Contribution Points of Pill God Alliance

After receiving the jade card, Gu Xiangfei came to the commercial building of the Danshenmeng branch. This commercial building has three floors. Alchemist, the highest rank is the fifth-rank god alchemist.

The third floor is the collection pavilion of the Pill God League, where there are a large number of pill prescription jade slips, pill furnaces, various flames, god grasses and god fruits above level five, which are convenient for the god alchemists of the Dan God League to view and purchase, and the price is relatively cheap. Much cheaper outside.

Gu Xiangfei came to the third floor, took the jade card at the entrance to open the restriction, and entered the third floor.

There are rows of wooden frames on the east side, on which are marked various Danfang jade slips from the third to the seventh level, and on the west side are various flames sealed by jade boxes. These flames are all low-level flames, which require a lot of fire attribute ore upgrade.

To the north are variousThe god grass and god fruit on the table are all packed in a jade box, and the names of the god grass and god fruit are marked on the bottom, which is convenient for the alchemists to choose.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t look at other items. He came to the Danfang Jade Slip and saw a sign that said, the contribution points needed to check the jade slips, the third-level Danfang Jade Slip needs 100 contribution points, and the fourth-level Danfang Jade Slip needs 500 contribution points. Contribution points, the fifth-level Danfang jade slip requires 2,000 contribution points, and the sixth-level Danfang jade slip requires 5,000 contribution points.

“So that’s how it is. Let me tell you, there is definitely no free lunch in this world.” After reading the brief introduction on the sign, Gu Xiangfei murmured a few words to himself.

The contribution point of the jade card in his hand is still zero. If he wants to check the jade slip, he must go to the second floor to accept the alchemy task to earn contribution points, and then he can go to the third floor to check the alchemy slip.

When I came to the second floor, I saw a formation display screen with half a wall in the north, on which there were various spirit pills that needed to be refined. The value of contribution points awarded.

The first-rank Lingxu Dan, the contribution is divided into five points; Contributions are divided into 100 points for divine pills, and 100 points for contributions to Pan Lin Dan’s rank-free pills.

Pan Lin Pill is a healing pill suitable for monks below the Divine King Realm. It is extremely useful and has the largest dosage, so the contribution points are the same as the fifth-grade Yu Shen Pill.

After Gu Xiangfei understood the rewards of the alchemy mission here, he came to the mission window. A female cultivator in the False God Realm saw him coming and said to him with a smile, “Do you need to release the mission, Fellow Daoist?”

“No, I’ll take up the mission.” Gu Xiangfei knew that this female cultivator definitely didn’t know that he was a guest alchemist, otherwise she wouldn’t regard him as the monk who issued the mission.

“Okay Master Alchemist, what kind of mission do you need to accept? There is also your identity jade card.”

“I want to accept the task of refining Panlin Dan. I will take as many as I have.” Gu Xiangfei handed the jade token to the female cultivator at the task window.

“I’m sorry Master Alchemist, the first time you accept a mission, it is stipulated that you can only accept alchemy three times, and then gradually increase the number of missions according to the quality of the completed mission.” The female cultivator’s words made Gu Xiangfei sigh secretly, the alliance has this rule , is also formulated to avoid unnecessary losses.

If an alchemist receives a large amount of divine spirit grass, and the elixirs he refines cannot meet the requirements, then the Alchemy League will suffer huge losses. The reason why he sighed secretly was because he originally wanted to complete the task at once, and then went to The plan to view the fourth-level Dan formula will be postponed again.

“All right! Just accept the mission of Pan Lindan three times.” Gu Xiangfei had no choice but to accept the mission of Pan Lindan three times first. He planned to continue to accept two missions after handing over the mission to get enough contribution points.

“Master alchemist, do you want contribution points or other items, such as god grass and god fruit, flames, pill furnace…” The female cultivator asked him a few more questions.

“Let’s contribute points!” Gu Xiangfei is not interested in other items. He just wants to get the elixir formula, refine the fourth-grade elixir, and then refine the fifth-grade elixir to improve his alchemy level step by step.

“Okay, Master Pill Master, this is the divine grass for refining Panlin Pill. Your jade card has been assigned to the contribution points. After handing over the task, the contribution points will be automatically recorded on your jade card. Furnace Lindan only needs to hand in five elixirs, and even if the task is completed, you can go to the alchemy room over there to refine the elixirs.” The female cultivator handed him a storage bag and his identity jade badge, and then Tell him the number of pills needed to hand in the task, and point him to the location of the alchemy room.

