Refining and Burning the Holy House

After the last wave of thunder tribulation arc fell, Gu Xiangfei’s Qianyuan body training formula failed to advance to the third level of the divine realm, which made him feel a little regretful.

If there is another wave of lightning calamity, his body training formula will definitely be promoted to the third level of the divine realm. The main reason is that breaking through the heavenly god realm is three or nine thunder calamities, and the rules of heaven did not give him another wave of thunder calamity.

A colorful spiritual cloud fell, and his cultivation quickly stabilized. Until the colorful spiritual cloud was absorbed by him, he was still not as strong as he was when he was cultivating, and he could break through one or two small realms. This colorful spiritual cloud It just helped him stabilize his cultivation.

The higher the law of heaven, the slower it is to practice, and the more resources are needed. Of the millions of divine stones on the Spirit Gathering Formation, there are less than 100,000 left, and the rest are reduced to ashes.

After tidying up, Gu Xiangfei was about to leave here. The ruins are huge, and there might be a market opposite the ruins. He decided to go to the opposite side of the ruins and go to the market over there. For the safety of him, he Definitely not going.

The little bee took him on a trip again. During this time, the little bee fell in love with taking elixir, one elixir a day, otherwise it would deliberately fly randomly when it was unhappy, and several times it flew to the guardian of the seventh-level gods and monsters. The place is gone, thanks to its fast speed, otherwise it will definitely be smashed to pieces by the domain of the seventh-level gods and monsters.

Gu Xiangfei saw that the little bee was unreliable, so he had to give it a pill every day. The little bee didn’t pick and choose, as long as it was a pill, it didn’t matter whether it was a pill that broke through the realm, it would swallow it in one gulp. I gave it a plastic pill, and it swallowed it, but I didn’t expect that the plastic pill didn’t respond to it, and it didn’t work at all.

Gu Xiangfei checked the process of the little bee refining the elixir with his spiritual sense, secretly amazed, the corrosive aura of this little bee is too strong, and the powerful medicinal power of the plastic pill was also corroded by it, otherwise how could it withstand it.

Along the way, he kept picking divine grasses, no matter whether it was a first-level divine grass or a sixth-level divine grass, Gu Xiangfei picked them all. The elixir refined from the first-level divine grass was used to fool the little bees, otherwise he would swallow a Yuantian pill every day Or he couldn’t bear Pan Lin Pill.

Fortunately, it doesn’t matter how many pills the little bee has, all it needs to do is give it one pill.

After Gu Xiangfei advanced to the Heavenly God Realm, his spiritual consciousness was strengthened many times again. The gods and spirit grass, or the gods and monsters and monks within thousands of miles were all swept by his consciousness. His powerful consciousness once made the gods, monsters and beasts The monks all thought that the monks in the cultivation realm were checking them, and some monks in the cultivation realm were unwilling to provoke the cultivators in the cultivation realm, so they quickly avoided, and the fifth-level gods and monsters would also be ready to go.

Today, when I came to a small lake, Gu Xiangfei found that there was a thatched hut here. From the outside, it looked like a very ordinary thatched hut, without the blessing of formations. It seemed that it had been around for a long time.The thatch on the roof was rotten, and there were no traces of gods and monsters around. Gu Xiangfei felt that it was a bit weird here. He asked the little bee to stop a hundred meters away from the thatched house, but he didn’t come out of the star bead.

When the little bee saw the thatched cottage, it suddenly spewed out a corrosive aura. The corrosive aura formed a straight line and came to the front of the thatched cottage. It was about to collide with it. Boom! With a bang, it was actually blocked by the thatched cottage.

Gu Xiangfei quickly checked with his spiritual sense, and found that this thatched cottage was not an ordinary thatched cottage at all, but an innate treasure that surpassed a divine weapon. Moreover, this thatched cottage had its own defenses. No wonder the corrosive aura of the little bees was blocked.

I checked again with the eyes of delusion, only to find that there was a bed, a table, and two chairs in the thatched cottage. It was obviously a house where a hunter lived, but there was no owner inside.

