Arriving at the location where the casual repair stalls are outside, a large stall area has been formed here. There are thousands of casual repair stalls, all of which are selling things from the ruins, and the prices are quite cheap.

Gu Xiangfei walked and watched, and when he encountered pills and jade slips, he would ask them in detail. Although they were all low-level pills, he could form new pills and refine new pills.

After wandering around the casual repair booth area, I didn’t find any fourth-level pills, but I bought a few third-level pills. Then I went back to the pill pavilion, and I heard someone talking inside the door.

“The price you said is too high. Although what you have here is a special-grade elixir, what you want is a fourth-level divine grass, and one Lingxu pill is exchanged for a fourth-level divine grass. Why don’t you grab it?”

“What I’m talking about is this price. If you change it, you can change it. If you don’t change it, you can leave here. A big man is more verbose than a woman. Don’t you think other fellow Taoists are changing?”

“You…I’ll change two of them! You’re really black-hearted.”

Gu Xiangfei listened to the conversation inside, and couldn’t help but smile, this Su Qingyue’s small mouth is pretty good at talking.

“Brother Fei is back. Our pills are almost finished. Hurry up and buy them!” Su Qingyue saw Gu Xiangfei coming in, pointed to the empty shelves, and said to him.

“Don’t worry, we will only sell third-level pills in the future, and those low-level pills will no longer be sold.” Gu Xiangfei has no interest in refining those Lingxu pills and Qingshen pills, he wants to refine pills like Panlin pill and Yuantian pill , the more advanced the elixir can be exchanged for, the more divine grass it will be, and the more it can improve his elixir level.

“Okay, this is the spirit grass for exchange.” Su Qingyue doesn’t care what pills you exchange, as long as you explain to her, this is not her shop, and it is not worth worrying about these things.

Gu Xiangfei took the ring handed over by Su Qingyue, went back to the alchemy room at the back, and took out the spirit grass in the ring. These are the fourth-level spirit grass, and Su Qingyue actually exchanged more than a thousand plants. She couldn’t tell that this woman Doing business is a good hand.

When Gu Xiangfei came back, he saw that only one-third of the pills had been exchanged, and all the pills were exchanged for low-level pills. Hearing her conversation with the monk, Gu Xiangfei was a little funny. The monk I met had a good temper. If they were outside, the two of them would have started fighting.

The regular breath of the fourth-level spirit grass belongs to the range of the middle-level spirit grass. Gu Xiangfei still has more than three million god stones. He has set up a gathering array behind this shop, and while checking the rules of the spirit grass, he is practicing regular exercises.


In the square city of the ancient ruins, there are at least dozens of elixir pavilions, the largest of which is a branch of the Danshen League. There is a red gourd hanging at the door, which is the symbol of the Danshen League.

In the God Realm, there is the Yulin Business League, the United Business League, the Pill God League, the Race Alliance, the Monster Race Alliance, the Sea Race Alliance, the Flying Wing Race Alliance, the Family Alliance, the Ten Great Sects, and the God Clan Alliance. Xuantian Academy, the most powerful force in the world.This Xuantian Academy contains everything, including these alliances and sects, family disciples and monks.

Once the disciples of these alliances, sects, and families enter Xuantian Academy, they will be separated from their original place of origin, and they are not allowed to form cliques for personal gain in the academy.

Even with such strict rules, there is still an endless stream of monks who want to enter Xuantian Academy, and every monk who enters Xuantian Academy must participate in the assessment. Only after passing the assessment can they join Xuantian Academy.

Because in Xuantian Academy, you can get a lot of cultivation resources, all kinds of top treasures, and a large number of top exercises. As long as you have the ability to be recognized by the academy, you can get vigorously cultivated by the academy. This is what every monk in the God Realm yearns for. The place.

The Dry God Realm belongs to the lowest level in the God Realm. If there were no gangsters here, no monks would come here at all.

The ancient ruins were discovered in the Dry God Realm. Although it quickly spread throughout the God Realm, there are very few monks who are willing to come here to find resources. Basically, they think that even if there are ancient ruins here, there are no top-level treasures. With a great reputation, it is impossible for top-level treasures to appear.

