: Breaking through the God Cultivation Realm

Gu Xiangfei saw the speed of these sea monsters, and then calculated the speed of the spaceship. He felt that it was impossible for these sea monsters to catch up with the spaceship, so he didn’t make a sound to remind him.

All kinds of acceleration formations on the spaceship were fully activated, and the burning divine stone was galloping away at the speed of light. The mid-grade divine stone in the divine stone tank was disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The dozen or so sea monsters that were chasing after saw the spaceship go away, jumped out of the sea and roared again and again. After a few breaths, the spaceship was no longer visible.

After Gu Xiangfei continued to look forward, he nodded to the Qihe God King, turned around and left the deck, and returned to his room. He tried to cultivate to the Great Consummation of the God-shaping Realm before the spaceship arrived at the Xuantian God Realm, and then find a Transcend the tribulation and break through to the realm of cultivating gods.

Seeing that the spaceship was out of danger, the monks on the deck also left the deck one after another. Everyone was very excited about being able to kill and repel the sea monsters this time, and talked about it as they walked.

“I feel that the cultivator of the God-shaping Realm must have concealed his cultivation, and he also knows Lord Qihe God King, maybe he is a Lord of the God-Prestige Realm.”

“That’s right, his spiritual sense can see thousands of miles away. Let’s get ready to kill two level 8 sea monsters in one fell swoop, and seriously injured another level 8 sea monster, so that the spaceship was reduced this time.” loss.”

“Well, I feel the same way. I didn’t see that King Qihe heard what he said, and he didn’t even hesitate at all, so he let us bombard him. Sure enough, he would kill with one blow. I was lucky this time. I met Lord Shenzun on the spaceship. Our safety is also guaranteed.”

Gu Xiangfei didn’t know about these monks’ discussions, and neither did the Divine King Qihe, but the deacons on the spaceship heard it, and they also saw it.

Gu Xiangfei sat cross-legged on the futon again, and the rules of operation were activated. A large amount of spiritual energy contained in the middle-grade sacred stone was melted into rain and mist, absorbed by him and refined into divine essence, and his cultivation was steadily improving.

After the spaceship flew for another year, Gu Xiangfei’s cultivation was upgraded to the Great Perfection of the God-shaping Realm, and it just so happened that the spaceship arrived at the Xuantian God Realm in the Central God Realm in a few days.

He stood up, shot a clean water spell, washed his body once, and changed his clothes. The one million mid-grade divine stones given by the Qihe God King are less than 100,000 left.

Put away these sacred stones, tidy up your rings, take out the Void Essence and put it in a jade box, and prepare to get off the boat and let Xinghe swallow it. No matter whether it can advance now, at least let Xinghe be promoted to the Holy Flame in the future. Lay the groundwork first.

After sorting out these items, Gu Xiangfei looked at the few Dao fruit trees inside the star beads. These Dao fruit trees had obviously grown a lot after absorbing the breath of the gods, but they were still too early to mature. Now the nine supernatural powers, I have collected all of them in my hands, and these supernatural powers are basically just beginners, only the great karma technique has not yet started to practice.

He also wanted to practice the great karma technique, but his previous cultivation base was too low, and the great karma technique was second only to the great destiny technique, so it would not be easy to practice.

The Great Karma Technique ranks second in the Three Thousand Ways, second only to the Great Destiny Technique. If the Great Destiny Technique does not appear, Karma will be king.

Buddhism is the foundation of religion, and the clear and turbid qi are constantly flowing, including many wonderful human figures, mountains, clouds and thunder, dragons and tigers, demon gods, emperors and generals, people who practice truth, countless dense silk threads, using a wonderful power to combine all kinds of things, etc. Connected in series, every movement of each creature will evolve various karma and retribution, which is the origin of the great karma technique.

Recalling the introduction of the Great Karma Technique, Gu Xiangfei immersed himself in the origin of the Dao. “Tao” is an eternal existence beyond time and space, and is the root of everything in the world. Everything in the world is derived from “Tao”.

The Tao cannot be expressed in words, and the Tao that can be expressed in words is not the eternal and ultimate Tao.

Dao refers to the ontology of the universe, the origin of all things in the world, and the fundamental and ultimate avenue that transcends all specific principles and laws.

The spaceship stopped suddenly, interrupting Gu Xiangfei’s thoughts. It turned out that his regular exercises included all Taos, and the universe also has rules. If he assimilated the rules of the universe, it would be his top Tao.

Gu Xiangfei stood up, and now he has realized his way, as long as he works hard to move forward in this direction, he will be the king of the universe in the future. What are the nine supernatural powers? They are just supernatural powers born from the universe. surgery.

