Unexpected Harvest

Transformation Fruit can be refined into Transformation Pill, which is a elixir that can only be refined by seventh-level alchemy kings. After taking Transformation Pill, foreign monks will transform into human forms more thoroughly, and no trace of foreign signs will be seen anymore. , the speed of practice will be faster.

“Yes.” Gu Xiangfei took out the jade bottle and traded with this monster monk.

All the items on his booth were exchanged in less than half a day, and the income was 13 million god stones, and there were more than 300 pieces of various seventh- and eighth-level god fruits. Unfortunately, there were no god fruit trees, and there were more than 70 high-grade ores, which was enough for him. Refined the eight-level array plate and array flag.

With a wave of his hand, he put away the animal skin. His elixir and middle-grade artifacts were all exchanged for sale, and the rest were seventh-grade elixir and eighth-grade elixir. These elixir can’t be found at casual repair booths. Yes, and no monk can afford the price.

After leaving the casual repair booth area, Gu Xiangfei felt that a monk was following him, but he didn’t leave a soul mark on him. Maybe he was afraid that he would be alert, so he simply followed him out of the casual repair booth area.

Gu Xiangfei knew that he definitely wanted to rob him, but he definitely didn’t dare to do it in Wangtian City, and he would only do it when he left the city.

Gu Xiangfei went directly to the area of ​​the teleportation array, took out one hundred thousand god stones and bought the jade token for teleportation to Chaotian City, followed by his monks, hesitating for a while, thinking whether it was worth it to continue like this, but thinking about the items on Gu Xiangfei, he felt a little nervous. Yiheng also bought a teleportation jade token.

Gu Xiangfei came to the side of the teleportation formation, and every move of the monks following him was in his illusory eyes.

There are more than 20 teleportation arrays in Wangtian City, which are sent to the major cities in the Xuantian God Realm. Gu Xiangfei deliberately came to another teleportation array to Tongyuan City, waiting for the teleportation, and the monk followed here.

Ten people teleported once, and soon there were enough people. The monk in charge of the teleportation array shouted, “Please enter the teleportation array and start teleporting immediately. Gu Xiangfei was the first to arrive at the teleportation array, and the monks who followed him quickly also came On the teleportation array.

At this time, a few monks had already come outside. Seeing that they were already full, they had to wait for the next teleportation.

Gu Xiangfei suddenly stepped out of the teleportation array and came to another teleportation array. A monk saw that there was one person missing in the teleportation array, and immediately made up for it. The monk who manages the teleportation array, regardless of these things, will activate the teleportation array as long as there are all people. .

The monk who was following Gu Xiangfei saw Gu Xiangfei leaving suddenly, he was stunned for a moment, and just about to follow, the teleportation array had already been activated at this moment, he didn’t dare to go down at this time, once he took a step, he would be easily torn apart by the space of the teleportation array broken.

Now he doesn’t know that he has been discovered. People already knew that he was following him, so he deliberately threw him away before the teleportation array was activated. Seeing Gu Xiangfei staring at him with a mocking face, he cursed angrily and disappeared On the transmission array.

“You want to follow me, but you’re too young.” Seeing the monk being teleported away, Gu Xiangfei cursed with a smile, and then boarded the teleportation array to Chaotian City. A white light flashed and disappeared on the teleportation array.

The distance from Wangtian City to Chaotian City is not far, less than five breaths before stopping on the teleportation array of Chaotian City, Gu Xiang flew down the teleportation array, and walked to the street of Chaotian City, this Chaotian City is much bigger than Wangtian City, much bigger than Wangtian City. Taixing City is one point bigger.

There are still more than four years before Xuantian Academy recruits disciples. Now many monks have come to Chaotian City. There is a registration place for Xuantian Academy to participate in the assessment. Many monks will register in advance at the registration office after they come here.

Gu Xiangfei came to the registration office, and the monk at the registration window asked, “What kind of assessment do you want to participate in?”

“I’m going to participate in the Dao Dao assessment.”

“Oh!” The monk at the window was stunned for a moment. There were not many monks who participated in the Dao Dao assessment. Up to now, there were only a hundred people. Thousands of monks signed up for other pills and tools, and more than 300 monks signed up for Dao Talisman.

