Refined three small shovels like other monks, and then took out a sacred stone, held it in his hand and practiced regular exercises to practice.

The Divine Spiritual Qi contained in the Divine Stone was absorbed by him and transformed into the divine essence in his body. Compared with the Divine Spiritual Energy in the Divine Stone, the Divine Spiritual Energy he absorbed in the void was dozens of times worse. The Divine Spiritual Energy he absorbed in the void can only be regarded as Demigod aura, the current god stone is the real god aura.

He had eight divine stones in his hand, and after using five divine stones, he stopped absorbing the spiritual energy of the divine spirit, and only half of the divine energy in his body had been transformed into less than 10%. He needed more divine stones, at least several thousand divine stones , to complete the conversion of the divine essence in the body, these three divine stones are reserved for emergencies, in case of need, they can be used urgently, so let’s save them for now!

After the rotten lunatic told him that the divine spirit energy here could not be absorbed, he did not dare to absorb the divine spirit energy here any more. He grabbed the little bee and checked its body carefully, and found that the little bee did not appear to be nirvana, so he was relieved Not a lot.

The next morning, the lunatic came over in a leisurely manner. Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and put away the cave, and followed him forward.

“Last night, a monk asked about you and asked me to cover it up.Now, you have to be careful in the future, killing people here is normal, no one will stand up for anyone. “The lunatic told him another thing that worried Gu Xiangfei. It is estimated that his cultivation base is the lowest in the Dry God Realm, and even a monk can kill him.

The only way now is to protect yourself with a formation, but I don’t know if the fairy formation can block the monks of the gods. He was chased and killed by the monks of the gods, and the ninth-level formation was shattered with a slap. It’s better than nothing, at least it’s better than waiting to be killed by others!

“Thank you for reminding me, I will pay attention.”

The lunatic didn’t say anything more. He seemed to have something on his mind today, so he stopped talking. The two walked in the same direction.

Gu Xiangfei looked at the ground with illusory eyes, and now he understands that the monks here can only see three meters underground with their spiritual sense.

“Wait a minute, there is a boulder here.” Gu Xiangfei called to stop the lunatic who was going forward, and pointed to the location under his feet.

“Quickly dig! Why are you standing still?” The lunatic quickly took out his small shovel and started digging at his place.

Gu Xiangfei also took out a small shovel to dig underground. The small shovel in his hand was much sharper than that of a lunatic. He could dig about one meter at a time, and quickly dug out a black rock at a position of more than three meters underground. It is as big as a jujube.

“Ha, I’ve made a fortune, I’ve made a fortune.” The lunatic yelled again and again in a low voice, stretched out and grabbed that piece of rock, and handed it to Gu Xiangfei.

Seeing the action of the rotten lunatic, Gu Xiangfei felt a little trust in him.

“You put it away! We have exchanged for the god stone, and each of us has half.” Hearing Gu Xiangfei’s words, the lunatic froze for a moment, and had a trace of trust in him in his heart.

How could a monk who is in partnership to find a gangster do such a thing. It must be safe to hold the gangster in his own hands. Gu Xiangfei trusted him so much, and he was a little moved for a while. In this place where the jungle preys on the jungle, it is really not easy.

He forgot that Gu Xiangfei’s cultivation base is not high, how could he hold the boulder, once the lunatic wants to kill him, there is really no way now, so he will bet on whether the lunatic will suddenly attack.

“Okay, I’m going to exchange the rogue stones, and you can rest here.” The lunatic turned around and left happily.

Gu Xiangfei saw that the lunatic went far away, and immediately took a small shovel and dug down to a depth of more than two meters, and dug out a piece of boulder the size of an egg. He didn’t dare to put it in the star bead, but put it in his pocket, and then Jump out of the big hole, quickly fill the big hole, and restore it to its original state.

Seeing that there is no one around, he took out the rogue stone to operate the regular exercises, looked for the rouge aura of the rogue stone, quickly found a trace of regulation, then found a trace of regulation, and soon found a trace of regulation aura…

Gu Xiangfei was amazed that this piece of rock actually contained seven or eight kinds of rules, and each rule was different. These rules all had an ancient atmosphere. Rhyme, the Dao Rhyme of the Great Destruction Technique, the Dao Rhyme of the Great Years Technique, and several other Dao Rhymes that he doesn’t understand.

