The Supernatural Ability of the Little Bee

Moving forward again, this time with the little bee following him, Gu Xiangfei felt more at ease. The little bee is not only fast, but also a good helper. Even after eating so many treasures from heaven and earth, he has not seen it grow up.

Gu Xiangfei asked the little bee when he was okay, what do you need to eat to grow up, and the little bee said that it didn’t know, anyway, it hasn’t encountered anything yet, and its blood inheritance has no memory of something that can make it grow up. As for the corrosive breath and speed, it is its instinct.

He continued to search for resources along the way. His spiritual consciousness was strong, and he avoided monks or gods and monsters from far away. Now that his cultivation level is low, he has to hang around. It’s not a time of rampage, so he can live longer.

But when it’s time to take risks, he still has to take risks. For example, now, there is a divine fruit tree, and he will take the risk to snatch it. This divine fruit tree is the Sky Fei fruit, which is the top-level healing elixir spiritual fruit for refining monks below the level of the god king.

Now there are three monks confronting a fourth-level god monster. The arrival of Gu Xiangfei made the three monks at the peak of the true god realm a little unhappy, but now they are confronting the fourth-level god monster and have no time to deal with Gu Xiangfei.

The fourth-level god monster saw another human monk coming, it couldn’t help it, and was afraid that another human monk would come again, so it simply launched an attack first.

This fourth-level god and monster first blasted out thousands of blade lights, and then jumped suddenly, carrying a huge domain aura, and its two claws were like sharp blades, grabbing one of the monks at the peak of the true god realm.

The cultivator in the Real God Realm sacrificed his shield to block the incoming blade light, but was bumped by a huge domain aura. He immediately knew the danger, so he quickly retreated a hundred feet to avoid the huge domain aura.

However, the body of the fourth-level god and monster turned suddenly in the air, and slammed into another cultivator in the true god realm, tearing the shield with claws like sharp blades, and tore off the head of the cultivator in the true god realm without stopping.

“Boom!” Another true god cultivator’s divine long knife slammed on the body of the fourth-level god monster, and brought a blood arrow, and the blood that penetrated into the wound in the abdomen gushed out, instantly staining the fur of the god monster. .

“Roar…” Although the god monster killed a monk on the other side, it was also killed byHe made a cut, roared in pain, and spit out hundreds of blades wide as a door, blasting towards the remaining two monks.

Gu Xiangfei was thousands of feet away from them, and he felt that the big blade light on the door panel was not something that the two monks in the true god realm could resist.

The two monks in the True God Realm also knew the crisis. One monk took out a talisman, activated it instantly, formed a shield, protected the two people, and shot out another talisman, which broke through the realm of the fourth-level gods and monsters like a meteor and inserted into the gods. The head of the monster.

“Boom!” The talisman exploded on the head of the god monster, destroying half of the god monster’s head.

“Aw…” The severe pain made the god monster, which was missing half of its head, even crazier. With a violent roar, it slammed into the shield that was about to lose its divine power.

“Boom!” The shield was shattered, and the blade lights of the two monks in the true god realm also slammed on the body of the fourth-level god monster. A cultivator in the Real God Realm was also sent flying hundreds of feet upside down, and fell to the ground without knowing his life or death.

“Could this be what my son said about the competition between the crane and the clam for the fisherman’s gain? This word is too appropriate to use here.” After Gu Xiangfei finished talking to himself, he raised his hand and put away the sky jade fruit tree, and put it on the star. inside the beads.

The two monks in the True God Realm had already been crippled, and Gu Xiangfei didn’t have any pills to save them, so he simply turned them into ashes with a fire, put away the rings of the three monks, and left here.

This ancient ruins is very large inside. According to Gu Xiangfei’s conclusion after examining it with his divine sense, it is estimated that there are three dry god domains inside.

His current position belongs to the edge of the edge, and he dare not go in any further. There are all four-level gods and monsters here, and there are at least nine-level gods and monsters there. Swallowed so much that there were no bones left.

