Looking for the gangster

The lunatic saw that the monks around him nodded, sat down angrily on the ground, and continued, “Ouch!” The lunatic yelled and sat up again, holding a black stone the size of a fingernail in his hand.

“Rogue rock!”

“What a rock!”

“Crazy lunatic, get up quickly and see if there are any on the ground?”

Several monks yelled, and a monk ran over, picked up the lunatic and threw him aside. Where he was lying down, he took out a sharp shovel and started digging.

The soil here is so hard that a small shovel can only dig one foot deep.

A dozen or so other monks also took out their spades and started digging nearby.

The rotten lunatic held the piece of rock in his hand, laughing foolishly at the side.

Gu Xiangfei originally wanted to ask the lunatic to borrow the rogue stone to find out the regular aura of the rogue stone, but seeing that the lunatic looked like he had found a treasure, he knew that he would definitely not lend it to him, so he didn’t ask.

A dozen or so monks dug a big pit more than one foot deep, but they didn’t find any boulders, so they came up from the big pit dejectedly.

A monk waved his hand and filled the big hole. The sand here returned to its original color after only a few breaths. It was impossible to tell that a big hole was dug here just now.

Gu Xiangfei was secretly surprised, this place called Dry God Realm is a bit weird, he can’t be trapped here! Find a way to get out.

For now, let’s figure out what’s going on here, and what is the purpose of the gangster? Who is buying gangster?

This series of questions made him start to plan where to start. In the end, he decided to get the sacred stone first. Without the sacred stone, he would not even be able to practice, let alone how to leave here.

“Crazy lunatic, you have a share in your rogue stones. You have to share a few pieces of god stones with everyone. If we don’t motivate you, you won’t get rogue stones.” A monk suggested this.

The other monks nodded, indicating that this was the case.

When Gu Xiangfei heard this kind of talk, he was too shameless!

Unexpectedly, the lunatic agreed immediately, and happily asked everyone to wait. He is now going to exchange for the god stone.

After the lunatic left, everyone sat on the ground and adjusted their breathing. It was obvious that the divine energy was wasted too much just now when they dug the rocks.

Gu Xiangfei checked the ground with his spiritual sense, and found that he could only stretch to more than three meters underground, and then stretched down, and found that his spiritual sense had reached the limit, and the sea of ​​consciousness felt a little painful, so he quickly withdrew his divine sense.

The rules here are indeed different, and they are more than a hundred times stronger than those in the Immortal Realm.

He opened the false eye to check again, and found that he could detect about 100 meters underground.

This illusory eye really deserves its reputation. It has not been cultivated yet. When it reaches the peak of the God Realm, it is estimated that this illusory eye can see through planets.

Seeing that other monks were exercising and adjusting their breath, he looked down while talking. There was a lump of rock five meters deep underground, the size of a walnut.

There is a boulder the size of a jujube at a depth of four meters.

A place six meters deep underground…

Gu Xiangfei quickly took a look around here, and found that the deeper the place, the larger the size of the gangster.

Gu Xiangfei decided to find a few people to dig the rock together, but he was not familiar with these people, so he didn’t dare to rush to find them, and the cultivation base of others must be higher than his, so don’t kill yourself when the time comes, you have to observe for a while before talking, Now go dig a piece out by yourself first, and get some god stones to improve your cultivation.

After making a plan, Gu Xiangfei came to these monks again, sat cross-legged on the ground and practiced regular exercises, trying to find the regular breath here, and the thin spiritual energy here made him unable to perform complete exercises at all.

The higher the rules of heaven and earth, the more difficult it is to find the rules of heaven and earth here. The most important thing is that he is still an immortal emperor, and he still doesn’t understand the cultivation system of the God Realm, let alone find the rules of this place.The rules here are out of breath.

“I’m back, haha. Each person has three sacred stones. There are twelve people here, which means thirty-six sacred stones. Take them!” The lunatic finished speaking and took out a handful of sacred stones and threw them at the monks.

