: Transformation of Divine Essence

The lunatic exchanged fifty god stones this time, and gave him twenty-five yuan. It seems that the lunatic is still very trustworthy from the small things. I don’t know if he can keep his credit when he sees the big rogue stone. Gu Xiangfei doesn’t dare to expose it now, he has to observe for a while longer.

The lunatic walked back at night, and Gu Xiangfei continued to dig the rocks. Now he has dug sixty-seven rocks, and he has one hundred and seventy-eight god stones in his hand. He is useless now, and he is ready to accumulate more. Once Just convert the gods in your body and become a monk in the god realm.

Every day, the lunatic would come over early, and then the two of them continued to dig around. Sometimes they couldn’t dig a single rock in two or three days.

Through the understanding during this period of time, Gu Xiangfei also knows how big this Dry God Realm is. Alliance, almost all over the God Realm, the power is extremely huge.

Some of the monks who came here to dig the gangster came voluntarily, and some of the monks were captured by the Shangmeng. The monks who came in owed the Shenshi of the Shangmeng, and they would be arrested if they were unable to repay. The god stone owed to the business alliance, and the lunatic told him that this Yulin business alliance also lends usury. Some monks want to buy things they need urgently. If they don’t have the god stone in their hands, they can borrow the god stone from the business alliance, and the interest is very high, which makes some monks powerless. If you repay it, you will be arrested and dig a thousand-year-old rock, and then the debt will be written off.

Regardless of whether they came here voluntarily or were captured, as long as they spend a thousand years here, they can leave in the teleportation array.

A thousand years is impossible for mortals, but for monks in the God Realm, it takes ten thousand years to practice even once.

Gu Xiangfei was thrown here, so he has no hatred for the Yulin Business League, what he hates is the person who uses the supernatural power of cutting, and he also knows that with his current cultivation level, he is not even as good as a hair of others. Thinking of being able to convert the gods as soon as possible, as long as he doesn’t die, he will definitely meet a monk who uses the supernatural power of cutting in the future, and then revenge for being trapped today.

Half a year later, Gu Xiangfei had accumulated more than 3,000 sacred stones. In the past six months, he and the lunatic did not encounter any incidents of murder and robbery. This is because the lunatic has many acquaintances and can talk to most of the monks here. Everyone was embarrassed to rob him, mainly because the lunatic didn’t have many god stones, and the lunatic dug up the god stones and didn’t take it all alone, and would distribute a few god stones to everyone.

Once someone wants to kill the lunatic, other monks will not agree. After all, every ten days and a half months, the lunatic will give everyone a few god stones. Although there are not many god stones, they are all free, and everyone is willing to accept them. Next, once you kill the lunatic, who will give back the god stone?

Gu Xiangfei felt that if he changed his divine energy tonight, if he could convert his divine energy earlier, he would be able to learn how to arrange the divine array, and he would have a little self-protection ability. Otherwise, he would be worried about being attacked every day, which would make him feel a little uncomfortable. I have never been threatened like this since I started practicing.

After the lunatic left, Gu Xiangfei sacrificed himself out of the cave, but he didn’t enter the cave. In the past few days, he felt that someone was peeping. He didn’t check with false eyes, so as not to expose himself.

In the cave, a few burst formations are arranged with void formations. Once someone enters the cave, the burst formations will be triggered. Although it is a formation in the fairy world, it is estimated that it can make the sneak attacking monks look ashamed. If you are lucky, you may be able to kill him. ,

He turned the star bead into a grain of sand, hid in the distance, then entered the star bead, sat cross-legged on the futon, took out the god stone and set up a spirit-gathering array, and operated regular exercises to absorb the spirit energy of the gods and transform them into gods.

The regular exercise started to work, and the divine spirit energy contained in the sacred stone turned into a whirlpool of spiritual energy, quickly enveloping him, the divine spiritual energy penetrated into his body one after another, and his divine essence was also rapidly changing.


Two monks came over from a distance, without saying a word, they both discussed it, and they will fight directly when they get here, so as not to expose themselves. With their cultivation base, it is still very easy to deal with a monk from the fairy world.

When they came outside the cave, they saw a defensive formation, and the two smiled at each other. The ants in the fairy world even arranged a formation, raised their hands to smash the defensive formation, and rushed into the cave.

“Not good! Rewind!” A huge explosive breath exploded in an instant, and the two of them had no time at all.Back up, “Boom!” The two figures were blasted tens of feet high, one of them was smashed into pieces, and the other one was not spared, its limbs were smashed, and the fragments of the cave in the head were blown away halfway. Leaving the body, with a look of horror on his face, just about to run away, a little bee flew over and opened its mouth and spewed out a corrosive breath. The two primordial spirits were contaminated by the corrosive breath and immediately turned into nothingness.

Gu Xiangfei did not expect that the two people who attacked him turned out to be the rotten lunatic and the messy hair. It turned out that all this had been premeditated, since he met the messy hair. No, later the lunatic saw that he had so many divine stones and hadn’t converted his divine essence, so he decided to fight with Lumpy Hair.

During this period of time, the lunatic covered Gu Xiangfei and prevented other monks from touching him. He just wanted to monopolize his sacred stone. He had cooperated with the messy-haired couple many times, but he didn’t expect to fall this time.

When Gu Xiangfei encountered Luanfa for the second time, Luangfa deliberately observed him closely and saw that he had indeed not changed his divine origin as the lunatic said.

The cave was destroyed by the explosion array, he raised his hand to grab it, turned it into a ball of liquid, picked up the rings of two people, turned their bodies into ashes, and then left here and fled to other places to avoid being caught. People found him.

About a thousand miles away from here, another cave was sacrificed, and a few burst formations were arranged, and then he left here and entered the star bead to continue transforming the divine essence.


Here in the Dongfu group, I haven’t seen a rotten lunatic for a few days. Some monks couldn’t help asking, “Have you seen a rotten lunatic these days?”

“He went out that night and never came back. Could it be that he was killed?”

“Who will kill him? There are only a few sacred stones on him, so I don’t bother to do it.”

“But why didn’t I see him come back? The exchange office said that they haven’t seen him in the past few days.”

The monks in the Dongfu group were discussing a lot, and everyone decided to wait for two more days. If the rotten lunatic has not come back, he will be killed. It is estimated that he did not do good things when he went out at night, and he might also rob others. possible.

These monks are all suspicious. If the rotten lunatic really dies, no one will give him the God Stone, but no one will avenge him.

First, I don’t know who killed it. Second, no one will do anything that is not beneficial. Third, the friendship with the rotten lunatic has not reached the point of desperation. The lunatic can kill them, so the rotten lunatic is just a passerby here.

Gu Xiangfei felt in his body, click! There was a soft sound, and a huge aura gushed out. The little bee was absorbing the spiritual energy beside him, and was blown away by the aura. It let out a dissatisfied cry, and flew back again.

The moment Gu Xiangfei’s transformation of divine essence was completed, an article on the exercises of the divine realm, virtual god realm, true god realm, celestial god realm, god-shaping realm, god-cultivating realm, god-lord realm, god-king realm, god-exalted realm, god realm, appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness immediately. Emperor realm, nine realms, the number of ninety-nine in accordance with the rules of heaven, each realm is divided into early stage, middle stage, late stage, and consummation.

Gu Xiangfei is now in the early stage of the False God Realm, and he has learned about the cultivation system of the God Realm. He opened his eyes and saw more than 3,000 god stones, and there were not many left. , Run the rules of kung fu to find the ring’s prohibition.

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