The most promising places for top-level treasures to appear are in other high-level fields, such as high-level territories like Xuantian Academy.

Gu Xiangfei now has a general understanding of the God Realm. He wants to improve his level of alchemy, and then use alchemy to enter Xuantian Academy. He needs to practice a few great supernatural powers. Only in places like Xuantian Academy can he Find top-level treasures to help him cultivate these supernatural powers, and in Xuantian Academy, he believes that his strength will improve quickly.

Now he has memorized the regular breath of these god spirit grasses by heart, but now he suffers from the lack of pill formula, and he can’t refine the fourth-level pill.

Gu Xiangfei decided to go to the Shang Building or the Pill Pavilion to buy a few pills, and deduce the spirit grass needed by these pills to form the pill formula.

Just about to go out, the restraint at the door vibrated, opened the restraint and went out, saw a very beautiful female cultivator talking to Su Qingyue in the shop, it seemed that this female cultivator came to look for him, Su Qingyue rang the restraint After that, I went to talk to her again.

“Brother Fei, this senior sister is Huo Qingyan, the deacon of the Alchemy League, and I have something to ask you.” Seeing Gu Xiangfei coming out, Su Qingyue introduced this beautiful female cultivator to him.

“Hi Alchemist Gu, I’m Huo Qingyan from the Pill God League. I came here today to invite you to join our Pill God League.” Huo Qingyan didn’t waste any extra nonsense. After introducing himself, he directly explained the purpose of coming.

Gu Xiangfei was taken aback. If he had been invited to join the Alchemy League before, he might have joined without knowing the distribution of power in the God Realm. Now he was thinking of entering Xuantian Academy, so he had no choice but to reject the kindness of the Alchemy League.

“Sorry, I don’t want to join any alliance or sect right now.”

Su Qingyue continued to wink at him, meaning how could she refuse such a good thing? Hurry up and agree!

Huo Qingyan was also taken aback, she felt that if she invited Gu Xiangfei, she would probably agree if he was very happy, but she didn’t expect that he would refuse, if it wasn’t for seeing his elixirs in the market, they were all special elixirs. How could Meng invite a third-grade divine alchemist.

“Actually, I have another proposal this time. Since Alchemist Gu is not willing to join the Pill God League, can he be a Keqing Alchemist of the Pill God League? Except that he cannot get the resources and support of the Pill God League, the other treatment is the same as that of the Dan God League. It’s the same as the alchemists of the League of Gods.” Huo Qingyan had an idea, and came up with another suggestion, she meant to get Gu Xiangfei to the League of Gods first, and when Gu Xiangfei saw the benefits obtained by other alchemists, maybe Just joined the Danshen League.

“That’s fine, but I have a question. I wonder if this guest alchemist can check the alchemy recipes of the Alchemy League?” Gu Xiangfei knew that the alchemist Keqing was not under the control of the Alchemy League and could leave the Alchemy League at any time, but the treatment In terms of aspects, it must be different from other alchemists in the Alchemy League, after all, he is a non-staff member.

“Of course, and the missions of our Alchemy League, Keqing Alchemists can take over, and the treatment is the same as that of the alchemists of the Alchemy League.” Seeing that her plan had succeeded, Huo Qingyan happily agreed. She estimated that Gu Xiangfei would use In less than a year, he will take the initiative to offer to join the Pill God League.

Now that he has agreed to be a guest alchemist, the next thing is to go to Danshenmeng to get a jade plaque, with a guest word engraved on the front and a gourd logo of Danshenmeng engraved on the back.

Here in the branch of the Dry God Realm Pill God League, the highest rank is the sixth-rank alchemist, there are more than one hundred divine alchemists in the branch, and the lowest rank is the third-rank alchemist. Gu Xiangfei’s joining here is unremarkable. After discovering that he could refine a third-grade special elixir, the person in charge of the Danshenmeng branch arranged for Deacon Huo Qingyan to invite him.

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