golden ticket, I didn’t know where to put it. I was worried for several days before I calmed down.

When Gu Xiangfei had nothing to do, he went to the deep mountains to hunt some wild sheep and some other game, so that the family could satisfy their appetites. The days passed like this for more than ten days, until after his vacation.

Back at the academy, he came to Teacher Feng’s office. Teacher Feng was very happy to see him, and the two had a conversation. Gu Xiangfei wanted to find out, where is the ore or something? He wanted to refine the banner and needed some precious ores.

Teacher Feng thought for a while and said, “Go to the junction of Xidu and Nandu. There is a place called Santai Town. There are many adventure teams there. Some ores and old medicines often appear. Many merchants will also Where to go to buy and sell items.”

“Then can I ask for leave?” Gu Xiangfei asked.

“Go! Just come back before the year-end assessment. It doesn’t matter if you don’t take the test or not. You have already passed the assessment for what you do. When you come back at the end of the year, you will get a certificate of completion. There is nothing else to do.” Teacher Feng said with a smile.

The few magic wands that Gu Xiangfei gave him allowed him to show his big face in front of his colleagues. Seeing the envious eyes of his colleagues, he felt very flattered.

He went back to the dormitory and cleaned up his things. Wearing a military uniform was too conspicuous, so he changed into ordinary clothes.

After leaving the city gate, stepped on the flying sword and flew towards the border.

Although the Martial Dao Continent is huge, in the eyes of cultivators, it is nothing at all. The fairy world mentioned in the jade slip is really big. It takes more than ten years to travel from Gonghuatian to Shangqingtian by spaceship, but One can imagine how big the fairy world is.

An hour later, Gu Xiangfei lowered his flying sword, Santai Town was not far ahead, and it really was a place where no one cares about it, there were people who robbed the things on the street, and they still dangled on the street without running away. , It seems to be looking for another target.

Gu Xiangfei doesn’t care about these things, as long as he doesn’t steal his things, he can’t be bothered.

After entering the town, I saw dilapidated houses everywhere, some of which were about to collapse, and there were still people living in them, so I wasn’t afraid that the houses would collapse and kill people.

There are still some good houses. For example, the Junzailai Inn is like a new one. It doesn’t match the dilapidated houses next to it at all. There is also a Yihong Courtyard not far away. Standing are some well-dressed young ladies, waving silk scarves to lure guests in.

“Hello! Are you new here? There is a fee to come in, two copper coins.” A big man came over and shouted.

“Get out!” Gu Xiangfei knew long ago that this person was trying to scare him. Since he entered Santai Town, he has already scanned his spiritual sense. Copper coins, or take the opportunity to blackmail.

When the big man saw him yelling to get out, he knew that this person was not easy to mess with. He couldn’t be beaten for two copper coins. Maybe he would lose his life if he lost his life again. Let’s continue to find the next target!

Gu Xiangfei inspected the stalls one by one. He didn’t know much about ores, and he couldn’t fully recognize the spiritual herbs. He looked at these things all by feeling, or things that contained spiritual energy.

After looking at a few booths, I didn’t find what I needed. Just as I was about to go to the next booth, I found a few people running to the back in front, and then some people also ran to the back. The booth that Gu Xiangfei was going to just now , the boss took the placed things, covered them with a piece of cloth and ran over.

Gu Xiangfei felt strange, and followed those people. When he passed, he saw dozens of people surrounding an open space in a yard. There were many things on the ground, mixed together in a mess. There were ores, There are herbs, and a few pieces of jade.

There are several people behind the clearing, each holding a bag, and taking out some ores, herbs, damaged weapons, and half pieces of wood from the bag.”Everyone, don’t squeeze, wait until everything is taken out, whoever is interested in something, you can tell me, we will give you a suitable price, please wait a moment.” A man behind the clearing shouted loudly.

The noise in the crowd quieted down, and some familiar people began to discuss in low voices.

Gu Xiangfei was outside, letting go of his consciousness to check, “Hmm!” What is this? It can actually increase consciousness.

His consciousness swept across a gray stone, and there was a green stone the size of an egg inside the gray stone. As soon as his consciousness touched the green stone, he felt that his consciousness rose a little bit, and the sea of ​​consciousness became warmer. Is this possible? Is it a stone for cultivating divine consciousness?

“Hmm! Spiritual grass!” He found another one with dots of herbs on the leaves. Following the ores and herbs that those people took out from the bag, he found several more spiritual grasses. Aura comes out.

“Spiritual stone!” Gu Xiangfei almost shouted, and couldn’t help but be overjoyed. This spiritual stone is bigger than a pigeon’s egg, pure white like white jade.

