Leaving the Dry God Realm

He goes to each of the four exchange offices in the Dry God Realm twice a day. Sometimes there are more and sometimes less rogue stones. The main reason is to see if there are monks following him. He is going out soon. Being discovered, I don’t want to provoke other monks, I just want to exchange some more sacred stones, and then leave the Dry God Realm.

By exchanging gangster stones in this way, he earns an average of 400,000 divine stones per day, and each exchange office can exchange 100,000 divine stones.

After half a month of continuous exchange, not only the number of his god stones has increased sharply, but also the number of rogue stones in the Dry God Realm Sub-Union has also increased sharply. The deacon of the branch is smiling every day.

During this period of time, the size and number of rogue stones had increased significantly, which made him wonder whether the monks in the Dry God Realm had dug a small rogue stone mine.

Gu Xiangfei looked at the jade card in his hand. The date displayed on it had already reached the agreed date of a thousand years, and it was time to leave here.

Came to the exchange office, took out the jade token, and handed it to the monk at the exchange office, “My time is up, I want to leave the Dry God Realm, and if it’s not easy outside, I’ll come in to dig rocks.”

The monk looked at the date on the jade card and said, “Well, I wish you a smooth journey. In fact, I think the outside is not as good as the inside. With the cultivation base of the Taoist, there is no danger at all. The outside is not peaceful, but go out and have a look.” That’s good, after all, so many years have passed, and fellow daoists are welcome back here at any time.”

After the monk finished speaking, he raised his hand and opened the teleportation array. Gu Xiangfei stepped onto the teleportation array. A white light flashed and disappeared on the teleportation array.

After a few breaths, Gu Xiangfei landed on a teleportation array, and felt the divine aura here, which was better than that in the Dry God Realm. The most important thing is that there is no nirvana regular aura here.

After leaving the teleportation array, I saw a large hall outside, and there were many monks inside. Judging from the breath of these monks, they were all in the realm of false gods and real gods. There were only one or two monks in the realm of gods, and they were maintaining order in the hall. .

There is a huge display screen in the center of the main hall, which is marked with information about purchases and acquisitions. Many monks are looking at the information on it, which seems to be the same as the mission hall of the sect. However, these monks are not disciples of the sect, almost all of them are It’s casual repair.

Gu Xiangfei doesn’t want to take on any missions now. After he came to the God Realm, this is the first time he has appeared in the God Realm area. He hasn’t understood the rules here. He first needs to assimilate the rules here, and then understand the location here.

After leaving the main hall, I found that this place was not a city, but a city bigger than any city in the fairy world. The name of this city was Kushenyu Square City.

The planning of this Kushenyufang City is more regular than the cities in the Immortal Realm. It is like the planning of a city, that is, there are no walls around it, and it is a city with walls.

There is no other defensive formation in Dry God Realm Square City, but there is an air-forbidden formation, which prohibits the monks here from flying over the square city. It can be said that this is an undefended square city.

Gu Xiangfei decided to find a resting place to rest for a few days. He has been in the Dry God Realm for so many years, and he is not used to coming out suddenly. He took advantage of these few days of rest to familiarize himself with the rules of the God Realm.

There are many rest houses in every square city. These rest houses are prepared for the monks who have ventured back from outside.The monks who went on adventures experienced various risks outside, even narrowly escaped death. After returning to Fangshi, the first thing they wanted was to find a clean and safe place to rest and relieve their pressure.

“Give me an upper room.” Gu Xiangfei came to a resting place, Xiao Er was a monk in the early stage of False God.

“Ten sacred stones per day, how many days will the guests stay?” Xiao Er quoted the price.

“I’ll give you one hundred divine stones first, more refunds and less compensation.” Gu Xiangfei handed over the divine stones, took the jade card that Xiaoer handed him, and opened the guard gate of the guest room according to the number on the jade card.