Now the low-level monks on the outskirts are looking for resources. Several Heavenly God Realm monks teamed up to enter the ruins less than a hundred miles away, and they all came out missing arms and legs. They were so frightened that these True God Realm monks dared not go inside.

However, there are also a lot of peripheral resources. Although they are all low-level god grass and low-level ore, they are just suitable for monks like them to use. Even so, it takes a desperate fight to snatch these resources. For the fertilizer in the ruins.

Gu Xiangfei is far away from those monks. He doesn’t want to compete with other monks for resources now. Besides, these low-level god grass and low-level god fruit are not worth his life. Unless he knows the danger, he will stand up for top-level treasures Go out, fight for opportunities for the Dao, even if you die, you will have no regrets, and you will always be an ant if you don’t fight.

He didn’t want to look for trouble, but something happened to come to him. Two monks in the middle stage of the True God Realm stopped his way, “Keep the ring, get out!”

Gu Xiangfei didn’t bother to say anything, and directly let the little bee attack. The little bee has been coiling around his hair since it came out. After getting Gu Xiangfei’s idea, it flew over with a swish and landed on the head of one of the true god realm monks.

The cultivator in the Real God Realm did not expect that under his powerful domain aura, there was a little bee that could penetrate his domain, and it still landed on the top of his head. He himself would not believe that such a thing would happen. After crushing this little bee, I felt that my soul was sucked out, and my face changed drastically, but the soul saw that he was swallowed by the little bee in one gulp.

Another cultivator in the Real God Realm saw this scene, turned around and wanted to fly away. What kind of god and monster is this him?

The primordial spirit of every monk in the cultivation world is extremely stable in the purple mansion. Unless the body is broken, the primordial spirit will leave the body. Now this little bee can suck out the monk’s primordial spirit from the purple mansion. It’s not him What the True God Realm can deal with, even the Heavenly God Realm may not be able to escape the fate of being sucked out of the Primordial Spirit.

After the little bee swallowed the primordial spirit of this true god realm, it immediately caught up with the true god realm monk who was about to fly away, opened its mouth, sucked out his primordial spirit and swallowed it.

Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed, this little bee is amazing! To be able to suck out the soul of a monk from the purple mansion and swallow it, what kind of supernatural power is this?

With a wave of his hand, he put away the two rings, turned the two corpses into ashes with a fire, turned around and continued to search for resources.

At night, he came to a valley. After scanning with his spiritual sense, there was no threat to him within a thousand miles. He used void patterns to set up a strangling formation and a defensive formation. Galaxy advances.

Xinghe felt the breath of the mother essence of Yan, and kept jumping in the Zifu, wanting Gu Xiangfei to let it out.

Letting go of the portal in the Purple Mansion, Xinghe jumped up and landed on the Yanmother Essence. Gu Xiangfei sent a message to Xinghe with his thoughts, letting him take the Yanmother Essence to other places to advance.

Xinghe rolled up the flame mother essence and left here a hundred miles away, and began to absorb the fire element of the flame mother essence to strengthen his own flame.

A flame soared into the sky, reaching a height of thousands of feet, as if countless stars and seas appeared in the sky, and this soaring flame could be seen thousands of miles away.

Gu Xiangfei was startled, and thought, “There will definitely be monks coming to check on this flame, so we must prepare in advance.”

Let the little bee spew out a corrosive aura first, so as not to be attacked by a monk, and the corrosive aura will be filled within a hundred miles in an instant.

He used his spiritual sense to check that dozens of monks were flying towards here. Now the flame of Xinghe has fallen at a height of 100 feet, and it is still falling, but the falling speed is very slow. It is estimated that when those monks came, they fell just in time.

As soon as dozens of monks were within a hundred miles of the flames, they felt a huge wave of corrosion in front of them.The breath pervaded the place, some monks flew over cautiously and did not come into contact with this corrosive breath, and the impatient monks plunged into the corrosive breath, and their souls were immediately corroded and fell to the ground. After a few breaths, the physical body It was corroded and turned into a puddle of thick water. Even the ring was corroded and collapsed. The items in the ring turned into a piece of debris and dissipated in the air.

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