Great Karma Technique

Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed that this high-grade divine long sword was bought by a monk with 6.5 million sacred stones. It seems that he can refine offensive divine weapons in the future. No matter where it is, offensive weapons can be sold at a high price. There is a high-grade divine long sword. It is equivalent to one more guarantee for life.

Next, some other items were auctioned, and the price of each item was not low, especially the high-grade artifact spaceship, which was sold for 26 million divine stones.

It seems that this flying magic weapon is a very rare item no matter in the cultivation world, the fairy world or the god world, and the price is also high. The main thing is to refine the flying magic weapon. blessing.

To be able to refine a high-grade artifact spaceship, not only a seventh-grade artifact king, but also a seventh-level formation king must cooperate to refine a high-grade artifact spaceship, so the high price of a high-grade artifact spaceship is also understandable. As for the top-grade artifact spaceship Even rarer, no monk can be as defiant as Gu Xiangfei.

Pill Array Talisman, there are very few people who can master two of these four skills, not to mention there are almost no monks who can be proficient in three skills. Gu Xiangfei can only be proficient in the three skills of Pill Array with the help of regular exercisesAs for talismans, he can’t do it. Although he has learned it, he feels that he is not a talent for refining talismans, so he gave up the way of talismans.

“The following auction is a piece of Flame Mother Essence. This is the ore for flame promotion. No matter what kind of flame, it can be promoted to a level. If it is an ordinary flame, it can be promoted to Xianyan. If it is the early stage of Xianyan, it can be promoted to the middle stage of Xianyan. I won’t talk nonsense later, the starting price for this piece of Yanmu essence is 500,000 divine stones.” Deacon Lu took out a piece of Yanmu essence from the jade box, showed it to the monks below, and put it in the jade box again.

When the monks below heard his introduction, they murmured a little. It turns out that they can only advance to one rank, so such a high price is a bit worthless. If they directly advance to a large rank, there will still be people who will shoot, so they need Yanmu Jing The monks are all tangled up.

“510,000.” Gu Xiangfei quoted a price. His current Xinghe is almost full of semi-divine flames. With this piece of flame mother essence, he will definitely be able to advance to the divine flame. After hearing these monks muttering, he was overjoyed , In this way, there will not be many monks competing with him for the mother essence.

Sure enough, these monks gave up bidding when they heard his words. Some monks thought it was worthless, and some monks thought that if the other party didn’t want it after bidding, it would not be worthwhile to buy a chicken rib. Didn’t this monk add 10,000 divine stones? ?

“510,000, the first time.”

“510,000, the second time.”

“510,000, the third time, deal!”

As soon as Deacon Lu finished calling Gu Xiangfei, he put the divine stone on the teleportation disk and teleported it there.

After a few breaths, there was a jade box on the teleportation array in front of him. He scanned it with his spiritual sense and threw it into the ring. The more casual he was, the monks next to him would not pay attention to him. They all thought that this sturdy monk was bought and kept as a spare.

Since no one bid with him, and no monk paid attention to him, Gu Xiangfei decided to stay and see what items were left behind. If there are items he needs, he can bid again.

The items in this auction are very miscellaneous, ranging from attack artifacts to flying artifacts, to armor, shields, various fifth and sixth-level god grasses, low-level god fruits, various refining materials, and everything else.

By the afternoon of the auction, the auction had already been sold out. There were dozens of items with varying prices, and none of them were unsold.

The more Gu Xiangfei watched it, the more boring he became. Just when he was about to stand up and want to leave, Deacon Lu took out a book from the jade box.

“The following auction is a book. The font of this book is unknown, but the material of this book is very special. It is not afraid of fire, freezing, lightning and lightning strikes. Now the auction starts. The starting price is 100,000 god stones.” Deacon Lu took out this When writing this book, Gu Xiangfei was surprised, and then overjoyed. There are four characters on the earth in this book, the Great Karma Technique.

