Advancement of Spiritual Consciousness

Gu Xiangfei hung a sign at the door, which said that the prices for various items were the lowest.

Someone on the street soon noticed that this young man beat up Tan Yong and his group, robbed their money, unexpectedly occupied their house and disposed of their belongings.

One word spreads to ten, ten spreads to hundreds, and soon everyone in the town knows about it. Some clever people come in to buy things, and the first to come will have good things. Anyway, Tan Yong and his gang are finished, so there is nothing to be afraid of. of!

After processing all the items, he got a few thousand gold coins. He didn’t know the price of these items, they were all offered by others, and they were almost half sold and half given away.

He set the quilts on those beds ablaze, and then performed a small spell to clean the room.

Close the door, take out the gray stone, and use the flying sword to carefully cut the gray stone outside to reveal the green stone inside.

Picking up a green stone, like a soft egg, with some liquid in it, I swept it with my spiritual sense, and felt my sea of ​​consciousness suddenly tremble and expand a little more. Is this an upgrade of the spiritual sense?

Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed, and took out some jade slips in the ring to check, what exactly is this green soft stone? Can it make the gods advance?

I checked all the jade slips, but I didn’t find any introduction about the green soft stone, so let’s ignore it. Anyway, it’s a good thing. I took out a jade box, put the green soft stone in it, and put a restriction on it.

He took out the spirit stone again, and tried to absorb the spirit stone by using the kung fu method. After a cycle of heaven and earth, Gu Xiangfei smiled. This is a middle-grade spirit stone. The spirit energy contained in this spirit stone is stronger than the spirit energy in the deep mountains of his hometown. a bit.

Where did these people find these things? Follow them to have a look, maybe you can find Lingshi Mine, or that green soft stone, thinking of this, he checked those people with his spiritual sense, and decided to follow them out.

Those people have sold out all their items and are eating and drinking in a restaurant. Judging by their appearance, they must have sold a lot of gold coins, and the food and drinks they ordered are very rich.

Now that he has bigu, he doesn’t need to eat every day. He sits cross-legged and practices the exercises. After a few weeks, he uses his spiritual consciousness to check the movements of these people.

After eating and drinking, these people returned to the original yard and lay down on the bed to rest. It seems that they will not leave today, and Gu Xiangfei does not need to stare at them, and concentrates on cultivation.

He let out a foul breath, opened his eyes, and felt his cultivation base. The golden core had reached the ninth level, and he scanned the places where those people lived with his spiritual sense.

“Yeah!” He actually left. Looking at the time, it was probably midnight. These people are very vigilant! Probably because they were afraid that someone would follow them, they got up and left in the middle of the night.

Let go of your mind and check it out. In the southwest direction, these people are speeding up and running forward. The speed is very fast. The man who is leading the team in front is the man who sells things.

Gu Xiangfei got up and went out the door, using the Wind Control Technique, and followed behind them more than a dozen miles away, constantly observing these people with his spiritual consciousness.

Two hours later, these people stopped, with sweat on their faces, took out their water bags and drank some water, sat down and rested for a stick of incense, got up and continued to run, this time the route was changed. , and ran to a desert.

Gu Xiangfei followed these people, watched them change directions constantly, arrived at the desert, ran along the edge of the desert for a while, and then sat down to rest.

Following these people all the way to a small valley, these people stopped running and took out the food they brought with them and started eating.

Half an hour later, these people came to the other side of the valley and disappeared.

Gu Xiangfei scanned with his spiritual sense and found that these people had all entered a cave at the back of the valley. The entrance of this cave was very hidden, and the outside was covered with bushes and vines. It would not have been easy to find if he hadn’t spiritual sense.

Gu Xiangfei is not in a hurry to enter the cave, he wants to wait for these people to leave before going in, it is estimated that these people will not go in the more dangerous places, this leader is not a reckless person, otherwise it will not be so long, these people No one is disabled yet.

Two days later, these people came out, carrying large and small bags, and holding rusty knives and spears in their hands.

After the group came out, they walked out along the path in the valley. The leader came out last, cleaned up the weeds and vines they stepped on, and turned around and left after finding nothing wrong.

Gu Xiangfei secretly admired this leader. This person is meticulous and cautious. Following such a person, although he cannot make a fortune, at least his life is guaranteed, and he will not lose his life due to major mistakes. this person! If it is suitable for defense when fighting.

Gu Xiangfei glanced over with his spiritual sense and saw that these people had left the valley and walked towards the edge of the desert before they stepped into the cave.

There are still burning torches in the cave. It seems that these people have been prepared for a long time, but he has a sense of consciousness and does not need torches. The cave is more than 100 meters deep. Know that the exit is not far away.

