Teleport to Taixing City

The spiritual sense found an area in the north of the city, there is a teleportation array hall, and there is a sign at the door, which says the god stones needed to go to each city, and one hundred thousand god stones are needed to teleport to Taixing City.

Came outside the main hall of the Teleportation Formation, the window for selling jade tokens, “Give me a jade token for teleportation to Taixing City.” After speaking, he took out a storage bag and threw it to the monk who sold jade tokens for teleportation.

The monk glanced at the sacred stone in the storage bag, took out a teleportation jade token and handed it to him, saying, “Ten people teleport once, go to the main hall and wait!”

There are six teleportation arrays in the main hall, and there is a sign next to each teleportation array, which says the name of the region it is going to.

Gu Xiangfei came to the teleportation formation in Taixing City. There were already six monks waiting for the teleportation here. He came behind these people and waited for enough people to teleport.

Among the six monks, three monks are togetherYes, the remaining three monks were all strangers, and their standing positions were stretched a little, obviously none of them wanted to talk.

After he came to the teleportation formation in Taixing City, two more monks came before the tea time. These two monks walked and said, “What happened to the Lian family this time? The battle is not small! Even the Lord God Venerable has come.”

“I heard that the Lian family has lost a treasure, and this treasure is related to the rise and fall of the Lian family, so I recruited the gods from Xuantian Academy to find a way.” The words of one of the monks reminded Gu Xiangfei of Chu Fengtian. To catch him and send it to the Lian family to receive a reward.

Could it be that the cultivator who entered the Dry God Realm came in after avoiding the Lian family, but that cultivator’s cultivation is only in the Real God Realm, and he was able to steal the treasures of the Lian family? And after he killed the monk, he didn’t find any treasures in the ring, did he?

At this time, another monk came. After Gu Xiangfei saw this monk, he was surprised. It turned out to be the clerk Ji Sen. A clerk also took the teleportation array to Taixing City. Gu Xiangfei was a little puzzled, but now there are ten people , everyone entered the teleportation array, and he followed suit.

He just stood next to Ji Sen, issued a regular imprint, and entered Ji Sen’s body. He didn’t know why Ji Sen was going to Taixing City, but he didn’t go to find Ji Sen. Now he sent it to his door, so naturally he wouldn’t Let it go, but the premise is to figure out what he wants to do first?

A white light flashed, and ten people disappeared on the teleportation array. Gu Xiangfei felt himself lifted up suddenly. Although he had sat in the teleportation array countless times, this was his first time sitting in the teleportation array in the God Realm.

The space is constantly being compressed. He has practiced the large space technique and felt that the teleportation distance is very far this time. He was immediately immersed in the space compression. The rules of space were continuously absorbed by him and integrated into the large space technique.

He was overjoyed. The teleportation array uses space compression to transmit. There are several rules of space materials in it. After merging together, it can compress the ultra-long-distance space to a small range. This kind of compression is just a large space technique A minimal space rule for .

With a sound of “Boom!”, the teleportation array stopped, interrupting the space compression process of his fusion. If he took a few more breaths, he would be able to complete the fusion of the space compression rules, but now that he has arrived in Taixing City, he has not I was struggling, and followed the other monks out of the teleportation array.

Here is a group of teleportation arrays, there are more than 60 teleportation arrays. Gu Xiangfei glanced at them and saw that these teleportation arrays were sent to the major cities in the Eastern God Realm.

Find the teleportation array of Changhai City, the city closest to Endless Sea, and go to the window selling teleportation jade tokens outside.

There are several monks in front of them queuing up to buy teleportation jade tokens. Among these monks, there is a monk who doesn’t look like a human monk from the back, and he is also standing in line.

Gu Xiangfei now has some understanding of the God Realm. He knows that there are many races and human races mixed here. The two sides do not invade each other and get along very harmoniously. Cultivation resources are all working hard for one’s own Dao.

“Teleportation jade token to Changhai City.” Gu Xiangfei took a look at the 500,000 divine stones for one teleportation to Changhai City, and thought to himself, it’s so expensive! But without hesitation, he took out a storage bag and threw it to the monk who sold the teleportation jade token.