Gu Xiangfei registered his name and received a jade card numbered 69. It can be seen that there are not many monks participating in the formation assessment. However, there are still more than four years, and there may be monks who will sign up for the formation assessment. .

There are still more than four years before participating in the assessment. Gu Xiangfei plans to rent a cave to continue his cultivation, and strive to break through to the middle stage of the cultivation of gods before participating in the assessment.

There is an area in Chaotian City that specializes in renting out Dongfu. The price varies according to the level of Dongfu.

After reading the cave rental introduction, Gu Xiangfei came to the cave rental management office, “I rent a first-class cave for four years. How much is the god stone?”

“The first-class cave mansion has 600,000 sacred stones per year, let’s give it 2 million in four years!” The management office of the cave mansion is a monk who looks like a deacon, and he directly lowered 400,000 sacred stones for him.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t hesitate, even if he didn’t lower the price, he would still rent it, not to mention that he doesn’t lack the sacred stones now.

After handing in the divine stone, I received a jade token to open the cave, which unlocked the restriction of the cave. This first-class caveSure enough, there are bedrooms, a training room, an alchemy room, and a pet room. The cave is very rich in spiritual energy, and it is obvious that there are several divine veins buried under it.

With a wave of his hand, he took out a formation flag, arranged several defensive formations, warned the formations, isolated the formations, and then took out the exchanged god fruit to form several furnaces of elixirs, and prepared to refine them into elixirs .

When he was holding the jade bottle, he suddenly found a ring. This ring was obtained by him in the fairy world. When he went to trap and kill the Jiuyuan Dao Palace, he was almost bombed and killed by the Taiyuan Sect Master who came down from the God Realm. Later, he chased after him When he went to the Thunder God Hall, his rule symbol was shattered by the thunder arc, and the rules of heaven and earth were overwhelmed.

Now his formation is far from the formation of the fairyland, and he can’t break the restriction on the ring. Now he lifts his hand to erase the restriction on the ring, and a phantom flies out of the ring in an instant. He wants to escape from this place and is isolated. Blocked by the formation, the phantom turned around and ran towards Gu Xiangfei, obviously wanting to enter his consciousness, Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and sacrificed the galaxy.

The galaxy flashed past, and the phantom howled and turned into nothingness. It turned out to be a sub-soul of the Taiyuan Sect Master. After the primordial spirit was killed, the sub-soul hid. Back to God Realm.

Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed as he scanned the contents of the ring with his spiritual sense. There were 120,000 high-grade divine stones in the ring, and a million medium-grade divine stones. More than a dozen jade boxes were filled with seventh- and eighth-level divine fruits. Several jade slips, a pile of high-grade ore, a top-grade flying artifact, a top-grade artifact spear, a top-grade artifact shield, and a jade tablet with a palace engraved on the front and the word Taiyuan engraved on the back.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t expect that there would be a windfall waiting for him, especially the 120,000 top-grade sacred stones, which are rare to see. Even the King of Qihe didn’t have a high-grade sacred stone, which shows how precious the top-grade sacred stones are.

This Jiuyuan Taoist Palace in the God Realm is very rich! Could it be that this is also one of the top ten sects in the God Realm?

Gu Xiangfei still doesn’t know the ten major sects of the God Realm, mainly because he has never been in contact with the disciples of the ten major sects. As soon as he arrived in the God Realm, he was in the barren land of the Dry God Realm. The River God King didn’t tell him about the sects of the God Realm either.

He doesn’t think about other things now. Since there are so many god fruits, he will first refine the elixir, and by the way, he will also refine the shape-changing elixir. When he trades with other alien races, he may be able to exchange for a ninth-level god. As a result, he can improve his alchemy.

Sacrifice Xinghe, take out the alchemy furnace, and start refining Yiwang Pill, Yueshen Pill, Zunhuang Pill, and Dinghu Pill. First refine these four kinds of pills, and then refine Transformation Pill.

More than 300 divine spirit fruits were refined into pills by him, and he was going to refine the transformation pills with the remaining two furnaces of divine spirit fruits.

Transformation Pills are relatively easier to refine than other pills. He only refined two batches of 18 super Transformation Pills after five days of deduction.

The spirit fruit has been refined into elixir, and he started to refine the formation disks and formation flags again. This time he refined three pieces, nine-level defense formation disks, two eight-level trap formation disks, and dozens of formation flags .

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