Innate Treasure Qiankun Cauldron

The monk at the peak of the god king raised his hand and grabbed the gangster in the stall owner’s hand. He took out a ring and threw it to the stall owner, saying, “I want this gangster, it’s for you!” Divine Stone.”

After Gu Xiangfei scanned it with his spiritual sense, he saw that there were only 200,000 divine stones in the ring, and he cursed at this monk at the peak of the divine king.

The stall owner took the ring and quickly thanked him, “Since the Lord God King needs it, he should treat it as my filial piety, and this god stone will be spared!” After speaking, he handed the ring to the peak monk of the God King, with a very respectful attitude.

“Haha…you are not bad, how can I take your things for nothing, put away the ring!” The monk at the peak of the god king flashed away after speaking.

Gu Xiangfei saw a trace of anger in the eyes of the stall owner, but he recovered instantly, showing a grateful expression, this mother is also a talent, can only live for a long time if he can bend and stretch, and the monks who set up a stall in the casual repair area, which one is not all-faced It’s not easy for a monk in the God King Realm to say something good.

Seeing this scene, Gu Xiangfei sighed secretly. In this world, only big fists are the last word. Don’t talk if you don’t have the strength, otherwise you don’t know how many times you will be reincarnated.

Continuing to stroll towards the front stalls, I suddenly felt a wave of aura coming from one of the stalls. This wave of aura carried a hint of ancient aura, which was the same as the aura in the secret room inside the ruins.

Gu Xiangfei observed secretly for a while, and found that the monks here did not feel the aura fluctuation, and then he thought about why the other monks could not feel the aura fluctuation.

The regular breath in the secret room in the ruins was assimilated by him. The other monks here have never been in the ruins, so naturally they will not feel the fluctuations in the breath. Only those who have been to the ancient sects in the ruins can feel the fluctuations in the breath. .

When Gu Xiangfei came to this booth, he saw that the breath was fluctuating, which was a low-grade artifact, a tripod used by a craftsman.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and grabbed the cauldron. It hasn’t been refined yet, so he can’t feel the regular aura of the cauldron, but he saw a hole in the pattern pattern of the cauldron, and the wave of breath came from the gap. Passed out.

“How many sacred stones is this vessel?” Gu Xiangfei decided to buy it if the price is not high.

“Give me a thousand divine stones!” The stall owner didn’t care about the tripod, and casually mentioned the price.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t say much, took out a thousand sacred stones and threw it to the stall owner, put away the tripod, and continued to walk forward, but he was overjoyed. Just now, he felt the regular breath of the tripod by running the regular kung fu. The top-grade artifact alchemy furnace, which can be used for both alchemy and weapon refining.

After harvesting a top-quality artifact, he went to a few more stalls, and he didn’t have the mood to go any further. He found a restaurant, asked for a room, opened the room with a jade card, and set up an illusory formation after entering. , arranged another isolation formation, and then took out the tripod to prepare for refining.

After the rules and exercises started to work, he broke through the restrictions of this vessel, layer by layer, and then penetrated into his own divine essence to break through these restrictions.

Three days later, the last restriction was broken, and a roar came from the tripod. This somewhat dirty tripod emitted a ray of light and instantly turned into a delicate small tripod.

Gu Xiangfei spewed out a mouthful of blood and began to refine the small cauldron. After a stick of incense, the small cauldron was refined and turned into a ray of purple light that entered his sea of ​​consciousness and warmed it up.

After Gu Xiangfei inspected it with his spiritual sense, he found that this vessel tripod turned out to be an innate treasure, Qiankun Cauldron. Surrounded by two yin and yang fish; the outside of the tripod body is eight equal.The divided face is composed of gossip symbols and words, which symbolize eight natural phenomena; the tripod has two ears, which symbolize “two appearances”, namely: heaven, earth or yin and yang; the four legs under the tripod symbolize “four images”, That is: spring, summer, autumn, winter, or water, fire, wood, and gold, distributed in all directions.

