Dry God Domain

After the little bee flew away, Gu Xiangfei took out a fairy spirit vein and tried to absorb the fairy spirit energy inside. Once the fairy spirit vein was placed on the ground, it turned into a piece of slag, without even releasing a trace of fairy spirit energy, it turned into nothingness .

“Fuck! Is there such a thing?” Gu Xiangfei stared blankly at the place that had been reduced to slag, showing a dull expression.

This shit is still letting people live, he didn’t give up, took out the formation flag, arranged a tray formation, and took out a fairy vein and put it on the formation, this time it didn’t turn into slag, It’s just that after coming into contact with the air here, the fairy veins are consumed very quickly, and only a few breaths disappear into nothingness.

It seems that the rules of heaven and earth here are not suitable for things in the fairy world. He stepped into the star bead, and the divine aura here is relatively stronger than the outside. This is because he let the star on the void meteorite.Seeing that the several top Dao fruit trees inside were also absorbing the spiritual energy to replenish, he gave up the original method and had to wait for the little bee to come back!

The speed of the little bee is very fast, at least several times faster than his Flying Dun. After a long time, the little bee came back and was so tired that he almost fell down in front of him. Gu Xiangfei quickly put it into the star bead.

He used his spiritual sense to check the situation of the little bee. After the little bee entered the star bead, it took a long time to absorb the spiritual energy in it, and it took a long time to recover.

Gu Xiangfei stepped into the star bead and asked the little bee, “Have you found a place?”

“No, I’ve flown tens of thousands of miles, but I haven’t found any spiritual energy. I dare not fly any further. I’m afraid I won’t be able to come back, so I flew back quickly.” The little bee sent him a disappointed message.

“You recover first, and then check in another direction, otherwise we will all be trapped here.” Gu Xiangfei comforted the little bee and left the star bead.

Two days later, the little bee flew out again, and when it came back, it was exhausted and half dead, so it entered the star bead to rest.

For half a month, the little bee checked all four directions, and found no trace of divine spirit.

Gu Xiangfei was a little frustrated. He had been here for more than a month. He couldn’t get enough to eat every day, and he couldn’t starve to death. Life like this was worse than death.

After another half a month, Gu Xiangfei suddenly slapped his forehead, with a smile on his face, raised his hand to grab the little bee, and said to it, “I thought of a way, you take the star beads to find, and when you are tired, go into the star beads Rest, slow down and continue walking, just walk in one direction, sooner or later you will go out one day.”

The little bee nodded happily after hearing it, and sent him a message, “Why did you just think of such a clever way, which caused me to run so far away? You are such an idiot, so let’s go now!”

Gu Xiangfei put away the cave, absorbed the last trace of spiritual energy, entered the star bead, turned the star bead into a grain of sand, attached it to the little bee, and set off.

The little bee looked for a direction and flew forward quickly. Gu Xiangfei was inside the star bead, and from time to time he used his spiritual sense to check the situation outside. The outside was an endless wasteland, and he couldn’t even see a small tree. Weeds, half dead, swaying in the breeze, and everything else is gravel and sand.

The flying speed of the little bee was much faster than that of his flight. In the blink of an eye, it flew across this wasteland, and the same wasteland appeared in front of it, almost all of which were sand and gravel without any grass.

Since there is no need to worry about not being able to return, the little bee flew farther this time, about 100,000 miles, and stopped to enter the star beads to rest.

Two days later, the little bee continued to fly, and when it got tired, it entered the star beads to rest for two days.

After flying like this for a month, and he didn’t know how many thousands of miles he flew, Gu Xiangfei suddenly felt that the spiritual energy here was relatively strong, so he quickly stopped the little bee.

After getting out of the star bead, Gu Xiangfei sat cross-legged on the ground and operated regular exercises to absorb the spiritual energy here. He found that it was indeed richer than the spiritual energy in the small valley, and he could absorb it continuously for an hour before it gradually weakened.