Gu Xiangfei took the divine stone and felt the powerful divine aura inside, which had a higher rule than that of the fairy crystal. It was dozens of times stronger than the divine aura he had obtained in the void before, and the rules were more perfect.

“The lunatic really lives up to his reputation. I’ll do what I say. I’ll admire it later.” The four monks who came from behind clasped their fists at the lunatic and turned to leave.

Now there are nine monks added to the lunatic. After seeing the four of them leave, they also started to leave one after another. They all gave the lunatic a salute and left here.

Gu Xiangfei was about to leave, “Wait a minute.” The lunatic called him to stop.

“Without you, I wouldn’t be able to get the god stones, so I’ll give you a few more!” The lunatic finished speaking and took out five god stones and threw them over.

Gu Xiangfei grabbed the sacred stone, but found that it couldn’t be put into the ring.

“You are a cultivator who has ascended from the fairy world? How come you were arrested? Their chamber of commerce is too bold.” The lunatic knew his origin when he saw his ring.

Gu Xiangfei secretly thought, this rotten lunatic is not easy! People look crazy, but they are very particular about how they do things.

“Why are you still talking about this now? Let’s find the hooligan stone!” Gu Xiangfei put the sacred stone in his pocket, and didn’t say that he had deviated from the route during his ascension and was thrown here.

“Yes, find a gangster, let’s go together! When I’m bored, there is someone to talk to. I don’t like being with those stupid geese. I don’t say a word a day, and I can’t even fart.” direction, and the walking speed is very slow, just like ordinary people.

“You can’t go too fast here. If you walk too fast, you will consume a lot of divine energy. You can only rely on the divine stone to replenish your divine energy. There is not enough spiritual energy here, and it is best not to absorb the spiritual energy here. You will know after a long time.” The lunatic really talks a lot, even if you don’t ask him, he keeps talking.

“Why can’t you absorb the divine energy here? It’s always good to have more!” Gu Xiangfei was a little puzzled. He had absorbed the divine energy for several months and found nothing wrong.

“It takes a long time to absorb the spiritual energy here, and your meridians will be nirvana. I have seen a monk, he didn’t bother to find the gangster, just absorbed the spiritual energy here, but within a hundred years, the meridians in his body were Nirvana into slag , fell here.” When the lunatic said this, Gu Xiangfei was taken aback, and quickly checked his meridians, and there was indeed a trace of nirvana.

“Thank you for the reminder, Fellow Daoist.” Gu Xiangfei was really grateful to the lunatic this time.

“No, the monks here know it. If I don’t say it, other monks will say it. The monks here are more selfish. Even if you find the gangster, don’t let others know, otherwise it will be like the situation just now. If I don’t agree, they will attack immediately, even if they don’t kill people, they will take away the gangster, and I will end up with nothing, which is cheap for them.”

After the lunatic explained what happened just now, Gu Xiangfei realized that this kind of shameless thing is normal here, and many monks have encountered it.

The two talked while talking, as if two people were walking, looking very relaxed, the lunatic told a lot about things in the Dry God Realm, he really talked a lot, Gu Xiangfei asked, he could say ten sentences, even Will not shut up for half a day.

“Don’t go forward, go back! See you tomorrow!” The lunatic may be tired of talking, but he didn’t talk much this time. It was the least sentence that Gu Xiangfei heard him say after he met him.

Gu Xiangfei used his delusional eyes to check the place where the lunatic said he wanted to go back. It turned out that there were rows of caves there, all of which were sacrificed by these monks. They went out to find gangsters during the day and went back to practice at night.

Gu Xiangfei has a secret in his heart, so naturally he won’t go there with the lunatic.

“I’ll be right here! Continue to search tomorrow, no need to walk back and forth.” Gu Xiangfei said to the lunatic who was about to leave.

“Fine! In fact, I should do the same, but there are few people and no one to talk to, and I feel uncomfortable. I will come to you tomorrow.” After speaking, the rotten lunatic walked towards the direction of the cave.

Gu Xiangfei sacrificed his way out of the cave, sneaked into the star bead, found some high-grade materials and refined a few small shovels, which he would use when digging the rocks tomorrow.

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