“Okay, let’s start picking!” After half a stick of incense, the contents of several bags were taken out, and the man asked the onlookers to pick out the items he needed.

Gu Xiang flew forward, picked up the gray stone and the white spirit stone, and those who were pushed away by him yelled, “Damn it, why squeeze? Which bitch broke her crotch? Stepped on my feet!” If it’s broken, I will pay for my medicine.”

Among the many people who were squeezed away, there was a big man with a loud voice, yelling endlessly.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and slapped him, “Slap!” The big man flew out of the crowd after being slapped, knocked down a few people, fell to the ground and rolled a few times.

Gu Xiangfei stepped in front of him, raised his leg, “Crack!” There was a soft sound, the sound of bones breaking, and the big man screamed “Ah…” and passed out.

Everyone in the courtyard fell silent, thinking to themselves, this young man is ruthless! It’s time for someone to teach Tan Yong a lesson. He did all the tricks and looting in the town, but this time it’s very lively, and their gang will definitely not let this young man go.

“Boss, how do you sell these two things?” Gu Xiangfei turned around and said to the man with a smile. Everyone looked at him with amazed eyes, this young man has changed too fast! Just now, his face was full of murderous looks, but when he turned around, he showed a gentle smile.

“Oh! Give me 20 gold coins for these two items!” The man was not afraid of Gu Xiangfei’s beating, but quoted a price normally.

Gu Xiangfei took out 20 gold coins and handed them to the man, and picked up the four stalks of spiritual grass that he was looking forward to.

“Give these herbs ten gold coins!” The man said while looking at the spiritual grass in Gu Xiangfei’s hand.

“Give me this half of the wood! I’ll make a wood carving and give it to my sister.” Gu Xiangfei picked up the half of the wood again. He felt that there was a trace of vitality in this wood, which was different from other trees, and he felt that this wood was useful to him.

“Okay, I’ll give it to you.” The man saw the moldy wood on the outside, and he didn’t necessarily want it. It was just used by him to light the fire. Since the young man proposed it, let him give it to him. .

After paying the gold coins, I didn’t like the other things, turned around and left the yard. When he was shopping, everyone dared not speak, and waited for him to buy things before picking them up. They were afraid that he would pick up all the good things. I was worried and anxious at the same time, hoping that he would leave early, but I didn’t expect that this young man didn’t choose at all, century-old medicines and precious metals, and I was overjoyed, this young man knows how to advance and retreat.

“That’s him! He beat Tan Yong and broke his leg.” As soon as Gu Xiangfei left the yard, seven or eight people surrounded him, and one of them pointed at him with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks.

“Kill him! Avenge Tan Yong.” A man who seemed to be the leader, a big man with half of his left ear missing, shouted.

“Looking for death!” Before Gu Xiangfei finished speaking, he had already rushed over, bang bang bang…

“Ah…” There was a scream, and half the town heard it.

These people, the warriors with the highest level of martial arts, are nothing in Gu Xiangfei’s eyes. Each of them kicked seven or eight people away, and the meridians of these people were broken by his true essence. If they are all abolished, they will never even think about standing up in this life.

“Crack…” There was a sound of bones breaking, and the legs of these people were all broken by his stepping on them.

That man named Tan Yong cursed his old lady with a few dirty words, which made him very angry, so forget about other things, after all, he squeezed others first, and he was wronged, so he didn’t care too much, his old lady was his backlash, this Tan Yong is also used to swearing at people like this, but when he met Gu Xiangfei, it was a misfortune from his mouth, and it was his bad luck.

“Robbery! Take out all the money on your body, or I will break your arms, hurry up!” Gu Xiangfei is a villain to the end. These people do not do good things. People in this town must have been bullied by them. He found that in the crowd, There was the guy who just came to town and robbed people of their stuff.

These seven or eight people actually have tens of thousands of gold coins? Gu Xiangfei didn’t expect to have so much money, which shows how many people’s property these people have robbed.

Taking a glance with his spiritual sense, he found that Tan Yong was lying on a bed in a room, still yelling.

“When the boss and the others catch that kid back, if I don’t peel his skin, my surname will not be Tan!”

“Then what’s your last name? Dog? Or bastard!” Gu Xiangfei came to Tan Yong’s bed, kicked him off the bed, and a fireball landed on him. Before Tan Yong could yell, he melted. for ashes.

“This house will be mine from now on, not bad! It’s very strong.” Gu Xiangfei looked at this house. There are five rooms, oneThe living room, but this room is too messy, with various items piled up everywhere, Gu Xiangfei guessed that most of the items were robbed by them.

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