Exchange meeting on the spaceship

The stations along the way received a large number of monks, and then the giant spaceship turned around and sailed towards the endless sea. The speed has been increasing, and it will soon reach extreme speed.

Gu Xiangfei looked atThe speed of such a big giant is not slower than the high-grade artifact spaceship. I secretly admire the various acceleration formations on this spaceship. The layout is so precise, and the calculation of the details is more perfect. This must be a few nine-level gods. , added together to depict the formation pattern, a single god formation emperor, simply cannot be so perfect.

After entering the endless sea, Gu Xiangfei suddenly felt a sense of oppression. The rules of heaven and earth in this endless sea are actually different from those in other places. The oppressive giant spaceship is like flying in a cage.

Gu Xiangfei felt the rules of heaven and earth here, and then took a look at the height of the giant spaceship, which was only a dozen feet above the endless sea. With the height of the spaceship, the rules of heaven and earth here were as if the ground was only a hundred feet away from the sky. No wonder ordinary spaceships dare not fly in the endless sea. The sea monsters in the endless sea can smash the spaceship to pieces with just one blow.

Thinking of what the monks said on the site, the giant spaceship might also be attacked by sea monsters, Gu Xiangfei began to assimilate the rules of the world here, just in case the giant spaceship was smashed by the sea monsters, and he himself He can escape, but he can’t entrust his safety to others, and he can only feel at ease if his own destiny is in his own hands.

The rules and exercises started to work, and the rules of heaven and earth here were quickly captured by him, and he took out a trace to assimilate.

The giant spaceship has been driving in the endless sea. The sea is calm and the only waves are half a foot high, which has no effect on the giant spaceship.

One month later, Gu Xiangfei assimilated the rules of heaven and earth here. After the last ray of rules of heaven and earth were assimilated, he felt suddenly empty, and he rushed out of the oppressive feeling. With a soft sound, his cultivation broke through to the mid-stage of God-shaping Realm.

Just after stabilizing his cultivation, someone touched the restriction on the door.

“Fellow daoist, I’m sorry to bother you. In order to solve the loneliness of the journey for fellow daoists, we will hold an exchange meeting on the top floor tomorrow. Everyone can attend and exchange the items they need with many monks.” The monk gave him a smile on his face. Speaking of the exchange meeting, whether to participate or not to participate is entirely voluntary.

“Okay, I’ll take a look tomorrow, thank you fellow daoist for letting me know.” Gu Xiangfei readily agreed, and he also wanted to see if there was anything he needed in the exchange meeting.

After the monks on the spaceship left, Gu Xiangfei sorted out the items in his ring. The only items he could exchange were pills, and he was also very scarce in other ores and divine fruit trees.

The next morning, I came to the top entrance of the spaceship. Many monks have gathered here. To enter the top floor, you need to pay the entrance jade token of 100,000 divine stones. You can go in.

Gu Xiangfei cursed secretly, this spaceship only provides a place, but it has to collect so many god stones, it really is a profiteer, places to earn god stones are everywhere.

Some monks hesitated for a moment, turned around and left. They might feel that they had nothing worth exchanging. Some monks happily handed over the god stone, received the entry jade token, and went to the top floor. Maybe they had items that needed to be exchanged. Maybe it’s because I don’t lack the god stone, so I went up to open my eyes.

Since Gu Xiangfei wanted to find the items he needed, he didn’t hesitate. Even if he didn’t have the items he needed, it didn’t matter if he went to have a look. There are many monks who think like him. On the top floor.

The top floor is the deck. This deck has a large area and can accommodate tens of thousands of monks. The view from above is wide, and the endless sea in the distance is in sight. Even if you don’t exchange items, the scenery is not bad, but the tickets are a bit expensive.

When Gu Xiangfei came up, thousands of monks had already gathered here. So many people gathered together, it was a bit chaotic. How can we communicate? He felt fooled.

“Dear friends, welcome to this exchange meeting. Now everyone can start exchanging the items they need. Please enter the items you need to exchange into this formation display. The monks in need can directly exchange with each other. “A deacon on the spaceship waved his hand, and a large screen was held up by the formation and stood in the center of the deck. All monks here can see the items displayed on the screen and the items to be exchanged.

