Refining the Taiji Diagram

Gu Xiangfei was ecstatic in his heart, put away the ring calmly and said, “Then our deal is complete.” After speaking, he handed the jade bottle to the cultivator in the cultivation realm.

The cultivator of the Nurturing God Realm took the jade bottle and opened it, took another look at the super solid world pill in the jade bottle, and with a smile on his face, he gave a monk salute to Gu Xiangfei to express his gratitude, then turned and left, his goal was achieved. Naturally, there was no need to stay here anymore, and went down happily.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t look at the Taiji diagram in the ring now, and held back the ecstasy in his heart, and contacted the monk who exchanged the Yiwang Pill.

The cultivator who exchanged the Yiwang Pill saw that his message had been sent, many monks took a fancy to his items and immediately came to exchange other items with him.

His purpose is to exchange Yiwang Dan. If there is no Yiwang Pill, other items will not be exchanged. He sent away more than a dozen monks who entangled him, but he has not found any monks who are interested in Wangdan. The preciousness of the pill, I have given up hope in my heart for this exchange pill.

Suddenly another cultivator contacted him. After putting the restriction on, he saw that it was a cultivator in the God-shaping realm looking for him, and he couldn’t help but feel a little angry. You, a cultivator in the God-shaping realm, also came to me to exchange for Wang Dan. Could it be that you are interested in Wang Dan?

“If you don’t have Yi Wangdan, don’t mention anything else. I don’t have time to waste here with you.” The cultivator in the cultivation of the gods said the words first, but the next moment he was pleasantly surprised.

“Special Yiwangdan! It’s really a special Yiwangdan! Fellow Daoists, don’t blame me for being rude just now. I was really bothered by those monks who didn’t have Yiwangdan. This is my item. You can choose whatever you want. No! I’ll give it all to you, I only need Yi Wang Pill, and if necessary, I can also add a divine stone.”

Gu Xiangfei took the ring, and after scanning it with his spiritual sense, he saw that there was one more ore in the ring than the exchanged items, and there was also a divine fruit tree. Although there was no fruit yet, the aura emanating from the divine fruit tree, Gu Xiangfei feels that the level of this divine fruit tree is not low, it may be an eighth-level divine fruit tree.

“Okay, it’s changed. Fellow Daoists don’t need to add the god stone.” Gu Xiangfei put away the ring and handed the jade bottle to the monk in the realm of gods.

The cultivator in the Divine Sovereign Realm immediately took the jade bottle excitedly, and left with a smile on his face after sweeping it with his spiritual sense.

Gu Xiangfei felt that he did not suffer a loss this time. Everyone took what they needed, and exchanged it when they liked it. Items that they didn’t like or didn’t need, even if they were of high value, they wouldn’t exchange them. Only what they needed was what they wanted. the most precious.

I read the information at the exchange meeting again. This time I didn’t find what I needed, and Gu Xiangfei didn’t care. He also knew that it was impossible for the items he needed to appear here.

The time limit for this exchange meeting is seven days, and it will be held every once in a while. The spaceship only provides a venue and display screens for formations, not even the spirit fruit and spirit tea.Yes, this kind of exchange meeting will make a lot of money every time the spaceship is held.

Seeing that the time was up, Gu Xiangfei didn’t hesitate like other monks, whether to exchange for his dispensable items, directly left the top floor and returned to his room.

After activating the array in the room, I took out the picture scroll of the Tai Chi Diagram, and remembered the earth myth that Gu Yunjie said. Vientiane energy is in the shape of a yin and yang fish.

It shows the image of the great way of infinity, infinity produces taiji, taiji transforms two ceremonies, two ceremonies play three talents, three talents form four images, four images transform five elements, five elements form Liuhe, six harmonize seven stars, seven stars produce eight trigrams, and eight trigrams connect nine palaces.

The Taiji diagram is infinitely mysterious and infinitely good. It can defuse all attacks and ignore any defenses. When the Taiji diagram unfolds, the sky and the earth move, the sun and the moon change color, and the power of the supreme treasure is undoubtedly revealed.

