Ascension to Jedi

A young bud of fairy grass broke through the ground from the medicine garden, and the surrounding soil was drilled out by the bud, leaving a few tiny cracks. The bud swayed in the wind, tenaciously resisting wind, rain, thunder and lightning, and continued to grow , its fate is in its own hands.

Gu Xiangfei watched the fairy grass buds, from germination to growth, experienced wind and rain again and again, and still grew tenaciously. Its fate was not controlled by wind, rain, thunder and lightning, but firmly in its own hands. hands.

Gu Xiangfei suddenly understood that only by controlling his own destiny can he control the destiny of others. The Daoyun of the Great Fate Technique is constantly flowing in his body, click! With a sound, the Great Destiny Technique supernatural power entered the gate and reached the entry level.

Boom! A round hole suddenly appeared in the sky, and a seven-colored divine light fell down, covering Gu Xiangfei’s body. Gu Xiangfei was startled, and quickly shouted, “Father, I’m about to ascend, Xiaoxue, I’ll wait for you in the God Realm.”

When Yan Yixue heard Gu Xiangfei’s words, she quickly ran out with Lin Ziyu, only to see Gu Xiangfei rising slowly, she didn’t expect her husband to ascend when she came out to chat with her daughter-in-law, and she also knew that Gu Xiangfei was waiting for her, so she might not be able to suppress it now Stopped, had to fly up.


I don’t know how many cosmic planes are separated from the God Realm. Two monks are fighting, the space is constantly shattering, and the void blade is bursting out. Thousands of miles away from the battle between the two monks, they are swept away by the charm of the divine channel and disappear. without a trace.

Boom! The magical channel rhymes of the two monks collided again, wow! There was a burst of void, and the planets closest to the war exploded, turning into pieces, and all the people and things on the planet were instantly reduced to nothingness.

“Hahaha… Cutting up the saint, your big cutting technique doesn’t seem to be as overbearing as the legend says.”

“Saint of Destruction, don’t you know that there are humans on these planets?”

“Ants are always ants, what have I to do with them, and then I have a great destruction technique.”

“Stop!” The cutting saint raised his hand and blasted out a big cutting technique rhyme.

“Dream it, I don’t have the hypocrisy compassion you have.”

Boom! The two divine channel rhymes blasted together again, but the Dao rhyme of the great cutting technique was swept away by the destroying Tao rhyme.

This trace of the Dao Rhyme of the Great Cutting Technique flew out aimlessly, cutting off the void, planes, and planets along the way, and the Dao Rhyme of the Great Cutting Technique gradually weakened.

Gu Xiangfei was about to enter the God Realm, a trace of the Dao Rhyme of the Great Cutting Technique flashed across, and the receiving and guiding divine light was cut off by the divine channel rhyme. Gu Xiangfei didn’t know that he had deviated from the receiving and guiding divine light, and was thrown far away.

With a sound of “Boom!”, Gu Xiangfei fell to the ground and made a big hole several feet deep.

“Fuck! Is this the Ascension God Realm?” Gu Xiangfei stood up from the big pit and flew to the top of the big pit.

This is a small valley. He just landed on the top of the mountain, and the hill was smashed into a big hole by him.

Feel the spirit hereQi, found that the aura here is similar to the divine essence in my body, but the rules are higher and more perfect.

The divine aura here is thin, go out first and see what is this place?

Flying out of the small valley, he found that his regular escapism was not as fast as running here. He understood that the rules here were too high. His regular escapism was the rules of the fairy world, and he had not yet assimilated to the rules of the gods.

When he got out of the small valley, he checked with his spiritual sense, and found that his spiritual sense could only sweep out more than a dozen miles, which was useless to him. Then he checked with the illusory eye, and found that the illusory eye could see the scene within a hundred miles. .

He found that his cultivation in the God Realm was equivalent to that of a Qi refining period.

He quickly adjusted his mentality. It’s not like he hasn’t experienced the Qi refining period, so there’s nothing to worry about, just cultivate slowly.

The spiritual energy here is thin, so it must be a sparsely populated place. The monks gather in places with strong spiritual energy. There will definitely be no one coming here. He secretly ticked a few words in his heart, and then ran in one direction.

In less than a day, he felt that the spirit in his body was not continuous, so he quickly sat cross-legged on the ground and performed regular exercises to absorb the spiritual energy here. After a few cycles, he found that there was no trace of spiritual energy here, and the spiritual energy in the small valley Although it is thin, there is still one thing. After leaving the small valley thousands of miles away, there is no trace of divine spirit.

He ran back again, and after entering the small valley within a thousand miles, he felt a trace of divine energy, and it was still only a tiny trace of one percent of a hair.

Gu Xiangfei was horrified, and thought to himself, this place is a Jedi! Is this what the God Realm is like? Didn’t he just seek death when he ascended? It would be better to stay in the fairyland.

There was no other way for the time being, so he went back to the small valley. At any rate, there was more spiritual energy here than in other places. He decided to absorb the spiritual energy here, and then went to check in four directions.

The regular exercises started to work, and the meager spiritual energy was absorbed by him. In less than half a stick of incense, the spiritual energy was suddenly cut off, and there was no trace of it.

“This…why is this?” Gu Xiangfei stood up angrily and roared, the sound shook the whole field and spread far away.

Sacrifice out of the cave, go in and take a rest. After running for a long time, he actually feels tired. This is not a good sign. Once his divine energy is exhausted and cannot be replenished, he might starve to death in the God Realm. How ironic it must be to be the first immortal emperor to ascend to starve to death.

When I woke up after a nap, I went outside and found that there was a trace of spiritual energy again. I used the exercises to absorb it, but it disappeared after less than half a stick of incense.

This time he didn’t enter the cave, and was outside to observe when the divine aura would appear.

After waiting for more than a day, I felt that the divine aura slowly began to appear, and it stopped increasing after reaching a certain amount, as if someone was putting the divine aura out of the pocket. A trace of spiritual energy will neither starve him to death nor make him full.

Gu Xiangfei was rather depressed. He probably guessed that he had entered a jedi. The God Realm cannot be like this, but how did he come here?

He carefully recalled the scene during his ascension. It seemed that after entering the God Realm, the receiving and guiding divine light was cut off. He deviated from the guiding route of receiving and guiding the divine light. What could cut off the connecting and guiding divine light? “Big incision!”

It suddenly occurred to him that except for the large cutting technique, the divine channel rhyme, other magical powers would not cut off the connecting divine light, but would only destroy the connecting divine light, or make the connecting divine light appear spatially dislocated. If it was a large space technique, he would was taken to another dimension.

“Fucking shit! Who used the great cutting technique? If I can get out, I will tell him after I find him, and let him taste the feeling of being cut.” Gu Xiangfei wanted to understand the cause and effect, and couldn’t help but yell.

Tired of scolding, I sat on the ground and thought about it. The only way now is to find a way to get out and leave this Jedi.

After thinking about several methods, I found it was not feasible, so I raised my hand to catch the little bee. As soon as the little bee came out, I took a breath, and felt that there was no spiritual energy here, so I immediately sent him a message with my mind, to enter the star bead, here Not a place for people.

“We are trapped here, you fly fast, go out and find a place with strong spiritual energy, and then let’s go out, or you will die here! If I die, you can’t live.” Gu Xiangfei gave the little bee Summons, tell it what’s going on here.

Little Bee and he already have the bloodstains of master and servant souls. Naturally, they know that they are grasshoppers on the same line now. When Gu Xiangfei dies, his soul will be damaged the most.

The little bee complained to Gu Xiangfei, who told you, a fool, to come here, and then reluctantly flew in one direction.

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