Seeing this, Gu Xiangfei felt that the spaceship did not provide a separate site, but also provided a formation screen, which was convenient for monks to exchange.

Soon some monks entered their items into the formation screen, and then entered the items they needed to exchange.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t use his own pills to import. He needs a lot of things now, and they are very complicated. He can’t tell the specific items to be exchanged. He stares at the big screen to check. If there is an item he needs, he will find it. Monk exchange.

None of the items provided by these monks was what he needed. They were either mid-level ores or mid-level god grass and god fruit. He had no use for these things for the time being. He would decide whether to exchange them unless he had high-grade god fruit and high-grade ore.

The big screen keeps scrolling up and down, and the monks here can clearly remember the items on the big screen with just a glance, so although the big screen scrolls fast, these monks can still see it.

Gu Xiangfei’s spiritual consciousness has been staring at the items on the big screen. After a stick of incense, the first item appeared on the big screen again. He didn’t find the item he needed, so he walked to the edge of the deck and looked at the scenery of the endless sea. After feeling the regular breath of the endless sea, he decided to assimilate the regular breath of the endless sea into his own regular breath.

The regular exercises are in operation, constantly assimilating the endless seaThe rules of the world, all of his rules do not have the rules of sea water, he has rarely been in contact with sea water, and has never entered a place where sea water has been. Add one more.

The regular aura of the endless sea is continuously assimilated by him, becoming one of his many rules. With the regular aura of the endless sea, he will be as easy and free in the endless sea as land.

Two days later, Gu Xiangfei has completely assimilated the regular atmosphere of the endless sea. Now if he falls into the endless sea, he can swim in the sea like a sea monster, and he can even adapt to the rules of the endless sea better than a sea monster.

Looking back at the information on the big screen, I saw that there was a monk who needed the Solid World Pill, which could be purchased with divine stones or exchanged with other items. His items were very miscellaneous, all of which were some high-grade ores and divine fruit.

Suddenly a message appeared on the big screen, needing King Pill, Exchange Items, Void Flame Essence, Star Crystal, Colorful Silk…

The items of this monk are much higher than those of the monk who needs the solid world pill, but the level of the pill he needs is the seventh-grade pill, which is also one level higher than the solid world pill. Don’t look at this level, solid world Pills are refined by divine alchemists, but Yi Wang Dan can only be refined by alchemy kings. The difference is too great. There are many sixth-rank divine alchemists who cannot be promoted to seventh-rank divine alchemy kings in their entire lives. It can be seen that How difficult it is to advance to Dan King.

Gu Xiangfei was not in a hurry to find this cultivator. He first contacted the cultivator who exchanged the Solid World Pill.

“Fellow Daoist, do you have a Solid Realm Pill?” This is a cultivator at the peak of the God Realm, who will soon break through to the Divine Sovereign Realm. Prepare a Solid Realm Pill for himself in advance, just in case the world he created collapses.

Gu Xiangfei took out a jade bottle and poured out a Solid Realm Pill, “Superior Solid Realm Pill!” The cultivator in the Nurturing God Realm exclaimed, and immediately became excited. Thanks to him, he had placed a restriction in advance to prevent their exchange from being stolen by others. The monk saw it, otherwise his exclamation would soon attract a large number of monks to watch.

“Where are your items? Let me see if there is anything I need.” Gu Xiangfei put away the Solid World Pill, and the monk kept staring at the jade bottle in his hand. He smiled embarrassedly when he heard his words, and took He took out a ring and handed it to Gu Xiangfei.

“Fellow Daoist, I need this Solid World Pill so much. This is all my items, and I’ll give it to you. I’ll just exchange it for this Solid World Pill. What do you think?”

Gu Xiangfei took the ring, and with a sweep of consciousness, he saw that there were several more items in the ring than what he entered on the big screen.

Suddenly, with his spiritual consciousness, he saw a scroll picture scroll, on which were written three characters on the earth, Taiji Diagram.

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