He heard from his son Gu Yunjie that the Qiankun Ding was transformed from the lotus pod of the Chuangshi Qinglian, which belonged to the ancestor Hongjun. Later, because the creation Qinglian couldn’t bear the pressure of Pangu and Kaitian, it shattered and became several powerful innate spirit treasures that fell to the prehistoric land.

The Qiankun Ding can return to the original, improve the grade and quality of treasures, weapons, and elixir, and transform the acquired into the innate.

With this innate treasure, the pills he refines in the future will have better effects, the artifacts he refines will be more powerful, and his defense will also be stronger.

After being excited for a long time, he tidied up and went shopping in the casual repair booth area again. However, this time he was unlucky and found nothing, so he was not discouraged. After all, such treasures are hard to come by.

Six days later, he came to the main hall of the teleportation array. More than 30 monks had gathered here. Now he already knew that the teleportation array was teleported according to the time of day. At most, a hundred people could be teleported at one time. .

Most of these cultivators are in the early and middle stage of cultivating gods, and there are very few monks in cultivating gods. So far, there are only three monks, including him, there are only four.

The teleportation array is teleporting at noon, and it’s just past time now, and we have to wait a while before it’s time to teleport at noon.


“Your name is Ji Sen. You said that you found the aura of the cultivator in Qingyu City. Chu Fengtian took two monks to arrest him, but he never came back.” In the hall of the Lian family, a sitting master The middle-aged monk looked at Ji Sen who was reporting to him below, asked the reason clearly, and threw him a storage bag.

“Thank you, Patriarch Lian, and I’m leaving.” Ji Sen greeted Patriarch Lian with a smile on his face, cupped his fists as a salute, turned and left the hall.

“Come here.” Patriarch Lian called out.

Soon after, three monks in the Divine Sovereign Realm came in. After entering the hall, they saluted Patriarch Lian and stood aside, waiting for orders.

“The person we are looking for appeared in Qingyu City. Someone found him, and some monks went to arrest him, but he was allowed to escape. After so many years, his cultivation base has been promoted to the state of shaping the gods. Could it be that the treasure is real? Got it by him? Otherwise, how could his cultivation base improve so quickly, you go to Qingyu City to inquire quickly, find his clues, and catch the best ones to live, go!” The patriarch Lian waved his hand and asked The three monks of the family’s god-king realm went down.

The three monks in the Divine Sovereign Realm clasped their hands together and saluted Patriarch Lian, and then left the hall.

“It’s been so many years, and now I found traces of that kid, and he still appeared in Qingyu City. Why is this so strange?” One of the three monks expressed his doubts, and looked at the other two monks. Reaction.

“I also think it’s a little strange, but since the patriarch said so, let’s go and relax.” Another monk’s words sounded unconfident, as if he was on an errand.

The other cultivator didn’t even say a word, he just let out a “Huh!”, obviously not paying attention to this matter.


“The teleportation is about to start, everyone, please go to the teleportation array.” The monk who managed the teleportation array shouted to Gu Xiangfei and the others.

This teleportation is just enough for 100 monks. Gu Xiangfei calculated that this time teleportation to Taixing City can earn 40 million god stones, so he couldn’t help being a little jealous of Taixing City’s wealth.

A white light flashed, and Gu Xiangfei began to feel the space compression rules of the teleportation array. The teleportation time was relatively long this time, allowing him to quickly master the space compression rules and integrate them into his large space technique.

After half a stick of incense, Gu Xiangfei felt that the teleportation array stopped, and his eyes gradually became clear. During the teleportation, no monk dared to use the consciousness to sweep randomly, so it is easy to be destroyed by the rules of space, because the monk’s consciousness, How could it be faster than the space compression conversion.

There was an open-air teleportation group in front of him. Gu Xiangfei saw the three cultivators of the God-shaping Realm teleported with him, they were all a little dizzy, and he was still a little unconscious. He immediately pretended that he could not bear the long-distance teleportation, and covered his hands He bowed his head, looking very uncomfortable, so as not to be suspected in a new place.

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