The Void God’s Late Peak Peak

After spending a hundred years in the star bead, a voice came from Gu Xiangfei’s body, click! With a soft sound, breaking through to the peak of the late stage of the False God, one more opportunity to enter the Perfect Realm, and then break through to the Real God Realm.

He opened his eyes to feel his cultivation, and felt that he was several times stronger. He saw that there were less than 10,000 god stones left around him, and the other god stones had been absorbed by him and turned into ashes.

Remembering that there was still a ring that hadn’t been opened, he took out that ring, erased the restriction on the ring, and checked it with his spiritual sense. There were more than 10,000 god stones in the dirty casual cultivator ring, and the gangster stone was gone. It has been exchanged for divine stones, a low-grade divine artifact long whip, nine jade slips, more than a dozen pots of pills, some for restoring divine energy and some for healing, six low-level divine spirit grasses, and two low-level ores.

He took out the divine stone, and added that he had less than 30,000 remaining divine stones, and sprinkled them on the spirit-gathering formation. He decided to stabilize his cultivation first, and then continue to deduce the formation.


A cultivator from the Yulin Commercial League branch, who was in the God-shaping Realm, searched for a year in the Dry God Realm, but he couldn’t find the messy-haired monk. He secretly cried out that it was a pity that the messy-haired monk was either killed, or he knew that he had been exposed and hid. Well, he is on duty in the Dry God Realm, and he can’t go out to find people every day. Once something happens to the exchange office, he can’t explain it, so he has to go back to the exchange office and observe the monks who come to exchange the god stone every day.

After another year of observation, he also went out to look for the messy-haired monk several times, but he couldn’t find it. He thought that the messy-haired monk had been destroyed, and even if he hid again, he couldn’t hide for two years. God’s Domain, after hiding for two years, all of his meridians have not yet been reduced to a porridge.

Even so, he still didn’t give up, and continued to observe for another year before giving up completely. He sighed secretly, but his chance hadn’t come yet. This spatial rule technique still didn’t belong to him after all.

When Gu Xiangfei came out again, four years had passed outside, and he had spent more than 120 years in the Star Bead, his cultivation had risen to the peak of the late stage of the False God, and his formation skills had reached the peak level of the third-level magician.

When he went to the exchange office this time, he decided to take out two apple-sized boulders. Now, the smallest ones in his ring are all such boulders. The egg-sized boulders are gone, unless he goes looking for them again.

When he came to the exchange office, he checked with his false eyes, and found that his false eyes could see about three hundred miles. He knew that this was the effect of being promoted to the peak of the late stage of the virtual god.

He didn’t see any other monks, so he looked at the front of the team, and there were only two monks queuing up to exchange for the god stone. No one was exchanging for a large piece of gangster, so there was no need to worry about monks thinking about him.

Taking advantage of no one to exchange it now, he took out two apple-sized boulders and placed them on the teleportation array.

The deacon of the Dry God Realm branch, the gangsters received during this period are all the size of fingernails, and it takes ten days and a half months to receive one.A lumpy stone the size of an egg, the Federation has been urging to accept large lumpy stones, and the purchase price has increased by another thousand divine stones, but there are still not many large lumpy stones.

Today, the teleportation array suddenly sounded an alarm. This is the alarm sound he set, which means that a large piece of boulder has been teleported. He hurried to the teleportation field and saw two apple-sized boulders. He was overjoyed. , This apple-sized mangulite can only receive one or two yuan a year. Now that two apple-sized mangulites are suddenly sent, he is so surprised that he doesn’t even know how to exchange them for the god stone.

After a few breaths, he came back to his senses and exchanged the god stone according to the ratio, and it was exchanged according to the highest ratio. Two pieces of apple-sized gangster stones were exchanged for more than 55,000 god stones. This is the latest exchange price. rose some.

Gu Xiangfei waited for more than a dozen breaths before receiving the god stone. Fortunately, there are no monks to exchange for the god stone, otherwise he will definitely be targeted. Although he has a formation to block him now, if there are two or three monks in the real god realm, he still has some It is strenuous and may be dangerous, after all, it takes time to draw the void pattern.

After leaving the exchange office, he decided to dig out the rocks, both big and small, so that he could change the size of the rocks at any time.