The configuration of the upper room is very high. There is a bathroom, a training room, a pet room, and a luxurious bedroom. The decoration inside is a kind of calming wood unique to the God Realm, and the floor is made of stone slabs that contain body purification. Paved, these things look very luxurious and comfortable, unless they live for a few years, they will have a little effect, and they will have no effect at all if they live for a few days.

First wash the whole body, then lie down on the bed and sleep for five days.

After waking up, I feel comfortable all over my body, and the discomfort in my body has completely disappeared. This is the normal life of a monk. The Dry God Realm is really not a place where monks often stay.

Sitting cross-legged on the futon in the practice room, he performed regular exercises and assimilated the regular breath here. Compared with the regular breath in the Dry God Realm, the regular breath here lacked a nirvana rule, and everything else was normal.

Three days later, he left the resting place, and did not return the twenty more divine stones. Now he has more than six million divine stones on him, and he doesn’t care about those sacred stones. He decided to find low-level divine grass and refine the divine medicine. Then exchange the elixir for various cultivation resources.

Every market has some commercial buildings, pill pavilions, spiritual tea rooms, and of course there is a place for casual cultivators to set up stalls. Gu Xiangfei came to the place where casual cultivators set up stalls, and he wanted to buy some low-level gods here. Grass and elixir, and then deduce the elixir, refine the divine elixir, and improve your own alchemy level.

Starting from the booth at one end, he would buy the Jade Slip Pill Recipe regardless of whether it was useful or not. The price is not high, you can buy a Jade Jane Danfang with a few sacred stones.

After buying more than a dozen jade slip pills, he went to the steward of Fangshi, handed over a hundred sacred stones, and received a jade plaque, and then he could set up a stall in the casual repair area of ​​Fangshi.

I found a random place in the casual repair area and sacrificed a small cave. The casual cultivators who set up stalls here have a small cave, which is very convenient for resting and setting up stalls. A piece of animal skin, this is the animal skin that was spread on the bed in the Martial Arts Academy, and now it comes in handy, and a sign is erected, which reads, “Buy large quantities of first- and second-level god grass.”

As soon as the sign was erected, a monk came over and asked, “What is the price of the gods and spirit grass collected by Fellow Daoists?”

“There are three sacred stones per plant for the first-class divine grass, and five divine stones per plant for the second-class divine grass. It doesn’t matter whether it is high or low, as long as it is a divine grass.”

Gu Xiangfei raised his head and glanced at the ragged monk. He looked like a pauper, he might as well go to the Dry God Realm to dig rocks.

“I have thirteen first-level divine grasses and five second-grade divine grasses here. You can estimate their value!” The monk took out a handful of divine grasses and placed them on a piece of animal skin in his booth.

“Okay, this is your sacred stone.” Gu Xiangfei took out the sacred stone and handed it to the monk according to the agreed price.

The monk took the sacred stone, turned around and left with a happy face.

With the first monk selling the god grass, a second monk came to sell the god grass, and soon he received hundreds of first and second grade god grass here, carefully check the varieties of these god grass, purple leaf grass , Spirit Dew Flower, Tianyun Zhi, Biyuegen, Red Spirit Flower, Wisteria Ginseng, Float Flower, Chiba Sparrow Flower…

There are about ten plants of each kind. He thinks that the spirit pill can be refined, so he puts away the brand, puts a ban on the booth, uses regular exercises to find out the regular breath of various spirit grasses, and takes them out again. The pill formula is deduced, and then a new pill formula is formed according to the regular breath of various gods and spirits.

For half a month, he had a clear understanding of the regular breath of each divine spirit grass. According to the regular breath of the divine spirit grass, he deduced two pills. Pill, the elixir used by monks in the False God Realm to supplement the gods.

The second-level god spirit pill is Qingshen pill, and it is also a pill to supplement the gods.

Now he has two elixirs and hundreds of first- and second-level spirit grasses. He plans to refine these two kinds of elixir.

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