Out of the cave, there is a large stone forest in front of you, surrounded by mountains, it seems to be in a valley, the cave is the only exit, the spiritual energy here is very strong, several times stronger than that in the deep mountains of Gujia Village, it is really a good place for cultivation .

“Hmm!” How come the stones in this stone forest have the same appearance as that soft greenish stone! Gu Xiangfei walked up to Shilin, picked upI took a look at the gravel on the ground, and it was indeed this kind of stone.

I was overjoyed in my heart, there are good things in these stones, it seems that this time it was not in vain, so I hurriedly let go of my spiritual sense to check.

Under the cover of his spiritual consciousness, this piece of stone forest appeared in front of his eyes. Not all of these stone forests contained green soft stones, some of them contained green soft stones the size of jujube pits, and the largest one was the size of a washbasin. , thick green, felt very comfortable as soon as the divine sense touched it, and couldn’t help moaning.

He took out a big knife and chopped towards the stone forest. Under the flying stone chips, he felled all the stone forests with green soft stones. He took the big ones first and then the small ones, and finally did not let go of the stones the size of jujube pits. .

After busying for a long time, he started to collect green soft stones. The last piece of green soft stone the size of a date pit broke the skin of the stone, and green liquid flowed out of it. He panicked and swallowed the green liquid with his mouth open. down.

Immediately, he felt that the sea of ​​consciousness was slowly increasing, so he hurriedly sat down cross-legged, and operated the exercises to guide the green liquid to circulate in the sea of ​​consciousness. Every cycle, the sea of ​​consciousness increased by one circle.

Suddenly, the sea of ​​consciousness shook, and the consciousness leveled up again, and the green liquid in the sea of ​​consciousness disappeared without a trace.

The area of ​​his sea of ​​consciousness has more than doubled. The original sea of ​​consciousness was the size of a washbasin, but now his sea of ​​consciousness is as big as the iron pot for cooking at home. It has more than doubled in size. What if the stone was the size of a pigeon egg? The Sea of ​​Consciousness must be promoted. Thinking of this, he took out another green stone the size of a jujube pit. This time he did not break it, but put it in his mouth and bit the skin of the stone with his teeth. In an instant, a chill rushed straight into the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Half an hour later, Gu Xiangfei opened his eyes with a look of joy on his face. Sure enough, the Sea of ​​Consciousness has been promoted again this time, and the area of ​​the Sea of ​​Consciousness has expanded to the size of three iron pots.

He let go of his divine sense and scanned it. There were a full three hundred miles covered by his divine sense. He was overjoyed and decided to cultivate his divine sense again when he had time. Now he hurried to find other spiritual herbs and ores.

Passing through the stone forest, there is a collapsed house behind. It seems that these houses are hundreds of years old. There are some bones, rusty swords and shields inside. They should be the residence of a gang, and they were killed and destroyed.

Let go of your mind and check these houses for ores and other useful things, and suddenly found that there is a secret room here.

Under one of the houses, this house is paved with such stone slabs. Under one stone slab, there are more than ten steps leading to the secret room.

Gu Xiangfei discovered this secret room, and was overjoyed in his heart. He hoped that there would be something he needed in the secret room, so he used the earth escape technique to come to the secret room below.

The door of the secret room has fallen off, and the space inside is not very large, the same size as a normal house.

There is a row of wooden shelves and a few large wooden boxes inside. There are some books and a few wooden boxes on the wooden shelves. The spiritual sense has scanned these books, and they are all interesting stories. It seems that the owner of the secret room likes to read these books. There are no notes of where this is.

He picked up a wooden box, and it shattered with a bang. It may be because of the age, the wooden box was rotten, and a stone fell out of the wooden box, “Lingshi!” Gu Xiangfei shouted excitedly.

This spirit stone is bigger than the one he bought, about the size of an egg, and has a stronger aura. It may be because it is stored in a wooden box, and the aura hasn’t dissipated much.

There are four wooden boxes here. Gu Xiangfei smashed all the wooden boxes, and there are three spirit stones and one ore. I don’t know what the material of this ore is, but it is packed in a wooden box.

The five large wooden boxes were also rotten and rotted. It looked like a wooden box, but it fell apart at the slightest touch.

The wooden boxes were full of gold nuggets, and they were neatly arranged. In one of the wooden boxes, a piece of parchment was found with densely packed circuit diagrams drawn on it.

Gu Xiangfei checked with his spiritual sense, and found that the end point of the road map was actually in the center of the desert. Could there be something in the center of the desert?

Take these gold nuggets back to my old lady. She must like it. Thinking of my old lady’s greedy face, Gu Xiangfei smiled and waved to put these things away.

After leaving the secret room, find a place with relatively strong aura, sit cross-legged and practice the exercises, absorb the aura and refine it into true essence.

The spiritual energy from all around swarmed over him, enveloping him, his body was like a bottomless pit, how much spiritual energy was absorbed.

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