Opening the door while thinking, God King Qihe happened to come over, handed him a jade slip and said, “This is the map of the entire Xuantian God Realm, I have already taken a copy, give it to Brother Gu! I hope it can help Some of your favor.”

“Brother Qi is such a timely help! I was just about to ask where I can buy a map, so my brother sent it to meup. ” Gu Xiangfei took the map jade slip without even saying a word of thanks.

What God King Qihe wants is Gu Xiangfei’s attitude. If Gu Xiangfei wants to thank him, he will appear unfamiliar, and the two seem to be taking advantage of each other.

“Okay, I hope brother Gu is going smoothly. I’m going to the alliance to handle the handover. If you have something to do, send me a message and leave.” After finishing speaking, King Qihe hugged each other and saluted and left.

Gu Xiangfei followed a group of monks off the spaceship and came to the site. Everyone separated and merged into the crowd of monks.

This city called Wangtian City is smaller than Taixing City in the Eastern God Realm. There are monks of all races in the city, and there are many monks of the Sea Race. Although they have changed into human shapes on the street, they are all water-like. The breath is unmistakable.

Gu Xiangfei was going to go out of the city to find a place to cross the catastrophe and break through to the God-Cultivating Realm, then return to Wangtian City, take the teleportation array to Chaotian City, the city closest to Xuantian Academy, and wait for Xuantian Academy to recruit disciples.

He has the map jade slip given to him by the God King Qihe, and he has already seen the place to cross the catastrophe. After leaving the city, he sacrificed the top-grade artifact spaceship. In less than half a day, he came to a wilderness plain that is 500,000 miles away from Wangtian City. middle.

He took out the formation flag and set up a defensive formation, then dragged out the mid-grade divine vein given by the Divine King Qihe, sat cross-legged on the divine vein, and operated regular exercises to absorb the breath from the divine vein to cross the catastrophe.

The regular exercises started to work, and the spirit energy of the middle-grade spirit veins instantly turned into rain and mist to envelop him, and then was absorbed by him and refined into spirit essence.

It was only one stick of incense, but the sky was covered with dark clouds and thunder rumbled.

“Boom!” Nine thigh-thick black thunder arcs crashed down. Gu Xiangfei’s regular technique absorbed the breath of the thunder arcs, turned them into his own divine essence, and charged towards the barriers of the acupoints in the cultivation realm.

“Boom!” There was a soft sound in the body, the gap between the acupoints of the God-Cultivating Realm was impacted once, and several gaps appeared. Gu Xiangfei estimated that with two more Thunder Tribulation Arc breaths and divine energy, he would be able to break through the God-Cultivating Realm The acupoints are separated.

Boom! Another nine thigh-thick black thunder arcs fell and hit Gu Xiangfei. He took the opportunity to guide the aura of the thunder arcs, and together with his own divine essence, rushed towards the barrier of the acupoints in the cultivation realm.

There was a click in the body! Click! With the sound, several gaps were opened in the barriers of the acupoints in the Yushen Realm. Gu Xiangfei endured the severe pain of impacting the barriers of the acupoints, and continued to run regular exercises to absorb the spiritual energy and refine it into a divine essence.

The God-Cultivating Realm is five-nine lightning tribulations, that is, one has to go through five waves of thunder-tribulation arcs before one can break through the thunder-tribulations and break through to the God-Cultivating Realm.

Boom! The third wave of nine thigh-thick black thunderstorms fell from the sky again and bombarded Gu Xiangfei.

Click! There was a light sound in his body, and a powerful violent breath came out of his body spontaneously, spreading out to the surroundings, causing waves of space to fluctuate.

Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed when he broke through the realm of cultivating the gods. He rarely took pills during the crossing, mainly because his regular skills could absorb the breath of the thunder arc and turn it into his own divine essence. The regular breath of the thunder arc was better than that of the pill The power of the medicine is too strong, and the pill is also used to assist the divine energy to attack the barriers of the acupuncture points, but it is always not as powerful as the Lei Jie arc.

After the next two waves of thunder tribulation arcs fell, he started to use the thunder tribulation arcs to practice the Qianyuan Body Exercise Jue again. Although he did not break through the fifth layer of the Body Exercise Jue, he improved a lot. It is estimated that he will break through the next time he crosses the tribulation.

A colorful spiritual cloud appeared in the sky and descended, and Gu Xiangfei moaned comfortably, speeding up the absorption and refining of this incomparably pure divine energy, and stabilizing his cultivation in the divine realm.

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