It’s just that these regular auras are rather complicated. You have me in you, and you in me. It’s really not easy for him to find out all these regular auras and differentiate them.

Thinking about his current cultivation base, he couldn’t differentiate these regular auras at all. He took out a jade box, put the rogue stone in it, put several restrictions on it, and put it into a separate ring. There are too many rules, it is not safe to put them in the star beads, so they should be stored separately.

The lunatic came back quickly. After seeing Gu Xiangfei, he took out a storage bag and handed it to him with a smile on his face, “I made an excuse and asked them for a storage bag from the God Realm for you to use. This time I have exchanged three hundred divine stones, and I will put them in storage bags for you.”

Gu Xiangfei took the storage bag, there was no restriction on it, and his spiritual sense found that there were 150 divine stones, with a strong spiritual energy, and he felt that there was a little more spiritual energy in his body after taking a sip.

“Thank you, let’s go!” Gu Xiangfei thanked him, this lunatic doesn’t look like a good person? Still very thoughtful.

“It should be me thanking you. I didn’t expect you to be so lucky. You found such a big piece of rock on the first day, but I saw a monk who exchanged more than 10,000 pieces of God’s stone today. His luck is even worse than ours. Well, I dug out a piece of hooligan stone the size of an egg. Many people have seen it. The monk has been at the exchange office and has not dared to come out. I think he will not come out until the god stone is used up, otherwise…” The rotten lunatic said here I didn’t go any further.

Gu Xiangfei also knew why, more than 10,000 sacred stones were robbed when they came out, if you don’t give them, you will die!

He originally wanted to take the opportunity to dig up a few more rogue stones, exchange them for more divine stones, and convert the divine essence earlier, but now it seems that he can’t be so reckless.

The two of them didn’t dig any more boulders this day. Gu Xiangfei saw a lot of boulders, but he didn’t dare to dig any more. Even if the lunatic didn’t doubt it, the other monks at the exchange office would doubt it. Very weak, bear with it!

In the evening, the lunatic left again, returned to his cave, and chatted with other monks to fart. This day, he was a little excited and talked a lot. Gu Xiangfei only said a word occasionally, which made him feel unsatisfactory.

After the lunatic left, Gu Xiangfei found a rocky place, dug out the lumpy rock the size of an egg a few times, quickly restored the land to its original state, and then went to the next place.

In one night, Gu Xiangfei dug out twelve egg-sized boulders. He didn’t dig some small boulders, and waited for the rotten lunatic to come over before digging.

The next morning the rotten lunatic happily found him, and the two continued to move in another direction. This time the rotten lunatic was at a depth of two meters.A piece of boulder the size of a fingernail ran out to exchange it immediately.

Gu Xiangfei took the opportunity to dig out a few apple-sized boulders, then sat cross-legged on the ground, waiting for the rotten lunatic to come back.

“Hey! Why did you come here?” Gu Xiangfei heard someone talking, opened his eyes and saw that it was the monk with messy hair, he was shocked, this person had already walked to his position more than five meters away, and he hadn’t found him yet. If the messy hair was going to kill him, he would have died long ago.

“I’m waiting for the lunatic, he asked me to wait for him here.” Gu Xiangfei felt that the messy hair had no killing intent, knew that he hated the lunatic, and said it on purpose, just to let him leave.

“Sure enough, it’s all the way.” After Luanfa finished speaking, he turned and left.

“Hey! Don’t go! The lunatic will be here soon, let’s have a good conversation! We are a bit bored.” Gu Xiangfei saw that Lumpy Hair was about to leave, so he hurriedly told him to stay, and Lumpy Hair left faster after hearing his words I can’t see his back after a while.

Gu Xiangfei smiled, and felt that the disheveled hair was not bad, and he did not rob him. According to what the rotten lunatic said, in this wasteland, people are singled out and killed every day.

The messy hair is obviously much higher than his cultivation level, even if he is killed, no one will know.

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