Gu Xiangfei felt that he wanted to stay here for a few days to replenish the divine energy in the planet. Now the divine energy in the star beads was absorbed by the little bee and him even thinner than that in the small valley, and the few Dao fruit trees were a little sluggish. , If you don’t replenish the spiritual energy, it is estimated that the fruit tree will wither.

A month later, the spiritual energy in the star beads was much stronger than before, and the several Daoguo trees also returned to their original state. Gu Xiangfei let the little bee fly forward again.

The divine aura here began to appear intermittently, and there were a few more grasses in the surrounding sand and gravel, giving this wasteland a little more vitality.

The little bee doesn’t need to enter the star beads because it has been replenished with divine energy. When it feels that the divine energy in its body is insufficient, it will find a place that is relatively richer and stop to recover.

After this situation lasted for three months, Gu Xiangfei found a monk, and hurriedly let the little bee fly for a while and then stopped. Feeling that the monk could not see him, he came out of the star bead and ran towards the monk’s position past.

“Fellow Daoist, please wait a moment.” Gu Xiangfei pretended to come from far away, as if he happened to meet that monk.

“What’s the matter?” The cultivator looked very embarrassed. His clothes were ragged, his face was pale, and his hair was messy, as if he hadn’t washed it for many years.

“May I ask you, where is this place?” Gu Xiangfei looked at this man with a dirty appearance, but his breath was very clean.

“You don’t know where this is? Are you joking with me? I’ve been here for a long time, and I’m bored and want to talk to someone.” The disheveled-haired monk showed a face. I knew your purpose a long time ago. You wanted to talk to me.

Gu Xiangfei was stunned for a moment, and there is such a thing, it seems that he is not the only one here, there must be other monks, these monks are all stuck here, after a long time, they want to find someone to talk to, so they use messy reasons to pretend not to Know where this is asking.

“I don’t have time to talk to you. There’s a rotten lunatic over there who looks for someone to talk to. You can go to him!” The disheveled-haired monk pointed in one direction, turned around and left.

After Gu Xiangfei followed the direction that the messy hair was pointing at, he saw a monk talking with six or seven monks.

Now that he saw people, he didn’t have to worry about them running away, so he walked over slowly.

“I’ve said long ago that there is no way out in the Dry God Realm. With our current strength, we can’t go out at all. Let’s honestly look for the hooligan stone here! If you find it, you can exchange it for the god stone to practice. If you can’t find it, it’s slowSlow down here and wait for the gods to run out and die! Hahaha………”

Before Gu Xiangfei walked over, he heard someone talking loudly. It turns out that this place is called Kushenyu. What are you looking for? It can be replaced with a god stone for cultivation.

“Hey! That person, eavesdropping is not a gentleman. If you want to listen, get closer. Don’t be sneaky and pretend nothing happened. Everyone knows you’re eavesdropping.” A monk pointed at Gu Xiangfei and shouted.

“You’re so loud, why do you need to eavesdrop?”

“That’s right, my ears hurt from the shock.”

“We all know you’re talking, do people still pretend to be nonchalant?”

As soon as Gu Xiangfei heard it, he knew it was the rotten lunatic with messy hair, and he really had nothing to say.

“I’m deaf, so I can’t hear what you’re saying?” Gu Xiangfei walked over while talking.

“Then I’ll say a few more words out loud, and you’ll overhear.”

The rotten lunatic spoke more and more quietly, and finally only saw his lips moving, without a single sound coming out.

“Well! I heard it. You said that you know where there are boulders, and you want to take me to dig them, so let’s go!” Gu Xiangfei deliberately stretched out his ears, pointing in the direction of the rotten lunatic.

“No! How would I know? You’re talking nonsense, everyone, don’t believe what he said, don’t look at me, there really isn’t one.” The lunatic spoke louder, and four more monks came from a distance.

“Crazy man, tell me the location of Manshi, or we will all take off your pants.” One of the four monks who came from a distance asked about the location of Manshi.

“I really don’t know. It’s all this little boy talking nonsense. Are you talking nonsense?”

“Crazy man, I’m not a badass, it’s what you said just now, everyone heard it.” Gu Xiangfei said and pointed to a few monks around, and those monks nodded.

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