Crossing the TribulationGod Realm

Half an hour later, Gu Xiangfei waved his hand, and when… a few crisp and pleasant voices came out, nine special Yushen Pills appeared on the jade plate.

Gu Xiangfei picked up a special Yushen Pill, checked it carefully, cleaned up the alchemy furnace, and continued to refine Yushen Pill. Once he had a successful alchemy experience, the time for the next alchemy would be shortened.

He refined twenty batches of Yushen Pills. It took half an hour at the beginning, and then it took more than half a stick of incense. His alchemy speed became faster and more proficient.

When the spirit grass for refining Yushen Pill was used up, he began to refine Qinshen Pill. Qinshen Pill is a elixir that breaks through the small realm of Yushen Realm, and it is also a fifth-grade elixir.

He has deduced these four alchemy recipes countless times. It can be said that every detail has been deduced countless times. Now that he is refining it, although it is a bit rusty and the speed is slower, his steps of alchemy are very precise.

“When…” A few more clear and pleasant voices came out, and nine special Qinshen pills appeared on the jade plate.

Gu Xiangfei picked up another Qinshen Pill and examined it carefully. The speed of alchemy next time will be much faster.

Twenty-seven furnaces of Qinshen Pill were refined, and the fifth-level god spirit grass was used up. This time, he wanted to refine the sixth-grade elixir, Chuangjie Dan. The detailed steps are all memorized, but there is no way to refine it because there is no sixth-level god grass.

Clean up the alchemy furnace, pick up the spirit grass that needs to be refined into the world pill, throw it in the alchemy furnace, start to melt, throw away the slag, purify, transform the liquid, fuse, inject the spirit, after the divine essence injects the medicinal liquid, he heard, Click! There was a soft sound.

“Damn it!” He exclaimed, seeing a gap in the alchemy furnace, he quickly began to divide the pills, Ladan, he didn’t want to lose a furnace of God Grass of the World Creation Pill, so he could only speed up the alchemy speed and waved his hand Put away the nine pills, and with a crash, the pill furnace shattered to the ground.

Gu Xiangfei picked up a fragment of the alchemy furnace, inspected it, and came to the conclusion that the level of the alchemy furnace was so low that it couldn’t withstand the impact of the power of the gods, so it cracked.

Looking at the elixirs in the jade bottle, I found that there were six special elixirs and three top-grade elixirs. It seemed that my alchemy steps were correct, but the elixir furnace cracked in the middle, otherwise it would be another Furnace Special Class Chuangjie Pill.

I found a pile of intermediate ores from the ring, and picked out the materials for refining the alchemy furnace. After arriving in the God Realm, I forgot to change the alchemy furnace. Tasting the pills from the God Realm proved that his top-grade pill furnace is not bad.

Refining the alchemy furnace requires the blessing of various formations. Fortunately, his current level of formation has improved a lot. Using intermediate god ores, he has refined a top-grade alchemy furnace, with dozens of formation patterns carved on it. superior.

Seeing the brand-new radiant alchemy furnace, Gu Xiangfei started to refine the world-creating pill again. This time, the alchemy furnace was powerful, and the speed was a little faster. In less than half an hour, he refined nine special world-creating pills.

After the God Spirit Grass of Chuangjie Pill was used up, he began to refine Gujie Pill, which is more effective than Chuangjie Pill. After all, Chuangjie Pill is only a pill for breaking through to the realm of the gods, but Gujie Pill is even more powerful. It’s important, no monk in the Divine Sovereign Realm is willing to let the world he created collapse.

There are not many divine grasses for refining the Solid Realm Pill, mainly the sixth-level divine grass that is needed. There are not many Jinlan grasses collected, only five plants, plus other auxiliary divine grasses, are just enough to refine the five furnaces of the Solid Realm Pill.

The sixth-level god spirit grass was scarce. When he refined the solid world pill, he was very careful. It took an hour and a half for the first batch of solid world pill to refine nine special pills. Although it took a long time, he But he was overjoyed in his heart, and immediately struck while the iron was hot, cleaned up the alchemy furnace, and continued to refine the Solid World Pill.

As he became more and more proficient in refining the Solid World Pill, his speed also increased. For the last furnace of the Solid World Pill, it took him a stick of incense to refine nine special pills.

Half a month has passed since he finished refining all the spirit grass and fruit, and he still has two days to refine the alchemy furnace.

