Breaking Through the True God Realm

With these rogue stones, Gu Xiangfei doesn’t have to dig out rogue stones for the time being. He decides to exchange them for god stones.It’s too slow to practice like this, and he has to be on guard against this and that all the time, which is a waste of his energy.

He has been exchanging gangster stones for a month in a row. When there are many monks, he will exchange for small gangster stones. When there are no monks, he will exchange for large gangster stones. Although he knows that the number of monks who have been exchanged is the least at this time, he is afraid of being suspected by the Dry God Realm Alliance. , so he exchanged regardless of time period, and it was not the same face every time.

After a month’s exchange of gangster stones, he had more than one million god stones on him, and the little bee took him to fly for half a month to a place hundreds of thousands of miles away, where he wanted to cultivate to the level of False God. Consummation, and then crossing the catastrophe to break through to the Real God Realm, this is the safest place, no monks will come here to dig the rogue stone.

Entering the Star Bead to practice, there are a lot of divine stones to provide spiritual energy, but it took three days to reach the consummation of the Void God, and after a few days of cultivation, he felt that the divine essence in his body was faintly impacting the acupuncture points, and he was not in a hurry to come out Jie, continued to absorb a large amount of divine energy and compressed it, until the divine essence in his body could hardly be suppressed, and he released the star beads.

More than one million divine stones cost 200,000. The rest of the divine stones were taken out, and a spirit-gathering array was set up. Then, he sat cross-legged on the ground, performed regular exercises, and began to attack the acupoint barriers of the true god realm.

“Boom!” In just a few breaths, a dark cloud appeared in the sky, and then nine arcs of thunder that were as thick as arms landed on him, “Boom!” His clothes were torn to pieces in an instant, revealing his crystal-like body. The Qianyuan Body Exercise Jue is also in operation. By the way, the body in the divine state is not the end point. After the divine state, there will be a holy body. Only when the body reaches the holy body is the highest state of the body exercise formula.

Boom! Another nine arm-thick thunder arcs fell, and he guided the breath of the thunder arcs to impact the barrier of the true god realm, click! There was a soft sound in the body, and the gap was broken away. The spirit in the body was like a river that broke its embankment and found an outlet. It rushed in and entered a larger reservoir. A huge breath flowed from his body to the surroundings. Spread out.

A colorful spiritual cloud descended from the sky and landed on Gu Xiangfei’s body. This colorful cloud carried the incomparably pure spiritual energy of heaven and earth, wrapped him up, and made him moan comfortably, absorbing the pure spiritual energy more quickly , to stabilize the cultivation base of the true god realm.

An hour later, Gu Xiangfei stood up. His cultivation was stable at the early stage of the True God Realm. First, he washed his body with clean water, changed his clothes, and then put away the hundreds of thousands of unused God Stones.

After letting go of his spiritual sense, he nodded in satisfaction. He could see clearly within three hundred miles, and after checking with the eyes of emptiness, he could see everything within two thousand miles without distinction.

Gu Xiangfei knew that the rules in the Dry God Realm restricted the spiritual consciousness of the monks, otherwise the gangster here would have been hollowed out long ago. Although he had never been out, based on his understanding of the spiritual consciousness of the monks here, after his spiritual consciousness was released, , There should be no problem in viewing hundreds of thousands of miles away, and the false eye can even see millions of miles away.

Unlocking the rules of escapism, I don’t know how many times faster than before. A few breaths have already traveled thousands of miles away. At this speed, he can’t run out of time for a stick of incense, and he can come to the exchange office. After breaking through the True God Realm, he assimilated a lot of the rules here.

He took out the jade card in the star bead and saw the most recent jade card. He could leave here in less than three years. He decided to leave the Dry God Realm in a month. To prepare for a rainy day, he then dug up some large rocks. He felt that these rocks would definitely be useful in the future. After all, the bigger the rocks, the thicker the atmosphere of ancient rules.