Now that he got this treasure, he became ecstatic in his heart, raised his hand and set up a spirit gathering array, sat cross-legged on the futon and began to refine the Tai Chi picture scroll.

The difficulty of refining open sky treasures is not ordinary, but Gu Xiangfei thought of a way, he has star beads, this is the most precious treasure when the universe was open source, the full name is chaos star beads, let star beads help him refine, the effect may be better a lot of.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the star beads came out, Tai Chi Tu turned out to be extremely obedient, with one hundred and eight restrictions, but all of them were refined in three days, and they automatically recognized their masters. It is one level higher than Qiankun Ding, and slightly higher than Xinghe.

Gu Xiangfei was naturally overjoyed. He didn’t expect that he accidentally tried it with star beads, and the effect would be so good. It seems that if he encounters this kind of open sky treasure in the future, he will use these things to attract it. Maybe these open sky treasures have spirits. Chi, seeing that other treasures have recognized their owners, it is estimated that they will join in soon.

The more he thought about it, the happier he became, and the more he thought he had found a shortcut, he couldn’t help laughing happily, “Haha…”

After a while, I remembered that there were other items. First, I opened the ring of the cultivator in the cultivation of gods. Among the items he exchanged were several high-level ores and a few seventh-level divine fruits. After that, you can refine pills and top-grade artifacts.

He also took out the ring of the monk in the Divine Sovereign Realm. In addition to the imported exchange items, this monk gave him an extra piece of ore. At that time, he felt that this piece of ore was unusual, but he just received the Tai Chi diagram at that time, and he didn’t feel excited. Closer look.

Now take out that piece of ore and examine it carefully. This piece of ore is covered by a layer of stone skin, and it looks like a high-grade ore on the outside. A layer of stone skin revealed the ore inside, “The essence of chaos!” Gu Xiangfei exclaimed.

The Essence of Chaos is a piece of fine iron condensed from the breath of chaos when the world was first divided. The divine weapon made with the essence of chaos has a high probability of becoming an acquired treasure. If this acquired treasure absorbs the energy of chaos, there will be It may be promoted to innate treasure.

He quickly took out the Treasures of the Universe to check the introduction of the Chaos Essence, which has the power to tear apart the primordial chaos, smash the heavens, time and space, control the myriad laws, and open up the universe.

If you use the essence of chaos to add the water of chaos, the wood of chaos, the soil of chaos and the fire of chaos to refine the treasure of good fortune, it will show a thousand rays of light, a thousand lights of auspicious colors, and exude a domineering and incomparable power .

After reading the introduction, Gu Xiangfei felt that it was not an ordinary difficulty for him to refine the treasure of good fortune. , it is estimated that the god emperor can’t resist it, unless the saint is in the realm, it is possible to resist it.

Now that we have one material, we can refine and make chemical treasures by finding four other materials. Although those materials are hard to find, there is hope anyway.

In a quiet room on the spaceship of the Yulin Chamber of Commerce, a monk at the peak of the god king checked the monitoring formation of the exchange meeting. This suspicious point was finally locked on the two monks who exchanged the Solid Realm Pill and the Yiwang Pill.

These two monks left the exchange meeting with joyful expressions on their faces. Obviously, they had exchanged for the elixir they needed. Could it be that there is a seventh-rank alchemy king on this spaceship?

This cultivator at the Divine King Realm didn’t suspect where he bought the elixir. What he suspected was the elixir refined by the seventh-rank divine elixir. No monk would exchange the elixir he needed to others, except for the seventh-rank divine elixir. The king will go to exchange for the items he needs, because only the king of the seventh-rank god alchemy can refine the Yiwang pill, so he doesn’t care about exchanging it.

The peak monk of the God King of the Yulin Merchant League is called Qihe God King. The reason why he pays attention to Yiwang Pill is to find an eighth-rank God Pill King and help him refine a Zunhuang Pill. Now he has cultivated to the level of God King Pill. It’s the peak, and it’s only one step away from advancing to Dzogchen, and then it’s about to cross the tribulation and break through to the godly realm.

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