: Transformation Fruit

“Hey! There is a god’s vein here. I got rich, I got rich. I saw that first, so give it back to me.” Gu Xiangfei was a little funny when he heard the monk talking. I was sitting on the god’s vein, and you picked up a Divine pulse, raise your hand and put away the divine pulse.

“Hey! There’s a dog here. It’s rich. It’s rich. What do you want? I picked you up.” Gu Xiangfei imitated the monk’s words, and even took out a rope to tie the monk up.

“Who are you calling a dog? And what are you using the rope for? Binding fairy rope?” The monk looked at the rope in Gu Xiangfei’s hand with some puzzlement.

“Is there anyone else here besides me? Of course my rope is for dogs.” After Gu Xiangfei finished speaking, he shook the rope in his hand, staring at the monk’s neck.

“You say I’m a dog? You want to tie me up?” The cultivator only reacted now, and suddenly raised a long spear, rolled up thousands of gun lights and blasted at Gu Xiangfei, the breath burst out from his body, a powerful field The coercion hit Gu Xiangfei, is this a monk in the realm of the gods?

With a wave of Gu Xiangfei’s hand, he sacrificed a divine long knife. At the same time, the defensive formation was fully activated to block the attack of the cultivator in the realm of the gods.

The defensive formation he arranged blocked the bombardment of the cultivators in the Divine Sovereign Realm. The cultivator in the Divine Sovereign Realm didn’t expect that there was a defensive formation here.

Boom! There was a loud noise, and the clothes of the cultivator in the realm of the gods were cut by the knife wave, and the cultivator in the realm of the gods was furious, “You pay for my clothes.”

Gu Xiangfei took the opportunity to take out the formation flag, and based on the original foundation, he drove into the ground, and after a few breaths, a seven-level defensive formation was completed.

“You…you’re shameless, you’re mad at me.” Seeing that Gu Xiangfei had set up a seven-level defensive formation, the cultivator at the Divine Sovereign Realm pointed at Gu Xiangfei and cursed angrily.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t expect such a monk to exist. It was the first time he had seen such an idiot monk. It seemed that he might not be as good as Mu Fengyang.

“Hurry up and get out, or wait for me to arrangeStrangling formation, you can’t leave even if you want to. “Gu Xiangfei felt that it was boring to scold this kind of fledgling just out of the cage, and it would be a bit troublesome to kill him.

“Ah! You…you still set up a strangling formation? You…you wait, I’ll go first.” The monk in the Divine Sovereign Realm sacrificed the high-grade divine weapon spaceship and disappeared here in an instant.

Gu Xiangfei watched the spaceship go away speechlessly, who is this? There is no such thing as a monk should have a ruthless experience, and he was scared away with a word. No, this guy must have found someone.

Gu Xiangfei immediately sacrificed the top-grade artifact spaceship, raised his hand and waved away the formation flag, changed into another appearance, and drove the spaceship away quickly.

However, within half a stick of incense, the cultivator in the realm of the gods came here with ten monks in the realm of the gods. Seeing that there was no one here, and even the traces were gone, the monk in the realm of the gods scolded angrily, “I’m looking for you!” When people came, you ran away, and you said that you arranged a strangulation formation, so it was to scare me, don’t let me find you, hum!”

Hearing what he said, the other monks in the Divine King Realm looked at him with idiot eyes. One cultivator in the Divine King Realm scared away a monk in the Divine King Realm, and brought ten monks in the Divine King Realm to find a cultivator in the Divine King Realm. Cultivator, it would be embarrassing to hear this out.

Gu Xiangfei returned to Wangtian City. He had to collect two mid-grade divine stones to enter the city, and twenty low-grade divine stones. Gu Xiangfei knew that after entering the Xuantian God Realm, he was counted by the middle-grade divine stones. Get some mid-grade divine stones here.

After scanning the spiritual sense, I came to the area of ​​the casual repair stalls in Wangtian City. I went to the stalls one by one, but I didn’t find what I needed. With a body of water, the Yao clan has a body of monster energy, the Yi clan has a body of flying breath, the Lingzhi race has a body of wood attribute breath, and some other races, although they transform into human forms, they all have their own origins. the breath of the place.

The monks of the human race and those of these races trade here, and they are not treated differently because they are of other races. They bargain like the human race.

Pills are naturally the most precious to monks of other races. They don’t have a king of alchemy, or even a master of alchemy.