He checked the ground while walking. If there was only one piece of boulder the size of a fingernail, he would not dig it. He would dig those with a depth of three to ten meters. There are boulders every one meter. You can receive a lot of rocks at once, and you don’t have to look around, just find a nest of rocks.

He was not discouraged after searching for several places, and continued to use his spiritual sense to check the ground. Now his spiritual sense is at its limit, and he can see a depth of more than 30 meters underground, but he will not use his spiritual sense to the limit. It only needs about ten meters, so the loss of spiritual consciousness is not much.

After searching for half a month in a row, he went to exchange another rogue stone. This time he exchanged one apple-sized rogue stone. He didn’t dare to exchange two rogue stones every time, for fear of arousing the suspicion of the exchange office.

And he still chose to exchange it at that time. He also discovered the rule of exchanging rogue stones. At the end of the day, the least number of monks exchanged god’s stones. It is estimated that everyone is looking to dig out rogue stones at this time.

On this day, he finally found a nest of boulders. After putting his spiritual consciousness to the limit, he found that there were at least 60,000 boulders here, and every meter was densely packed with boulders, which were divided into several layers.

He was overjoyed. At a depth of four meters underground, there were hundreds of boulders the size of eggs. At a depth of seven meters, there were thousands of boulders the size of apples. At a depth of 13 meters, there were more than 20,000 boulders the size of washbasins There are more than 30,000 bucket-sized rocks at a depth of 20 meters.

He looked around and looked at the time. It was almost dark, so he decided to wait until night to dig. Now, he will draw a void strangle formation around the surrounding area to prevent him from being attacked when he is digging for the rogue stone.

When it was getting dark, he set up a three-level void strangulation formation, and another three-level void isolation formation, so as to prevent the sound of digging up the rogue stone from being heard.

After setting up the formation, immediately activate the Void Strangling Formation to isolate the large formation from the void, then took out the small shovel and began to dig out the rogue stone.

The amount of work this time is a bit large. At the beginning, it took a few breaths to dig out the egg-sized boulders. First put away these boulders and continue digging down. It was a bit difficult to dig out the apple-sized boulders. Fortunately, he is a god-level body, although he is a bit strenuous, but his speed is still very fast, and he once had the experience of digging 20 meters deep, and he knew that the deeper he dug, the more strenuous it became. In less than a stick of incense, he had already Dig to the location of the rock as large as the washbasin.

There are three monks in the distance, two at the true god level and one at the peak of the late stage of the virtual god. These three monks attacked a monk’s cave tonight. Although there was a second-level defensive formation outside the monk’s cave, they were still smashed by them After killing the monk, he snatched some rogue stones and divine stones. Now the three of them are running to their cave, preparing to go back and divide the rogue stones and divine stones.

The route they passed was right on the edge of where Gu Xiangfei was digging the rocks. The wasteland stretched as far as the eye could see. The three of them could see the route without using their consciousness, but they plunged headlong into Gu Xiangfei’s void strangulation formation.

Suddenly, countless void blades came over, and the three monks never expected that on their way back, there would be a void strangle formation waiting for them. It was because of their many evil deeds that they were destined to be bombarded. Although there were two monks in the true god realm , but they were all suddenly bombarded by the void blade light without warning, and they didn’t even have time to sacrifice their shields, so they were strangled into pieces by the void blade light, and the primordial spirit was strangled into nothingness by the void blade light.

Gu Xiangfei was digging out a large amount of rogue stones 20 meters below the ground, and he didn’t notice that someone would enter his void strangle formation at this time, and the three monks didn’t have time to shout, let alone sacrifice their shields. The sound of strangling the flesh was not loud, and it happened that Gu Xiangfei had arranged a large isolation formation, so he didn’t even hear the sound.

The amount of boulders collected was far more than what was checked by the divine sense. There were about 70,000 pieces. The main reason was that there were more boulders that were the size of the bucket at the bottom, about 40,000 pieces.

After everything was sorted out, he found out that his strangling array had already strangled three monks. According to the inspection of the three monks, Gu Xiangfei concluded that they were not here to rob him, but passed by here and broke into his room. The strangling formation also made him a little vigilant. It was not peaceful here at night, and some monks would always come out to rob at night.

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