Gu Xiangfei was stunned for a moment, he didn’t expect to be able to make alchemy directly here, it would be more convenient, and after thinking about it, he couldn’t help admiring the sophistication of the Alchemy League, it turned out that the alchemist was afraid that the alchemist would run away with the god spirit grass, and the low-level god spirit grass naturally didn’t care , if it is a high-level divine grass and divine fruit, it is much more valuable than the contribution points and the items of the Pill God League. Maybe the alchemist will escape with the divine grass and divine fruit.

According to the direction that the female cultivator said, he saw a row of alchemy rooms, and the alchemy room with lights on at the door proved that an alchemist was using it. He came to an alchemy room without lights, took out a jade card, and opened the prohibition to enter the alchemy room room.

This alchemy room is not big, probably due to the limitation of the place. It was originally two rooms, but it was divided into three rooms. Anyway, it is only for alchemy, so it is enough.

He sacrificed the alchemy furnace, raised his hand, and Xinghe flew out of the Zifu. He had refined Pan Lin Dan countless times by himself. This time, for the three furnaces of Pan Lin Dan, he only refined two furnaces to complete the task. Not only did he save the gods’ spirit grass from the furnace of Linlin Dan, but he also got three more pills. The speed at which the alchemist earned the god’s stone was really fast.

An hour later, Gu Xiangfei came to the mission window, “Hand in the mission.” He took out the storage bag and handed it to the female cultivator at the window.

“Okay, alchemist.” The female cultivator took the storage bag, took out a jade bottle, and was taken aback for a moment. Could it be that the alchemy failed twice? Why is there only one jade bottle?

She opened the jade bottle and poured out a Pan Lin Pill, and exclaimed, “Special Pan Lin Pill!” A Pan Lin Pill with a halo of pills, in her white and delicate hands, kept lingering on the pill.

Quickly used his spiritual sense to check the other Pan Lin Pills. There were 14 special Pan Lin Pills in the jade bottle, all of which were lingering in a dizzy state.

“Has my task been completed? If it is completed, I will continue to take on the task of Pan Lin Dan.” Gu Xiangfei looked at the dazed female cultivator, and did not tell him whether the task was completed, but reminded her.

“It’s done, it’s done. According to regulations, you can take on ten missions this time.I’ll handle it for you right away, how many missions have you taken? “The female cultivator hurriedly recorded his contribution points on the identity jade card, and was about to get him the spirit grass.

“Then take it ten times!” Gu Xiangfei thought for a while, anyway, he is also making alchemy, so why not take it a few more times to earn some contribution points and spirit grass, just as his pill pavilion also needs spirit grass.

He came to the alchemy room again, and it took less than two hours to refine the six furnaces of panlin pill, and the remaining four furnaces of god spirit grass were his.

When I came to the task window again, the female cultivator was still here. When she saw Gu Xiangfei approaching, she immediately greeted her with a smile. With admiration in her eyes, she checked the elixir he had refined, and it turned out that they were all special panlin pills.

Gu Xiangfei came to the third floor, and now he has 1,100 contribution points on his jade card, and he can check two kinds of fourth-grade danfang jade slips.

Swipe away 500 contribution points first, pick up the pill prescription jade slip of the plastic god pill to check it out, after the divine sense has scanned it, the pill recipe is memorized by him, and then swipe 500 contribution points and pick up a pill prescription jade slip of Yitian pill to check it out .

Yitian Pill is a elixir for cultivators above the fourth rank and below the seventh rank to restore the vitality. After checking these two elixir recipes, Gu Xiangfei left the Pill God League branch and returned to the Feixue Pill Pavilion.

“Brother Fei is back. Our elixir is almost finished. This is the spirit grass.” Seeing him coming back, Su Qingyue told him the remaining amount of elixir, and handed him a ring containing the spirit grass .

“Okay, I got it, this pill is for you.” Gu Xiangfei took the ring, took out another jade bottle and handed it to Su Qingyue.

“Special Pan Lin Pill! That’s great, thank you, Brother Fei.” Su Qingyue exchanged a lot of Pan Lin Pills. She really wanted a Pan Lin Pill, even a top-grade Pan Lin Pill, but she was an employee. You have to abide by the rules, unless you exchange it with the God Spirit Grass, and now you get a special Pan Lin Pill, naturally you are overjoyed.

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