“Whose innate treasure is this? Why was it abandoned here? It seems that the owner is very rich, and the innate treasure is also scattered everywhere. Since you don’t want it, I’ll pick it up!” Gu Xiangfei said to himself and found a treasure for himself. Charge the steps of the cabin.

He came out of the star bead, took out the formation flag and set up a dragging formation. He raised his hand to activate the formation flag, but there was no movement. Gu Xiangfei was stunned for a moment. Does this thatched cottage still need to be refined?

Gu Xiangfei thought for a while, took out the formation flag and set up a defensive formation, and drew a void strangling formation. Since it is necessary to refine this thatched cottage, he must first ensure his own safety first, otherwise during the refining process, suddenly If there are gods, monsters or other monks coming, he will definitely be killed. After all, the gods, monsters or monks who can come here are not something he, a monk in the heavenly realm, can deal with.

After setting up the formation, he was worried again. Where did such a big thatched cottage come from? Do you want to cover the whole thatched cottage with blood? Why doesn’t he have so much blood!

Open the eyes of emptiness to check the entire thatched cottage, from the outside doors and windows to every thatched grass in the thatched cottage, and found no place that needs to be refined, and then checked inside the thatched cottage.

There are only a few things in the thatched house, such as beds, tables, and chairs. These things are obvious at a glance, and there is no room for refinement. He then checked the walls and the ground. The ground was covered with blue bricks, and the walls looked like smeared mud. There is no place for refining.

Where exactly is this refined? I accidentally looked up and saw a wooden rafter on the thatched roof. This wooden rafter is different from other wooden rafters and has a heavier color.

“Could this be the location where the thatched cottage needs to be refined? No matter, let’s try it first! Other places are normal, only this place is a little strange.”

He sprayed out a mouthful of blood on the wooden rafter, then sat cross-legged on the ground, and began to refine the wooden rafter. The regular exercises started to work, and he quickly found the regular breath of the wooden rafter, and first drew out a trace of refining. The habit of refining other items is mainly because the first time he refined the thick breath, he was almost finished, and he was very careful when doing this kind of refining or assimilation in the future.

A trace of rules on the wooden rafters was quickly refined by him, and then another trace was extracted. He is very patient in refining these things, even if they are refined for one year, three years or five years.


In a high-rule cosmic plane that is far away from the God Realm, a red-haired old man is cultivating in his dojo. Suddenly, his heart trembles. His burning holy house is being refined. The location of the Burning Holy House was found to be undetectable at all, but his imprint of the soul was disappearing little by little, and was continuously refined and removed from the Burning Holy House by others.

“Junior! Ant, if you dare to refine my Burning Sacred House, don’t let me catch you, I will swallow you.” The red-haired old man was distressed and helpless, it seemed that this top-notch treasure did not belong to him after all.

During the cosmic war, I would have been bombarded and killed if I hadn’t been protected by the Burning Holy House. Although I was seriously injured and escaped, the Burning Holy House was blown away. After the spirit was bombed, it was never found again The whereabouts of the burning holy house.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t know that this was someone else’s treasure. He was immersed in the process of refining the wooden rafters. As the traces of restrictions were refined, he began to refine them one by one.


In the distant cosmic plane, the red-haired old man Fensheng Shengren tried many methods, but he couldn’t find the location of the Fensheng House. He sighed secretly, after all, his cultivation level was too low. After finding the location of the Burning Sacred House, now I can only watch my spirit imprint disappear little by little, although I feel unwilling, there is nothing I can do.

One month later, Gu Xiangfei stood up, raised his hand, and the original appearance of the thatched cottage changed drastically, turning into a brand new thatched cottage, that is, the Burning Holy House. Under the galaxy, warm up.

After refining this thatched hut, Gu Xiangfei realized that this thatched hut is called the Burning Holy House. Whether the user’s cultivation is strong or not, whether he can control the Burning Holy House, the same item is definitely different for children and adults.

After Gu Xiangfei figured out how to use the Fensheng House, he checked the Fensheng House in the Purple Mansion, and found that this innate treasure was actually lower than Xinghe’s level. Could it be that Xinghe was born more noble than Fenshengwu? Otherwise, how could it be willing to be a younger brother under the galaxy.

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