Put away the array flag, shatter the void array, and let the little bee lead him to continue flying in this circle, looking for available resources.


Several deacons of the Danshenmeng branch searched around the ancient ruins for five years, but found no trace of Gu Xiangfei, so they went back and reported to God King Jilu.

Hearing the report from several deacons, the God King of Jilu waved them down and hurriedly busy himself with his own affairs. He has been wasting a lot of time looking for Gu Xiangfei in the past few years. Can’t bear the pressure above.

“This Gu Xiangfei must still be in the ancient ruins. Where can he hide?” Ever since Gu Xiangfei escaped, the King Jilu used his consciousness to check the surrounding situation almost every day. to his breath.

The God King of Jilu would not guess that Gu Xiangfei would have the great shape-changing technique, because he didn’t even know that there was such a supernatural power, and he couldn’t guess that he had regular exercises that could change his personal aura at any time, and he couldn’t even guess that he had star beads. , and the little bee, a heaven-defying pet, can lead him into the inner circle.

“Since you don’t come out, I will check the ruins every day. Sooner or later, you will come out. Unless you die in the ruins, after I catch you, you will not only practice alchemy for the Pill God League until you die, but you will not be allowed to die after death.” In reincarnation, the soul will be roasted for a thousand years, haha…” Jilu God King said bitterly, and laughed loudly, as if he had caught Gu Xiangfei.

Huo Qingyan didn’t expect Gu Xiangfei to be able to escape so well that he hadn’t been seen for five years. When asked the monks in the ancient ruins, they all said that they had never seen this person.Huo Qingyan estimated that it was very possible that Gu Xiangfei had died in the ruins instead of not being found. Every day, many monks would fall in the ruins, and a large number of monks would enter the ruins.

Since the King Jilu didn’t let them search, Huo Qingyan was busy with her own affairs. Gu Xiangfei was just a passer-by she met in the Dan Shenmeng. There were many such passers-by, and she couldn’t possibly all Go follow them.

Gu Xiangfei is now ready to cross the Tribulation Heaven God Realm. He has the Yuantian Pill in his hand, but if he can use it, he tries not to use it as much as possible. Since he started practicing, he seldom takes pills that break through the realm, and the most he takes are healing pills, and repair The elixir of spiritual consciousness.

The reason why he made alchemy was mainly for the use of his family, and it could be exchanged for resources, and the alchemist earned the god stone faster. His elixirs had earned tens of millions of god stones. Now he regards alchemy as his own way to get rich The higher the alchemy is, the more resources he will get, so he has been working hard to improve his alchemy level.

The little bee took him to find an open area with a wide view, which was suitable for him to cross the catastrophe. It didn’t matter even if a monk saw it. He had no enemies here, and no one would harm him. The main reason was that no one knew his true face.

For safety, he still set up a void strangle formation around him, and then took out the god stone to set up a gathering spirit formation. He sat cross-legged in the middle, and performed regular exercises. Forging the body in an arc, now his body training formula has only reached the second level of the divine realm, and he has to practice to the ninth level before he can advance to the holy body.

“Boom!” Nine thigh-thick black thunder arcs fell and bombarded him. The regular breath of the thunder arcs was absorbed by him and turned into divine essence, together with the divine essence refined by the divine spirit energy, they all attacked together. The acupoints in the Heavenly God Realm are separated, click! There was a light sound in the body, and the first impact broke through the barriers of the acupoints in the realm of the gods, and the divine energy stored in the whole body, like a flood finding a gap, suddenly poured into the opened acupoints, and instantly acupoints After being filled, he rushed to the next acupoint.

“Boom!” In the second wave of thunder, nine thigh-thick thunder arcs hit him, and the bones made a crackling sound, which was absorbed by his Qianyuan body training formula and used for body training.

In the distance, there was an adventure team of four people in the God Realm. When they saw the sky was covered with dark clouds, thunder and lightning flashed, and the thunder arc kept falling, they knew that there were monks crossing the catastrophe.

“Can pass the tribulation here, and judging by the thickness of the arc of lightning tribulation, it must be a cultivator in the cultivating god realm. Let’s stay away! In case the cultivator in the cultivating god realm sees us, he will be dissatisfied and want to snatch our ring.” Among them A cultivator in the realm of shaping the gods said something that made the two monks among them dispel the idea of ​​going to watch the catastrophe. Now that they have collected a lot of divine spirit grass and divine fruit ore, it is better to go back early to feel at ease.

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