Giant Spaceship

After leaving the teleportation array, there is a street outside. The road surface is very clean and tidy. In the distance, there is a big sign with a picture of a big ship. There is a platform under the sign. There are thousands of monks standing there, as if Like waiting for a big ship.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t know what he was doing. He happened to see a monk passing by, and asked quickly, “Please ask me, what are so many people doing over there? They seem to be waiting to board a boat.”

The monk glanced at Gu Xiangfei and said, “That’s the spaceship site to the Central God Realm, from here to the Central God Realm, you must take a spaceship to go there, except for large spaceships that can pass through the Endless Sea, other spaceships are either overturned by waves or by sea monsters Beast bombarded, fell into the endless sea to feed the fish.”

“Thank you, Fellow Daoist, for letting me know.” Only then did Gu Xiangfei know what so many monks were doing. It turned out that to go to the Central God’s Domain, he had to take a boat.

The place he was going to was also the Xuantian God Realm in the Central God Realm, so he naturally had to go there by boat. He hurriedly came to the big sign and saw a window selling jade tickets for boating.

“What class of tickets do you want? Five million sacred stones for the first class, three million sacred stones for the second class, one million sacred stones for the third class, and 100,000 sacred stones for the last class.” The monk at the windowWithout waiting for Gu Xiangfei to ask, he said it first, as if it was a routine.

“A second-class seat.” Although Gu Xiangfei felt that the ticket was a bit expensive, he still asked for a second-class seat. It’s not that he didn’t want a first-class seat, but he didn’t want to attract too much attention.

After paying for the god stone, he took the jade card handed to him by the monk, and saw that there was a second-class word engraved on it, and the room number was engraved on the back.

Come to the side of these monks, listen to their conversation, and learn about the endless sea.

“I heard that there is some chaos in Xuantian Academy. Several powerful elders are vying for the position of vice president. No matter what the president does, the vice president is in charge.”

“I think Elder Lin has a better chance of taking the position this time. Many sects and alliances are supporting him.”

“Elder Feng is also possible. Who among these elders does not have the support of several sects and families, but in this way, Xuantian Academy will become the world of those sects and alliances, which has violated the purpose of Xuantian Academy. It’s time for the old dean to come out and take care of it.”

“Vice President Lu is actually very good. He is upright and selfless. Everything is centered on the college. I didn’t expect that he was poisoned by a sneak attack this time and his life was dying. The old president couldn’t get rid of his poison. Fortunately, Vice President Lu’s cultivation is so advanced that he temporarily suppressed the onset of toxicity.”

After hearing the words of these monks, Gu Xiangfei gradually got a better understanding of Xuantian Academy. There are struggles in every place, even in the God Realm. Just in response to his son’s words, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

Came to the other side again, listening to the words of other monks.

“It may take two days for the spaceship to arrive. I heard that sea monsters are very rampant recently, and the competition between the Sea Clan Alliance and the Yulin Chamber of Commerce is fierce.”

“Yes, although they haven’t broken their faces yet, the private battles are very fierce. I heard that some monks in the God King Realm have fallen.”

“The Sea Clan Alliance is very powerful. Although the Yulin Merchant Alliance is an old alliance, their actions in the past few hundred years have been unpopular.”

“I heard that the Yulin Chamber of Commerce’s gangster stones can sell five million god stones for a piece as big as an egg, and it’s not often available. The monks who want it must hand in the god stone and other notices in advance.”

“I heard that the rogue stone can comprehend various rules of supernatural powers and increase the chance of comprehending supernatural powers. This is only needed by monks in the divine king realm. We are still very early, and we don’t have so many divine stones.”

The more Gu Xiangfei heard it, the more he regretted it. When he came out of the Dry God Realm, he exchanged a lot of rubbish stones. Now he can’t wait to rob the Yulin Merchant League.

He turned around and went to another location, listened to the words of other monks, and gradually learned about the affairs of Xuantian Academy in the Central God Realm. In another ten years, Xuantian Academy will select monks, and it will take three years to get from here to Endless Sea , it seems that the name of this endless sea is really well-deserved.

And these monks also went to Xuantian Academy in the Central God Realm, but they set off much earlier.

Two days later, the spaceship did not arrive, and the spaceship arrived at this site at noon on the third day. From a distance, I saw this giant spaceship coming from mid-air. Some formations on the spaceship were constantly flashing, obviously It is preparing to land and activate the array blessing, otherwise it would not be easy for such a huge spaceship to stop.

The spaceship got bigger and bigger, and finally stopped at the station. Gu Xiangfei couldn’t help admiring the craftsman who made the spaceship. This spaceship is thousands of feet long, a hundred feet wide, and fifty feet high. How many high-grade materials are needed, and how many formations need to be drawn? Wen, it would take at least a hundred years to refine a giant of this size.

After the spaceship stopped, the deacon above opened the restriction, and no monks disembarked. The deacon looked down, and tens of thousands of monks shouted, “Please board the ship, and enter your cabin according to the number on the jade plate. The ones behind are Room number, don’t go to the wrong room, or you will be responsible for the consequences.”

After the deacon finished speaking, the monks below began to board the ship. Twenty barriers were opened to reveal the gangway. The monks boarded the giant spaceship along the gangway.

After Gu Xiangfei boarded the spaceship, he went to the second-class cabin on the spaceship according to the grade signs, and found his room number. Just about to enter, he suddenly felt something was wrong. The room number at the door shook for a while. , It turns out that there is a difference between this room number and his room number. It is obvious that someone deliberately reversed the numbers and wanted him to enter the room and then blackmail him.

The illusory eye found his room number, took out the jade card to open the restriction, and entered the room. There was only a quiet room in this room, with a bed and a futon in the room, and nothing else.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t care about these, and immediately used his spiritual consciousness to draw void formations, and arranged a defensive formation, isolation formation, void strangle formation, and illusion formation.

An hour later, I felt the spaceship shake slightly. Through the window, I saw that the spaceship began to rise in a straight line from the ground. After reaching a certain height, it began to accelerate and fly forward.

Gu Xiangfei knew that this giant spaceship was flying around the edge of the endless sea, and there were many stations along the way, and it would not sail to the endless sea until the monks at these stations were picked up. What I passed was just one of many sites.

After setting up all the formations, Gu Xiangfei sat cross-legged on the futon and practiced. Now he still has 3 million sacred stones, and he spent 1 million to set up the spirit-gathering formation. He plans to save the remaining 2 million sacred stones for emergency use.

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