After making the decision, I checked around here. Almost no monks came to this place, and no monk would travel hundreds of thousands of miles to dig rocks.

He started to look underground with his spiritual sense, and his spiritual sense went through layers of barriers, and he came to about 100 meters underground, and soon found a large lump of rock. No monk here has ever dug it. There are more gangsters, and the color is thicker, dark purple.

He took out a small shovel and plunged it into the ground. With one shovel, he went down more than two meters. After a few breaths, he dug to a depth of five or six meters. A boulder the size of an apple appeared in his sight.

After collecting rocks the size of an apple, they continued to dig out rocks the size of a washbasin, and then dug out rocks the size of a water tank.

After breaking through to the post-True God Realm, his small shovel is now 20 meters below the ground, and it is more than half a meter long when he shovels it down. It is many times stronger than when he was in the False God Realm, and he can dig up rocks much faster.

After digging continuously for half a month, he finally stopped. In his ring, there are more than 60 million rocks the size of a water tank, more than 50 million rocks the size of a washbasin, and more than 100 million rocks the size of an apple. Hundreds of millions of pieces, and there are countless rocks the size of eggs.

Looking at the pile of rocks in the ring, he was very satisfied. He would never come here again after going out this time. Although Dry God Realm can get the god stone, it has no god grass, no god fruit, no ore, and no god vein.

Now that his realm is low, he doesn’t need many god stones. Once he breaks through to the god king realm, these god stones are almost useless to him. He knows what kind of cultivation resources he needs, and the rules of nirvana here are also The only rule he currently has no assimilation.

For so many years in the Dry God Realm, he has been devoting himself to assimilating the nirvana rules here, but he couldn’t find a clue. This reminded him whether there is a kind of supernatural power called the Great Nirvana Technique. He also planned to look for it when he went out. If there is such a supernatural power, it must be the Heaven Opening Technique, which is the same as the few great supernatural powers he obtained.

After coming to the God Realm, the more he learned about cultivation, the more he decided on those few great supernatural powers of his.A supernatural power cultivated to the extreme can easily destroy a planet.

I don’t know how many universes there are in the vast void, let alone how many planes a universe has, and how many planets a plane has. That’s all, there are countless planets with the same high rules in this plane.

He guessed that he was a cultivator in the God Emperor Realm, and he was just a drop in the ocean in the vast universe. Maybe he couldn’t even be called a drop in the ocean. His regular skills were the same as when the universe opened up. He believed that he would eventually stand at the top of this universe. The top, and then fight against the top monks in other universes, it will be a future cosmic war. If you win, this universe will continue forever. If you lose, the universe will be destroyed and dissipated in the vast void.

It’s still too early to think about this, and hard work is the kingly way. Maybe there are monks like him in other universes who are working hard to build up strength and prepare for the future war of destroying the universe.

The rule escaping technique unfolded, but most of the time it took for Zhuxiang to come to the exchange office. As expected, the higher the cultivation level, the more rules assimilated here. Thinking about when I first arrived here, and comparing it with now, it is simply a big difference Besides, he believed that if he assimilated the nirvana rule breath here, he could reach any place in Dry God Realm with one breath.

He randomly changed the appearance of a monk and queued up behind the monks. This time he will continue to exchange for half a month. As long as he sees the monks, he will remember their appearance, and then use the appearance of these monks to exchange God stone, even if someone recognizes these monks, there is no danger to him.

There are monks queuing up behind him. He didn’t exchange many rogue stones. He took out a rogue stone the size of an egg and a few rogue stones the size of fingernails. The other monks knew at a glance that he was a fingernail digger. When he was looking for a stone, he was lucky enough to dig a piece of boulder the size of an egg, and they all looked at him enviously.

After remembering the appearance of the monks here, he went directly to another exchange office. There were only two monks exchanging in this exchange office, and there were no monks following him. He waited for the two monks to leave, and immediately took out three yuan. An apple-sized boulder and four egg-sized boulders were placed on the teleportation array.

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