The human race is inherently superior to these alien races, and the Pill Array Talisman is the shortcoming of these alien races. No matter in the square market, the commercial building, or the pill pavilion, these alien monks are the largest consumer groups. !

Gu Xiangfei came to the Sanxiu booth management office and handed over five sacred stones, and he can set up a stall in the casual repair area for a day. If he needs to pay 120 sacred stones for a month, and 1,000 sacred stones for a year, he just wants to One day is enough to set up a stall.

He found an open space, spread a piece of animal skin, and took out a few jade bottles. He was going to sell pills below the realm of the gods. These pills were no longer useful to him.

Put a restraint on the booth, and took out some formation disks, some middle-grade artifacts, and sat cross-legged on the futon, waiting for the monks to come to the door.

There are a lot of monks wandering around in the casual repair booth area. Gu Xiangfei’s unremarkable booth is at the back, and it belongs to the worst area of ​​the booth area. Some monks will never visit his area.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t care either, he was dealing with these items, anyway, it was only a day, and he would take the teleportation array to leave the next day.

“What kind of elixir do you have? Is there anything I need?” A cultivator of the Monster Cultivation God Realm came to Gu Xiangfei’s booth with a monster aura, which he could feel from afar.

“There are Panlin Pill, Solid Realm Pill, Chuangjie Pill, and Yushen Pill, which one do you need?” Gu Xiangfei introduced to him.

“Can I take a look?” The monster cultivator’s mouth is not big, but his voice is loud, and half of the corner of his head is exposed. Obviously, he has not completely transformed into a human form. He may have taken the transformation fruit, and there is no transformation pill. , is what it looks like.

Gu Xiangfei picked up the jade bottle and poured out a World Creation Pill, “Special Class World Creation Pill! I want it.” The demon cultivator exclaimed, the sound was too loud, and Gu Xiangfei’s ears were buzzing. When the monks in the distance heard what the demon cultivator said, they all gathered around, vying to see this special world creation pill with a halo.

“Sure enough, it is a super-class creation pill. There is a one-third chance of breaking through to the realm of the gods. I want it, one million god stones.” Some monks saw the super-class creation pill, and did not ask Gu Xiangfei how many god stones he sold. The offer was made, and other monks also bid.

“One million and fifty thousand god stones.”

“One million and one hundred thousand god stones.”

“One hundred and fifteen thousand god stones.”

“One and a half million divine stones.” Suddenly a voice sounded.

1.5 million divine stones, this price is a bit high, and many monks did not bid anymore.

Seeing that no one bid, Gu Xiangfei picked up a jade bottle, filled it with the World Creation Pill, and handed it to the monk who bid 1.5 million divine stones.

The monk took the jade bottle excitedly, and quickly took out 1.5 million divine stones to pay the bill.

“I still have Solid World Pill here, don’t you need it?” Gu Xiangfei asked him again when he saw that the monk was about to leave.

“Do you have the Solid Realm Pill? Come and have a look.” The monk was about to leave, but stopped when he heard his words.

“Ah! Special solid world pill, I want it, 1.5 million sacred stones, no one will grab it from me.” Seeing the special solid world pill, the monk immediately took out another 1.5 million sacred stones and handed them to Gu Xiangfei , Excitedly took the jade bottle containing the special solid boundary and left.

“I still have special Pan Lin Dan here, don’t you need it?” Gu Xiangfei asked him again.

“Ah! Brother! Tell me what kind of pills you have, just tell me once! As long as it is what I need.” The monk was attracted by Gu Xiangfei’s words. The stall owner’s pills are all special, andAll he needs.

Pan Lindan asked for a bottle of 500,000 divine stones, and Qinshendan also wanted a bottle of 1 million divine stones. The monk saw the fifth-level defensive array and ordered two more. He was satisfied after paying for the divine stones. This monk is really rich, he gave Gu Xiangfei six million divine stones by himself.

Other monks also made moves one after another, and the demon cultivator even took out a ring and handed it to Gu Xiangfei and said, “I don’t have so many god stones, I want a world creation pill, a solid world pill, and a bottle of panlin pill , can you see if these things can be replaced?”

Gu Xiangfei took the ring, and after scanning it with his spiritual sense, he was overjoyed. There were two million divine stones, thirteen seventh-level spiritual fruits, and two of them were transformation fruits.

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