The Black Hearted Yulin Merchant Alliance

Gu Xiangfei searched the stalls in Fangshi one by one, and bought some second-level alchemy recipes that he had never seen before. These alchemy recipes are not expensive, and usually ten divine stones are enough.

“How many sacred stones are there for the recipe of Yuantian Pill?” Gu Xiangfei saw a jade slip written with the prescription of Yuantian Pill at a booth.

“Five hundred divine stones.” The stall owner replied casually. He didn’t mean to bargain at all. If he wanted to buy it, he could buy it or not.

Gu Xiangfei knew that the more advanced the recipe, the more expensive it was. The price of the recipe for this third-level spirit pill, the stall owner didn’t call the price too much.

“I want it.” Gu Xiangfei took out five hundred divine stones and threw them down, picked up the jade slip, turned and left the booth.

“Fellow Daoist, I have a list of the auction items here. If you want it, you only need five sacred stones.” Gu Xiangfei just turned around and left the booth when a monk stopped him, holding a bunch of jade slips in his hand. list of items.

“There is still an auction here, where is it?” Gu Xiangfei didn’t expect that there would be an auction in this market, so he took out five sacred stones and handed them to the monk, and asked casually.

“It’s right next to the branch of the Yulin Chamber of Commerce in the central area. There are three words “auction house” at the door. It’s easy to find, and the auction house doesn’t require tickets. Anyone can go in. But don’t ask for prices if you don’t have a god stone. There is a god king there. Those who sit in the town will be bombarded and killed if they don’t bid indiscriminately on the sacred stone, and the auction will start at Chenshi in three days.” The monk took the sacred stone and handed him a jade slip, and told him some rules of the auction house.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t even look at the jade slip, and threw it into the ring casually. He is now thinking about how to refine Yuantian Pill, so he has no time to go to the auction.

Back in the cave, I began to follow the combination of the gods and grasses on the alchemy, and found that there were a few small flaws in this alchemy, and the operation rules and exercises were modified. This Yuantian pill is a boundary-breaking pill for monks who break through the heavenly realm.

The alchemy furnace was sacrificed, Xinghe jumped out of the purple mansion, and began to refine Yuantian pills. A plant of third-level divine spirit grass was thrown into the alchemy furnace to melt, and then purified, slag was thrown away, fused, injected spirits, divided pills, and pulled Dan. He raised his hand and pulled up nine pills, “Damn it! They’re all useless pills.”

Gu Xiangfei couldn’t help but exclaimed, and quickly ran the regular exercises to find the failure rules of Yuantian Pill. Soon the regular exercises gave a reminder that the flame was not strong enough, and he needed to be promoted to the Divine Flame to refine pills above the third level.

Gu Xiangfei looked at Xinghe. It turned out that this guy hadn’t been promoted yet. The fire essence ore needed for Shenyan’s promotion was hard to find, even if he went to buy it, he might not be able to buy it.

purchase? Gu Xiangfei suddenly remembered the list of items in the auction. He took out the jade slip and checked it with his spiritual sense. It was a top-grade artifact armor, a top-grade artifact spaceship, Sky Profound Fruit, Alien Ryukmu, Flame Mother Essence, Yulancao…

“What is the Flame Mother Essence? Is it the ore upgraded by the flame? No matter, let’s go and have a look!” If you can’t find the ore upgraded by the flame, you can only refine the first and second grade elixir.

Gu Xiangfei had long forgotten that Xinghe needs to be promoted to the Holy Flame. He made up his mind to find more ores for the promotion of the flame in the future, and it is best to promote Xinghe to the Holy Flame.

Put it away, go out of the cave to count the time, the auction will start tomorrow morning, let’s go to identify the place now, I can go to the auction tomorrow, and inquire about the ore needed for the flame to advance.

When I came to the Dry God Realm branch, I saw a commercial building with an auction house sign on it. I entered the lobby of the commercial building. Some monks here were also looking at the items to be auctioned tomorrow.

Gu Xiangfei walked to the exhibition area of ​​the auctioned items. These items to be auctioned tomorrow are all banned, and the level of these restrictions is very high, at least six levels of restrictions. Based on his current understanding of the road, these restrictions cannot be opened. Obviously, this There are magicians in the auction house.

Looking at the items one by one, the top-grade artifact armor, the top-grade artifact spaceship, the top-grade artifact long knife, and the top-grade artifact shield, are these the Flame Mother Essence? A piece of ore the size of a fist, with the breath of flames, although there is a restriction to seal the breath of this flame mother essence, Gu Xiangfei still felt a trace of flames, and Xinghe in the Zifu couldn’t help jumping up, as if eager to eat this piece Yan mother essence.