“Transmit once every three days. This is your jade token. You have to wait six days before you can transmit it. After three days, the jade token is gone.” The monk handed him a transmission jade token and explained to him when send.

Gu Xiangfei was stunned for a moment. He didn’t expect to wait six days to send it. It seems that there are relatively few monks here in Changhai City, and the number is not enough. He can only send it once every three days. He didn’t ask much, put away the jade card, and come go outside.

Taixing City is ten times larger than Qingyu City. The entire city is perfectly planned, and it is not as chaotic as Qingyu City. Cultivators of various races with strange shapes can be seen on the street at any time.

However, most races are on par with the appearance of the human race. In the cultivation world, only the human race is the most suitable for cultivation.

The law of heaven endows the human race from birth to be more suitable for cultivation than other races, so the monks of other races also develop towards the human race, such as hands and feet. Practice with five hearts towards the sky.

Although these races have transformed into human races, but they do not have the top-level treasure transformation pills, they can only transform speciously, leaving some characteristics of their own races, but at least they have human-like hands and feet, and they can practice with five hearts towards the sky. To the extreme, after passing through the thunder calamity, it will slowly change into the appearance of a human race.

He has to wait six days in Taixing City before he can teleport. He has nothing to do now and is going to visit the casual repair booth area, hoping to find some items he needs.

The casual repair booth area in Taixing City is planned to be in the west area of ​​the city. This casual repair booth area is very large, several times larger than all the casual repair booth areas he has seen.

After wandering through the stalls one by one, they didn’t find what they needed. A few stalls away, a monk suddenly shouted, “I want this piece of rogue stone, a million god stones!”

The cultivator’s cry alarmed the nearby cultivators, and soon some cultivators gathered there. After Gu Xiangfei scanned it with his spiritual sense, he saw that the stall owner was holding a piece of rubbish the size of an egg in his hand. He was not interested in these things. Now the smallest rock in his ring is the size of an apple.

However, when he heard that there were monks who offered a million yuan for such an egg-sized boulder, he felt curious and followed suit.

this boothThe area quickly gathered dozens of monks, and other monks were also gathering, staring at the gangster in the stall owner’s hand, like some treasure.

“I’ll offer 1.2 million.” Another monk raised the price.

“1.3 million, I want it.”

“One and a half million divine stones.”

Gu Xiangfei was stunned. Such a small rogue stone can be sold so expensively. At most, the Dry God Realm only gave 15,000 pieces of sacred stones. This is a hundredfold increase. How black-hearted the Yulin Chamber of Commerce is! Thinking of the gangster stones he had exchanged, Gu Xiangfei was filled with remorse and indignation at the black heart of the Yulin Chamber of Commerce, and decided to hit them hard when he had the opportunity.

The booth was dumbfounded and didn’t know what to say, and he didn’t know that the ore in his hand turned out to be a boulder, which was shouted out by two monks at his booth bidding.

“What’s going on?” The deacon in the casual repair booth area saw many monks gathered here, thought there was a dispute, and came over to ask.

“The rogue stone? We want this rogue stone from the city lord’s mansion.” The deacon was overjoyed when he saw the rogue stone in the stall owner’s hand, and immediately took out the messenger amulet and said, “A piece of rogue stone was found in the casual repair booth area.” .” Then the messenger symbol was activated.

Seeing what the deacon said, the other monks bidding did not increase their bids. Who would dare to rob things from the City Lord’s Mansion unless they were getting impatient.

After a few breaths, a strong aura came, and a figure appeared at the deacon, exuding a huge aura, which made the monks onlookers retreat again and again. Fortunately, this monk had no intention of hurting others, otherwise these monks probably Will be crushed by this powerful breath.

“Peak of the God King!” Gu Xiangfei hurriedly retreated a few feet away. This cultivator had obviously just broken through to the peak of the God King, and rushed over before his cultivation had even stabilized. This shows how important he is to the gangster.

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