I heard from his son Gu Yunjie that there are nine supernatural powers handed down from ancient times on the earth, the Great Destruction Technique, the Great Fate Technique, the Great Cutting Technique, the Great Changing Shape Technique, the Great Karma Technique, the Great Thunder Technique, the Great Reincarnation Technique, and the Great Space Technique. The Great Years Technique, any one of these nine supernatural powers cultivated to the extreme can destroy the world and cause the universe to collapse.

Moreover, these nine supernatural powers, each of which has nine small supernatural powers, integrates ninety-nine and eighty-one kinds of supernatural powers, nine is the extreme number, and there is a number of ninety-nine returning to one, so the cultivation system is all nine realms, each The realm is also from the first to the ninth floor, which conforms to the rules of heaven and earth for cultivation.

Now that he already has the eight great supernatural powers, and at this time he saw the great karma technique, he wanted to get it even more, so that he could gather all the nine legendary supernatural powers on the earth. As for whether there are any other small ones? Supernatural powers, he doesn’t know.

“Eleven Ten Thousand God Stones!” A monk’s quotation interrupted Gu Xiangfei’s thinking.

“Twelve Thousand God Stones!” Another monk quoted the price.

“150,000 divine stones!” There was another offer from a monk.

Gu Xiangfei was taken aback for a moment, did these monks recognize the font of this book? Didn’t Deacon Lu just say that no one knows this font?

No, someone is fishing here. Either he still has another book like this, or he uses this book as bait to see who buys this book, and then captures it to search for souls to learn the secrets of this book, and this monk Definitely think that this book is not a mortal thing.

Gu Xiangfei thought of this, and began to figure out how to get the bait away, so that this cultivator’s work would be wasted, the plan would fail, he would not be able to steal the chicken, and he would lose money.

He looks like a sturdy monk now, and his aura has also changed. The person in this book must have made a mark of the soul. How to remove the mark of the soul? It is safest to put it in the star bead, even if it has the imprint of the soul, it is impossible to enter the star bead, the star bead is the treasure of opening heaven, even a saint cannot detect the secret of the star bead.

After thinking of a safe strategy, Gu Xiangfei looked up and saw that the price had already reached 210,000 divine stones.

“Three hundred thousand divine stones!” He opened his mouth to make an offer, and immediately all the monks turned their heads to look at him, and there was a powerful divine sense that directly swept his entire body.

Although this divine sense passed by in a flash, he still felt that he had been seen by others, and he was furious. In the cultivation world, he used his divine sense to check the bodies of other monks, which was regarded as a taboo for practitioners. , which proves that this cultivator’s cultivation base is at least the god-king realm, and he doesn’t care about the face of an ant at all.

Although Gu Xiangfei was angry in his heart, but his own strength was low, he could only endure the humiliation, and then he would retaliate a hundred times and a thousand times in the future.

After he called out 300,000 divine stones, these monks didn’t increase the price. Maybe some monks thought it was worthless, or it might be that the monk in the God King Realm arranged for them not to increase the price, so as not to shout three times.The cultivator of the Hundred Thousand Divine Stones is gone.

At auctions, some monks often increase the prices of items they don’t need in order to prevent other monks from taking advantage of them. There are also some monks who are entrusted by the auction house and deliberately increase the price in order to sell more sacred stones. It is not uncommon for every auction house to appear.

After Deacon Lu shouted out three times, no one raised the price, so he used the teleportation array to send the book to him. Gu Xiangfei paid for the divine stone, turned around and left the auction house, and the spiritual consciousness followed him vaguely.

After leaving the auction house, the divine sense was blocked by the auction house’s defensive barrier, cutting off the trace of the divine sense.

Gu Xiangfei immediately threw the jade box into the star bead, and while no one was paying attention, he covered his face with his hands and transformed into an old man with the aura he should have in his twilight years, and then changed his clothes back as he walked.

In a quiet room of the auction house, a cultivator in the state of the gods sat cross-legged on the futon. After his spiritual consciousness was blocked by the auction house’s barrier array, he was about to use the imprint of the soul to check the cultivator who bought the book. Suddenly, a message talisman appeared in front of him, he raised his hand and shattered the message talisman, and a voice came from inside, “Tell God King Liyan that an ancient ruin has been found in the north, a million miles away from Dry God Realm.”

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