Gu Xiangfei comforted Xinghe, and he was overjoyed. It really is he who needs to be promoted.At the time of super divine flame, there was an auction house that wanted to auction off the flame mother essence, as if it had been arranged in the dark.

Now that he has found this piece of Yan Mother Essence, he must not let it go at the auction tomorrow. He still has 6 million divine stones, which is probably not enough. Now he must find a way to get some more sacred stones, otherwise he will compete with others for the Yan Mother Essence tomorrow. Not sure.

“I heard that this auction house can not only use the god’s stone, but also use the man’s stone as the god’s stone, and the price of the man’s stone is dozens of times higher than that of the Yulin Merchant League for the god’s stone. Not all of the gangsters have been exchanged.” Not far away, a monk was talking about gangsters with his companions, apparently he had also entered the Dry God Realm and came out safely.

“The Yulin Merchant League is indeed a bit black-hearted. A piece of hooligan stone the size of an egg will give 15,000 sacred stones, and the outside world has risen to more than 100,000 sacred stones. But who let others occupy the Dry God Realm? The other business alliances think I can’t even get in, I heard that they have negotiated many times, and the Yulin Chamber of Commerce just won’t let go.” The fellow monks also whispered that the Yulin Chamber of Commerce was unscrupulous.

“I definitely won’t let go. The Yulin Merchant League is not a fool. How could it be possible to spit out the fat in the mouth? Unless a big sect intervenes, how can the Yulin Merchant League let go.” The two monks murmured softly. After hearing their conversation, Gu Xiangfei knew that the sacred stone exchanged by Yulin Chamber of Commerce for him was only one-tenth of the sacred stone, and he could not help cursing the black heart of Yulin Chamber of Commerce.

Thinking that I had exchanged so many gangster stones, at least the Yulin Chamber of Commerce swallowed hundreds of millions of divine stones, I became more and more unhappy, and decided to take revenge on the Yulin Chamber of Commerce if I had the opportunity in the future.

Now that he knew that the rogue stone could be used for the god stone, he stopped looking for a place to get the god stone. He decided to use the rogue stone to auction tomorrow, and then left the auction house hall.

The next day, Gu Xiangfei transformed into a sturdy cultivator, with a strong aura exposed on his body. He could tell at a glance that he was a cultivator who often fights. He hid his cultivation in the late stage of False God and came to the auction house.

The auction is held in a hall on the second floor. This is a venue that can accommodate 5,000 people. Now hundreds of monks have come. These monks are all sitting in rows of seats, and each seat is numbered. On the backrest of the seat in the front row, there is a small teleportation array plate. The cultivator sitting in the back row can teleport items by lowering the backrest. These seats are very delicately designed.

He found a seat near the corridor, and he could leave this position at any time without passing by the monk next to him, avoiding the obstacles blocked by the monk.

As the time for the auction got closer, the number of monks in the hall also increased. There were already several thousand monks, but some seats were still empty, not full.

When the time came, a cultivator in the God-shaping Realm appeared on the platform in the middle of the auction hall. His aura was exposed, obviously trying to scare some cultivators not to bid indiscriminately without the sacred stone, or they would be bombarded and killed.

“I’m Deacon Lu of the auction house. Everyone knows the rules of the auction house, but I’ll say it again. The auction will start now.” This Deacon Lu is very straightforward.

“The first item to be auctioned is a high-grade artifact armor. I believe everyone knows the function of this armor, so I won’t introduce it in detail. The starting price is 100,000 god stones, and the price will increase now.” Deacon Lu said from the jade box, He took out a high-grade artifact armor and showed it to the sitting monks.

“One hundred and thirty thousand!”

“One hundred and fifty thousand!”

“Two hundred thousand!”

The monks below who wanted armor began to increase their prices one after another, and soon the price rose to more than 200,000.

“Twenty-seven thousand!”

“Three hundred thousand!”


In the end, this armor was auctioned off by a monk for 600,000 divine stones. The price was not very high. Gu Xiangfei estimated that it should be around one million to get it, but he didn’t expect it to be bought for such a cheap price.

“The second item is a high-grade divine long knife with a starting price of 500,000 divine stones.” After the transaction with the monk, Deacon Lu took out another high-grade divine long knife.

“Six hundred thousand!”

“Eight hundred thousand!”

“1.2 million!”

The monks below obviously use knives a lot, mainly because the knives are more powerful and easier to handle. Technically speaking, simpler knives have become a hobby of monks, which is also conducive to saving refining materials.

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