God King Li Yan’s Shock

“The ancient ruins have appeared. It seems that the auction house will enter the ancient ruins soon. Let me see where the monk is first. Let me finish this matter first, and then go to the ancient ruins.” God King Li Yan finished speaking on his own , and began to use the imprint of the soul to check the monk who bought the book.

“Impossible!” Li Yanshen Wang Teng stood up suddenly, but he couldn’t find his soul imprint. No matter how he used his soul, he couldn’t detect his own soul imprint.

“No, the monk must have changed his appearance.” Li Yan was even more surprised. This monk must know this type of font, and this monk also has a top-level treasure that can block the imprint of the soul.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt it was possible. When he got the book, he found that the material of the book was very special, and the font on it had an aura handed down from ancient times. Unfortunately, after asking many monks, they didn’t know this font, nor did they understand it. There is no way to understand the content of this book, he feels that this book is definitely not ordinary, and what is recorded on it may be a kind of exercise.

Their auction house has a lot of information jade slips. He not only inquired here, but also went to other auction branches to inquire. He has read tens of thousands of information jade slips, but he couldn’t find any introduction jade slips with this font.

So he came up with a fishing method and auctioned this book at auctions. This book appeared in almost every auction, and it failed countless times.

Of course, it was also bought by other monks, but after he caught these monks and searched their souls, he realized that these monks were just for collection. What these monks thought in their hearts was that the price was not high. A font, maybe it could be a treasure.

Unexpectedly, another monk bid today and gave him another hope, but this hope was shattered just as it was about to be realized.

“Hmph! You think that I won’t be able to tell if you have changed your appearance. Your aura has been mastered by me. Your appearance can be changed, but your aura can never be changed. What’s more, I have already inspected your body with my spiritual sense, and your cultivation is just in the middle of it. In the later stage of Void God, he didn’t even reach the peak.” Li Yan said bitterly in the quiet room just now, which can be regarded as finding a step for himself.

Gu Xiangfei returned to the cave. He was not in a hurry to upgrade the star beads. Now that he came out of the auction, the monk of the God King Realm must be looking for him in Fangshi. There was a lot of movement about Xinghe’s promotion. It’s a dead end, if you want to let Xinghe upgrade in the star bead, but you are afraid of hurting some of his Dao fruit trees, then it’s too late to regret it.

Continue to refine the first and second level elixir, learn other elixirs by the way, and leave here when there is a chance, now slowly wait for the opportunity.

Originally, he thought he would have to wait a few years before he could leave here. Unexpectedly, the next day, it was reported that an ancient relic had been discovered a million miles north of the Dry God Territory. Go to the ancient ruins.

Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed, and naturally followed these casual practitioners to leave the city.

Standing at the exit of Fangshi is a cultivator of God King Realm. Every monk who leaves from Fangshi has been checked by him with his divine sense. These monks dare not speak out. When Gu Xiangfei saw this monk, he knew The auction house checked him, and secretly wrote down his appearance, and then he will settle accounts with him when he becomes stronger in the future. After operating the rules and skills, he changed the rules and breath, and left from the Fangshi exit. The monk of the god king checked his status again The body, of course, did not check anything.

Not to mention the God King Realm, even the God Emperor Realm can’t detect the regular aura on Gu Xiangfei’s body. Even if he is a saint with the open source technique, it depends on what kind of saint he is before he can see his regular aura.

Ordinary saints can’t see his regular aura at all, unless a saint who practices open source techniques like him can see his regular aura, but he needs to use the Great Changing Art, even top saints can’t see him The regular breath of the original body.

A million miles is nothing to a cultivator, and a cultivator in the False God Realm can reach it in half a day.

When he arrived at the ancient ruins, he saw that the entrance was like a giant beast opening its mouth, waiting for the monks to enter and swallow it in one gulp.

The monks who came with him didn’t hesitate at all. After arriving here, they directly entered the ancient ruins from the entrance.

Gu Xiangfei then followed into the ancient ruins, where the divine aura inside was stronger than outside, and he keptAfter entering the ruins, run regular exercises, assimilate the regular breath here, and then check whether the regular breath here is harmful to yourself.

After a few breaths, I assimilated the rules here, tried to run the regular exercises, and found nothing wrong.

After scanning the spiritual sense, I saw that there were at least hundreds of thousands of monks in the ruins, and these monks were searching for resources. From time to time, some monks fought each other for resources, and there were also gods and monsters in the ruins fighting with the monks. Join in soon.

Some low-level ore, low-level god spirit grass, as long as he sees it, he puts it away. His consciousness is strong, as long as he sees a god monster beast above the third level, he should immediately avoid it. These god monster beasts are much stronger than fairy monster beasts. His spiritual sense saw that some False God Realm and True God Realm cultivators were bombarded and killed by gods and monsters, and swallowed their bodies in the last bite, even their primordial spirits were eaten.

There is a small puddle in front of it, and there are three fourth-level god grass green cherry leaves growing beside it. This is one of the main medicines for refining the plastic god pill.

Just as Gu Xiangfei was about to pick the three green cherry leaves, he felt a crisis coming. A third-level god and monster suddenly jumped out of the small puddle. Then, it turned into a monster several meters high and bit him.

The divine long knife in Gu Xiangfei’s hand rushed towards the god monster, bang! With a bang, Gu Xiangfei was knocked several feet away by the god monster, and his divine weapon long knife slammed on the head of the god monster, but only cut off some fur, not even a bloodstain.

The god monster opened its mouth and sprayed out hundreds of water arrows, and Gu Xiangfei sacrificed his shield again to protect his whole body. With a sound of “Boom!”, he felt his internal organs tumbling uncontrollably, and he was blasted dozens of feet away. Rolled a few somersaults on the ground.

Are all the gods and monsters here so powerful? Only the third-level gods and monsters can kill him. Looking at the shield in his hand, there are already some cracks. It can’t stop the next bombardment at all.

Seeing the cultivator being blown away by it, the god monster was stunned for a moment. According to the previous situation, the meridians of the cultivator’s bones should be cut off like mud, waiting for it to swallow it in one gulp. Unexpectedly, the cultivator rolled over Several somersaults bombarded him again.

He opened his mouth wide, and hundreds of water arrows slammed into the cold fist of the cultivator. A smug smile appeared in his eyes. Break it!

The supernatural power of the great cutting technique and the water arrow blasted together, and the water arrow was cut into pieces. When the god monster saw the water arrow being cut into pieces, it was too late to be surprised. A cutting rhyme blasted on it, wow! With a sound, the third-level gods and monsters were cut into pieces, and the demon souls were chopped into pieces.

“What a powerful beast.” Gu Xiangfei came to the small puddle, picked off three green cherry leaves, put them in the ring, and raised his hand to catch the little bees. Let the little bee follow him, at least it can give an early warning.

As soon as the little bee came out, it took a breath of the spiritual energy here, and was a little dissatisfied, so it sent a message to Gu Xiangfei to return the star beads.

“We need to look for resources here. If we don’t have resources, we can’t get the god stone. If you don’t have the god stone, you’re a fart. Take a good look inside. The gods and monsters here are very powerful. Even the third-level gods and monsters are a bit difficult for me to deal with.” , let me know immediately.”

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